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Daily summary of discussions
summary of discussions related to Article 5
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Third session of the Ad Hoc Committee - Daily Summary
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Volume 4, #2
May 25, 2004
Morning Session
Commenced: 10:20 AM
Adjourned: 12:50 PM
Trinidad and Tobago supported the inclusion of families
in Article 4 and also wanted the committee to consider expanding the
definition to include “caregivers,” particularly for “persons suffering
from severe disabilities.”
Uganda supported the inclusion of this Article because
a negative attitude by society is a major source of discrimination and
marginalization of PWD. It proposed an amendment to 5.1(a), adding “their
needs, potential and contribution to society” after “PWD.” Uganda also
suggested the addition in 5.2(d): “and families” after "representative
organizations. "
Yemen, representing the Arab Group, expressed misgivings
that the committee could leave out some important aspects of the text
of Article 5, and proposed an amendment to 5.1(c), replacing the words
“commit ourselves” with the word “promote,” which the Arab Group considers
to be a stronger word.
Japan accepted the Article as it is in its entirety,
but welcomed positive improvements to the draft.
Kenya expressed concern at the negative attitudes
toward PWD, especially in Africa, and suggested new language for Article
5.1(b): “States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures
to combat practices, whether cultural, religious or other, which discriminate
Ireland/EU proposed that Article 5 be amalgamated
with Article 4. The chapeau of Article 5 would not be needed, as it
would be covered in the previous chapeau in the combined Article. It
proposed appending to 5.1(a), “and foster respect for the rights of
PWD,” as it believes that it is important that raising awareness be
done from the positive perspective. The EU also proposed moving 5.2(c),
without changes, up under this heading because 2(a) and 2(b) already
are covered by 1(a) and 1(b) if the EU proposal is accepted. The EU
suggested that 2(d) is already covered by the current Paragraph 2 which
deals with the participation and involvement of PWD in implementation,
and to streamline the Convention 2(d) could be deleted. The EU also
sought clarification from the Chair on the methodology of the compilation
of the proposals that have been made in this first reading of the Articles.
Jordan emphasized the importance of the paragraph
on attitudes, as attitudes influence behaviors. Jordan suggested reordering
subparagraphs in the interest of logical progression of behaviors, listing
knowledge first in 5.1(a) because proper knowledge is a building block
for proper attitudes. Next should come raising awareness, and then combating
stereotypes. 5.1(b) should be 5.1(c), and so on.
Canada supported Article 5 and offered changes of
an editorial nature. In the title, Canada suggested changing the word
“to” to “towards” and in 5.1(b) agreed with the EU on the additional
text. In 5.1(c) Canada would delete the words “promote an image of”
and substitute “portray.” In 5.2(a), “initiating and maintaining” should
be replaced with “promoting," and the words “awareness” and "receptiveness"
should be removed. After the word “nurture,” the words “awareness of
and respect for” should be added. Finally, in 5.2(c) Canada recommended
replacing “project an image of” with “portray,” adding “in a manner”
after “disability,” and removing “with the purpose.”
Argentina affirmed that it was important to foster
positive attitudes and that the scope and visibility of the text should
be appropriate for this. Starting with the chapeau, Argentina expressed
concern that “immediate measures” might imply that some measures are
more important than others, so it suggested that “immediate” be included
in brackets.
Australia suggested that “immediate and effective”
is too detailed and would be difficult to evaluate without significant
benchmarking, and suggested adding “by appropriate and active means.”
Philippines suggested appending to 5.1(a) “foster
respect for the rights and dignity for PWD,” and adding to 5.1(c) “rights,
freedoms, and responsibilities.” Philippines also suggested substituting
“receptiveness” with “respect and protection.”
