Back to:Modifications by Governments Proposals to the draft text - MexicoMexican Proposal - Preamble (e) Recognizing the importance of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons adopted by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 52/82 and of the principles and policy guidelines contained in the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, in influencing the promotion, formulation and evaluation of the policies, plans, programmes and actions at the national, regional and international levels to further equalize opportunities for persons with disabilities, (e) bis Recalling the International Labour Organization Convention No. 159 concerning Vocational Rehabilitation of Employment of Disabled Persons, (e) ter Bearing in mind the recommendation made to the General Assembly by the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, to consider the elaboration of a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, including special measures to combat discriminatory practices affecting them,
(o) Mindful of the need to alleviate (s) Recognizing that disabled children should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self reliance and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community, (amendment to the EU proposal) MECANISMO DE EVALUACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO Resúmen Ejecutivo México apoya que la Convención incluya artículos específicos para establecer un mecanismo de evaluación y seguimiento con amplias facultades tanto a nivel internacional como nacional. Para la elaboración de esta propuesta se han tomado en cuenta los mecanismos ya establecidos en las Convenciones básicas de Derechos Humanos. Se deberá establecer un Comité cuya función principal sea la de considerar los informes nacionales presentados por los Estados Parte. Asimismo, podrá analizar la información presentada por otros actores relevantes de la sociedad civil, personas con discapacidad y sus organizaciones, a quienes se sugieran sean invitados a participar en sus deliberaciones. En este contexto, también se debe considerar la posibilidad de reconocer al Comité la competencia para recibir comunicaciones individuales de personas con discapacidad o sus representantes que aleguen ser victimas de violaciones. El Comité estará compuesto por expertos independientes con reconocida experiencia en materia de discapacidad y una alta autoridad moral. En su composición, se debe considerar una distribución geográfica equitativa, los diferentes sistemas legales y conocimientos sobre los diferentes tipos de discapacidades. Como elemento novedoso en el ámbito de los derechos humanos y con base en otras convenciones internacionales y/o regionales, se sugiere que se considere la celebración de Conferencias de Estados Parte para promover la cooperación, el dialogo, el intercambio de mejores practicas y el examen de temas específicos relacionados con la convención, entre otros. La interacción entre el Comité de Expertos y la Conferencia de las Partes debe traducirse en un sistema que permita vigilar el grado de cumplimiento de la Convención, al tiempo que asegure su constante perfeccionamiento. Propuesta concreta: Artículo xx. Establecimiento o fortalecimiento de instituciones nacionales Los Estados Parte promoverán el establecimiento o el fortalecimiento de instituciones nacionales, de conformidad con su sistema jurídico y administrativo, encargado de promover y proteger los derechos humanos y la dignidad de las personas con discapacidad. Artículo xx. Comité de Expertos 1. Con la finalidad de examinar los progresos realizados en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas por los Estados Parte en la presente Convención, se establecerá un Comité de las Personas con Discapacidad que desempeñará las funciones que a continuación se estipulan. 2. El Comité estará integrado por doce expertos de gran integridad moral y reconocida competencia en las esferas reguladas por la presente Convención. Los miembros del Comité serán elegidos por los Estados Parte entre sus nacionales y ejercerán sus funciones a título personal, teniéndose debidamente en cuenta la distribución geográfica, así como los principales sistemas jurídicos y los diferentes tipos de discapacidades. 3. Los miembros del Comité serán elegidos, en votación secreta, de una lista de personas designadas por los Estados Parte. Cada Estado Parte podrá designar a una persona escogida entre sus propios nacionales. 4. Las elecciones se celebrarán en una Conferencia de los Estados Parte convocada por el Secretario General, cada dos años, en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas. En esa Conferencia, en la que la presencia de dos tercios de los Estados Parte constituirá quórum, las personas seleccionadas para formar parte del Comité serán aquellos candidatos que obtengan el mayor número de votos y una mayoría absoluta de los votos de los representantes de los Estados Parte presentes y votantes. 5. La elección inicial se celebrará a más tardar seis meses después de la entrada en vigor de la presente Convención y ulteriormente cada dos años. Con cuatro meses, como mínimo, de antelación respecto de la fecha de cada elección, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas dirigirá una carta a los Estados Parte invitándolos a que presenten sus candidaturas en un plazo de dos meses. El Secretario General preparará después una lista en la que figurarán por orden alfabético todos los candidatos propuestos, con indicación de los Estados Parte que los hayan designado, y la comunicará a los Estados Parte en la presente Convención. 