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Daily summary of discussions
summary of discussions related to Article 20
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Third session of the Ad Hoc Committee - Daily Summary
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Volume 4, #6
June 1, 2004
Afternoon Session
Commenced: 3:05 PM
Adjourned: 5:57 PM
Ireland suggested shortening this article. The chapeau
should read: “States Parties to this Convention shall take appropriate
measures to promote liberty of movement for PWD.” It proposed shortening
20(a): “facilitating access by PWD to high-quality mobility aids, devices,
assistive technologies”; the rest of 20(a) is now in 15(2). It suggested
deleting 20(b) and 20(c) because these ideas are now in 19(e) (bis).
20(d), (e), (f) and (g) are already addressed in other areas of the
Bahrain proposed adding a new paragraph: “States Parties
shall adopt all possible measures to have technologies exempt from taxes
and to have them a low prices.”
Yemen supports Bahrain’s addition. In 20(c), it proposed
adding at the end of the sentence: “and the participation of PWD in
the search for devices.” In 20(d), it proposed adding “and their families”
at the end of the sentence. It alerted the Secretariat to translation
discrepancies between the Arabic and English draft texts.
Chile alerted the Secretariat to clarifications needed
in the Spanish text in 20(a) and 20(e).
China suggested that the words “liberty of movement”
in the chapeau of Article 20 be changed to “personal mobility” for consistency.
Japan supported the EU proposal because Article 19
and 20 address similar ideas. It proposed changing the order of the
beginning of 20(c): “Promoting and where appropriate, undertaking.”
Morocco proposed adding to the end of 20(c): “and
to encourage the private sector to invest in research in this field.”
In 20(d), it proposed at the end, “and encourage exchange of experience
among States.”
Korea supported the EU proposal with one change in
the chapeau: instead of “promote,” it suggested “ensure.”
Mexico alerted the Secretariat to Spanish translation
discrepancies in 20(a). In 20(e), it proposed the addition: “promote
their purchase at an affordable cost” after choice, deleting “and at
affordable cost.”
Costa Rica proposed replacing “effective” with “appropriate”
in the chapeau to be consistent with other articles. It agreed with
Mexico, but not with the translation discrepancy. In 20(a), the qualifier
“high-quality” should be replaced with “functional” because it is not
up to States to determine quality. It proposed deleting “live assistance
and intermediaries” with “and other forms of support services.” Support
services appears in the U.N. norms and standards. It agreed with Japan
about adding the word “appropriate”. In 20(d) and 20(f), it suggested
adding “and their families” after PWD. Subpara 20(d) deals with staff
that need to be trained, so the reference to “specialists” should be
Jordan proposed adding “in the manner and at the time
of their choice and at affordable cost” after “PWDs” in the chapeau.
It suggested deleting 20(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) which are repeated
in other Articles and to promote a more consolidated text.
Liechtenstein believes Article 19 and 20 should be
nearer to the beginning of the Convention, between Article 7 and 8.
Both Article 19 and 20 are linked to the freedom of movement. It supported
shortening and making Article 20 concise as Jordan and EU stated, possibly
just the chapeau and 20(a).
Kenya proposed adding before “measures,” in the chapeau,
“and progressive.”
Uganda suggested replacing “effective” with “appropriate”
and adding “independent” before “movement” in the chapeau. In 20(a)
it suggested changing “high-quality” to “appropriate”, and in 20(b)
it proposed inserting “appropriate,” between “promoting” and “universal.”
New Zealand’s proposals are similar to Jordan and
the EU. However, it suggested due to redundancy, deleting this Article
entirely. Most of the ideas are already in other articles or can be
included; the WG split this Article out of the Article on Accessibility
and now it is too detailed. It suggested 20(a) move to Article 15. 20(b),
(c), and (d) should be moved to Article 4, General Obligations. It suggested
deleting 20(e) because it creates a greater right in freedom of movement
for PWD than that which generally exists. 20(f) is covered by 15(e);
20(g) is unnecessary.
NHRI proposed a new title, liberty of movement, because
this emphasizes a more rights-based approach rather than the medical
model implied in the existing title. It suggested deleting “with the
greatest possible independence” from the chapeau and deleting 20(b)
and (g), to be placed in General Obligations.
PWD Australia/NACLC/Australian Federation of Disability
called for a more general Article that reflects the effect on all PWD,
all impairment groups, including Blind and intellectually disabilities.
In 20(b), “universal design” only applies to physical environments which
are often highly individualized and cannot be universally designed,
and “encouraging” should be replaced with “ensure.” It is private entities
that build mobility devices and assistive technology, therefore States
must make them comply with this Convention. 20(b) should encourage international
cooperation to create international design standards for mobility aids.
The language in the Bangkok draft is preferable because it is broader
than covering access to buildings. It proposed two new paragraphs: “(a)
Should require States to take effective measures to ensure timely availability
of affordable maintenance and emergency repair services for mobility
devices and appliances and (b) Require States to allow portability of
personal mobility aids and devices purchased or granted through public
subsidy across internal and international borders without cost.”
RI /DPI / European Disability Forum /II /WFD / LSN / WBU /
World Union for Progressive Judaism is concerned with the term
“universal design.” It agrees with NHRI that “liberty of movement” replace
personal mobility because it connotes PWD have power over their own
lives. It supported retaining Article 20. “Appropriate assistive technology”
should replace “aides, devices and assistive technology” because it
is more culturally sensitive and infers that technology will differ
by country and age groups. It supported 20(e), the idea affordable costs
and believes this will take much work to make affordable assistive technology
a reality. “States Parties shall support the emergence and development
of assistive technology production through incentives and other measures
to support innovation and to reduce market barriers between product
design and the placing of products on markets. States parties shall
also take steps to ensure the affordability of such assistive technology
by PWD.”
International Disability Convention Solidarity Korea
stated that general human rights are needed, as well as specific rights
to ensure PWD live independently. If the Convention only includes general
human rights, it will do little for the rights of PWD. The right to
mobility is key.
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