South Africa expressed concern that the title of Article
5 does not allow for promotion of rights which is the cornerstone of
Convention, and proposed adding “creating and raising awareness” to
the provisions. SA also proposed that 5.2(b) be moved to the section
on education. SA suggested a minor amendment to 5.1(a), to insert after
“disability” the words “raise awareness throughout society regarding
disability as part of humanity as a human rights issue.” SA also suggested
that in 5.1(c) the word ”image” is a labeling one and suggested instead
to use language that talks about the promotion and understanding of
PWD as people first and as contributing members of society. SA further
suggested that in 5.2(a) “nurture receptiveness” should be replaced
with “promote the rights of PWD,” as it would be more useful to have
positive language in this provision. It also suggested rephrasing 5.2(b)
to read, “develop and maintain programs on awareness” that would allow
a focus on children who can be very cruel, especially in interactions
with children with disabilities.
Costa Rica stated the importance of making society
aware of the human rights of the disabled and suggested adding “and
the human rights" to 5.1(a). They also suggested adding “policies
designed to nurture” to 5.2(a) and suggested adding “in the population”
after “promoting awareness” in 5.2(b).
Mexico stressed the importance of this Article, and
stated that it should be separate from other articles. Mexico supported
the title amendment by South Africa, as it would contribute to a culture
of respect and inclusion. It also agreed with the EU proposal, but would
like to add to the EU amendment for 5.1(a) “foster a culture of respect”
to align it with the title and essence. Mexico advocated keeping the
chapeau, which follows the example of other human rights instruments.
Trinidad and Tobago supported Kenya’s amendment to
include a new subparagraph on different kinds of cultural practices.
An alternative amendment to 5.1(b) could read, “combat negative stereotypes,
negative cultural practices, and prejudices about PWD.” Some families
hide their children with disabilities out of shame. In discussing 5.2(c),
Trinidad and Tobago suggested an amendment that would encourage the
mass media to use proper terminology when describing PWD, so that they
would no longer refer to PWD as being “crippled,” “deaf and dumb,” or
“blind.” It suggested appending to 5.2(c), “through, inter alia, the
use of proper terminology.”
Swaziland supported Costa Rica’s proposals, but suggested
deleting “disability” in 5.1(a) as it is repetitive.
New Zealand agreed with Canada that in 5.1(c) and
5.2(c) “image” should be replaced with “portray.” Also, 5.2(d) should
be moved to Article 4.
Norway voiced support for the EU's proposed amendment
to 5.1(a), and supported the deletion of 5.2(d) since it is covered
Morocco defended the language in 5.1(a), “disability
and PWD,” and asserted that this was not redundant and suggested maintaining
it in the text.
At this time the Chair gave the floor to NGOs
Save the Children Alliance supported the adjustments
by Canada, South Africa, and Uganda and stressed the importance of this
Article for children and young people. They emphasized the intrinsic
value and contribution of all children and adults with disabilities,
irrespective of their ability to socialize and their level of self-reliance.
They stressed the importance of ensuring the inclusion of severe and
multiply disabled persons. They proposed changes to 5.1(c), substituting
“children and adults” for “persons,” and “valuable” for “capable,” and
“in their own respect” inserted after “society.” They also suggested
a new subparagraph, 5.1(d), “combat patronizing, bullying and neglect
on the basis of perceived incapacity of disabled children and adults
in public services and society overall." Save the Children wished
to ensure that governments work with children with disabilities, as
well as adults, and suggested adding “including children” to the text
of 5.2(d), to be inserted after “PWD.”
European Disability Forum suggested that the title
of Article 5 be changed to make reference to “awareness raising.” It
also proposed a paragraph on families, while recognizing that families
can play both positive and negative roles in the lives of PWD.
World Blind Union suggested that below 5.1(b) there
should be an additional paragraph concerning cultural diversity within
the disabled community, using language such as “promote cultural diversity
of PWD.”
Thailand stated that it would have liked to bring
attention in this instrument to people with “severe and multiple disabilities,”
but having heard from colleagues that specific disabilities should not
be singled out, Thailand now supports the inclusion of the phrase “irrespective
of types, severities, and complexities of disabilities” in 5.1(c).
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