6. Los miembros del Comité serán elegidos por un período de cuatro años. Podrán ser reelegidos si se presenta de nuevo su candidatura. El mandato de seis de los miembros elegidos en la primera elección expirará al cabo de dos años; inmediatamente después de efectuada la primera elección, el presidente de la reunión en que ésta se celebre elegirá por sorteo los nombres de esos seis miembros. 7. Si un miembro del Comité fallece o dimite o declara que por cualquier otra causa no puede seguir desempeñando sus funciones en el Comité, el Estado Parte que propuso a ese miembro designará entre sus propios nacionales a otro experto para ejercer el mandato hasta su término, a reserva de la aprobación del Comité. 8. El Comité adoptará su propio reglamento. 9. El Comité elegirá su Mesa por un período de dos años. 10. Las reuniones del Comité se celebrarán normalmente en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas o en cualquier otro lugar conveniente que determine el Comité. El Comité se reunirá normalmente todos los años. La duración de las reuniones del Comité será determinada y revisada, si procediera, por una Conferencia de los Estados Parte en la presente Convención, a reserva de la aprobación de la Asamblea General. 11. El Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas proporcionará el personal y los servicios necesarios para el desempeño eficaz de las funciones del Comité establecido en virtud de la presente Convención. 12. Previa aprobación de la Asamblea General, los miembros del Comité establecido en virtud de la presente Convención recibirán emolumentos con cargo a los fondos de las Naciones Unidas, según las condiciones que la Asamblea pueda establecer. Artículo xx. Funciones del Comité 1. Los Estados Partes se comprometen a presentar al Comité, por conducto del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, un informe sobre las medidas legislativas, judiciales, administrativas o de cualquier otra índole que éstos hayan adoptado para hacer efectivas las disposiciones de esta Convención: a) En el plazo de dos años a partir de la fecha en la que para cada Estado Parte haya entrado en vigor la presente Convención; b) En lo sucesivo, cada cinco años. 2. Los informes preparados en virtud del presente artículo deberán indicar las circunstancias y dificultades, si las hubiere, que afecten al grado de cumplimiento de las obligaciones derivadas de la presente Convención. Deberán asimismo, contener información suficiente para que el Comité tenga cabal comprensión de la aplicación de la Convención en el país de que se trate. 3. Los Estados Partes que hayan presentado un informe inicial completo al Comité no necesitan repetir, en sucesivos informes presentados de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el inciso b) del párrafo 1 del presente artículo, la información básica presentada anteriormente. 4. El Comité podrá pedir a los Estados Partes más información relativa a la aplicación de la Convención. 5. Los Estados Partes darán a sus informes una amplia difusión entre el público de sus países respectivos. 6. El Comité podrá hacer recomendaciones de carácter general a los Estados Parte para mejorar el avance en la aplicación de esta Convención. 7. El Comité podrá invitar a los organismos especializados y demás órganos de las Naciones Unidas a estar representados en el examen de la aplicación de aquellas disposiciones de la presente Convención comprendidas en el ámbito de su mandato. El Comité podrá invitar a los organismos especializados, al Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia y a otros órganos competentes que considere apropiados a que proporcionen asesoramiento especializado sobre la aplicación de la Convención en los sectores que son de incumbencia de sus respectivos mandatos. 8. El Comité podrá recomendar a los Estados Parte que soliciten asistencia técnica a los organismos especializados y otros órganos competentes para la aplicación de sus recomendaciones finales. El Comité transmitirá, según estime conveniente, a los organismos especializados y a otros órganos competentes, los informes de los Estados Partes que contengan una solicitud de asesoramiento o de asistencia técnica, o en los que se indique esa necesidad, junto con las observaciones y sugerencias del Comité, si las hubiere, acerca de esas solicitudes o indicaciones. Con tal fin, el Comité deberá enviar sus recomendaciones a la Conferencia de Estados Parte. 9. El Comité podrá recomendar a la Asamblea General que pida al Secretario General que efectúe, en su nombre, estudios sobre cuestiones concretas relativas a al ejercicio y goce pleno de los derechos humanos de las personas con discapacidad. 10. El Comité deberá presentar un informe anual a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas sobre sus actividades en virtud de la presente Convención y hacer sugerencias y recomendaciones basadas en el examen de los informes y de los datos transmitidos por los Estados Parte. Artículo xx. Reconocimiento de la competencia del Comité para recibir comunicaciones Todo Estado Parte en la presente Convención podrá declarar en cualquier momento, con arreglo al presente artículo, que reconoce la competencia del Comité para recibir y examinar las comunicaciones enviadas por personas sometidas a su jurisdicción, o en su nombre, que aleguen que ese Estado Parte ha violado los derechos individuales que les reconoce la presente Convención. El Comité no admitirá comunicación alguna relativa a un Estado Parte que no haya hecho esa declaración. Artículo xx. Conferencia de las Partes 1. La finalidad de la Conferencia de Estados Parte (denominada en lo que sigue la Conferencia) será: a) Evaluar el funcionamiento y el estado que guarda la presente Convención; b) Promover la cooperación y la asistencia técnica internacionales; c) Considerar las recomendaciones y las sugerencias presentadas por el Comité; d) Elaborar un informe sobre los acuerdos alcanzados en la Conferencia y presentarlo a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y a través del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas. 2. La primera Conferencia será convocada por el Secretario General en un plazo no mayor de seis meses a partir de la entrada en vigor de esta Convención. Las reuniones subsecuentes serán convocadas cada dos años por el Secretario General o cuando lo considere necesario y se llevarán a cabo en la sede de las Naciones Unidas. 