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Proposals to the draft text - Republic of Korea
- While in agreement with the EU’s position, can support “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” should consensus emerge.
- Para (d): supports deletion of reference to “the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families”
- Para (l): proposes the addition at the end of para: “and the views and concerns of families and care-givers of persons with disabilities should be duly considered in such decision-making process.”
Article 2: General Principles:
- Supports the inclusion of “equality between men and women” as a separate para
- Proposes a new para on “self-representation of persons with disabilities”
Article 4: General Obligations
- Para 1(e): supports deletion of “private” in second line
Article 12: Freedom from violence and abuse
- Para 3: proposes to add at the end of the para: “education for persons with disabilities and support to their representative organizations”
- Proposes the addition of “abandonment” in front of “violence, injury or abuse, neglect…..” in paras 3, 4, 5 & 6
Article 13: Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information
- Proposes inclusion of a new para before para (a): “providing equal access to information regarding electoral processes so as to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise their political rights on an equal basis with others”
- Para (b): proposes replacement of “Accepting” with “Recognizing”
- Para (d): proposes addition at the end of para: “in consultation with and with the active involvement of persons with disabilities”