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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

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Contributions submitted by Governments
in electronic format at the Fourth Session

Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 1



This article should state the two structural aims of the Convention, namely to promote and protect rights and to combat discrimination. We therefore propose the following language, using simple terms and avoiding any elements which will be stated in the rest of the text:

“The purpose of the present Convention shall be to promote and protect the full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to prevent any form of discrimination”.

European Union

Draft Article 1

The purpose of this Convention shall be to ensure the full, effective and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities.

EU proposal: “The purpose of the Convention shall be to ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities.”


Article 1: Purpose

The purpose of the present convention is to promote the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and the dignity of persons with disabilities.

The Facilitator

Article 1: Purpose

The purpose of this convention shall be to promote, protect and ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities, their dignity and participation as equal members of society.


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