3. La Conferencia establecerá su propio reglamento, en el cual se dispondrá, entre otras cosas, que: a) Dos terceras partes de los Estados Parte constituirán quórum; b) Las decisiones de la Conferencia se tomarán por mayoría de votos de los miembros presentes. 4. Los Estados no Parte en esta Convención, los organismos especializados y órganos competentes del sistema de las Naciones Unidas, organizaciones regionales y organizaciones no gubernamentales, pueden ser invitados a asistir, en calidad de observadores, a estas reuniones de acuerdo con las reglas de procedimiento acordadas. 5. El Secretario General proporcionará los recursos, el personal y los servicios para la celebración de las Conferencias de Estados Parte. Artículo xx. Enmiendas 1. Todo Estado Parte en la presente Convención podrá proponer una enmienda y depositarla en poder del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas. Para ello: a) El Secretario General comunicará la enmienda propuesta a los Estados Parte, pidiéndoles que le notifiquen si desean que se convoque a una Conferencia de Estados Parte con el fin de examinar la propuesta y someterla a votación. b) Si dentro de los cuatro meses siguientes a la fecha de esa notificación un tercio al menos de los Estados Parte se declara en favor de tal convocatoria, el Secretario General convocará a una reunión de la Conferencia de Estados Parte para examinar la enmienda bajo los auspicios de las Naciones Unidas. c) Toda enmienda adoptada por la mayoría de Estados Parte presentes y votantes en la Conferencia será sometida por el Secretario General a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas para su aprobación. d) Toda enmienda adoptada de conformidad con el párrafo 1 del presente artículo entrará en vigor cuando haya sido aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y aceptada por una mayoría de dos tercios de los Estados Parte. e) Cuando las enmiendas entren en vigor serán obligatorias para los Estados Parte que las hayan aceptado, en tanto que los demás Estados Parte seguirán obligados por las disposiciones de la presente Convención. MECHANISM FOR MONITORING AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE CONVENTION Executive Summary Mexico supports the inclusion of specific articles in the Convention to deal with the establishment of a mechanism for monitoring and follow-up of the convention at the international and national levels. This proposal takes into account existing approaches and mechanisms in the basic human rights conventions. A Committee should be established. Its principal function should be to consider the national reports presented by State Parties. Thus, it will be able to analyze the information presented by other relevant actors in civil society, persons with disabilities and their organizations, who, it is suggested, should be invited to participate in its deliberations. In this context, the recognition of the competence of the Committee to receive individual communications from persons with disabilities or their representatives, which allege to be victims of violations, should be considered. The Committee shall consist of independent experts with recognized expertise in the issue of disability and a high moral standing. The composition of the Committee should allow it to respond efficiently to its given mandate, be based on an equitable geographical distribution and knowledge regarding the different types of disabilities. As an innovative element in the field of human rights and based on other international or regional conventions, it is suggested that meetings of a Conference of State Parties should be convened for the exam of proposed amendments to the Convention and for promoting cooperation, dialogue, exchange of best practices and the review of specific themes related to the Convention, among others. The interaction among the Committee of Experts and the Conference of State Parties should translate into a system that allows monitoring the degree of compliance with the Convention and, at the same time, its permanent improvement. Concrete proposals Article xx. Establishment or strengthening of national institutions State Parties shall promote, in accordance with their legal and administrative systems, the establishment or strengthening the existing national institutions responsible for promoting and protecting the human rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Article xx. Committee of Experts 1. For the purpose of reviewing the application of the present Convention, there shall be established a Committee for the Persons with Disabilities, which shall carry the functions hereinafter provided. 2. The Committee shall consist of 12 experts (men and women) of high moral standing and recognized competence in the field covered by this Convention. The members of the Committee shall be elected by State Parties from among their nationals and shall served in their personal capacity, consideration being given to equitable geographical distribution, as well as to the principal legal systems and the different types of disabilities. 3. The members of the Committee shall be elected by secret ballot from a list of persons nominated by State Parties. Each State Party may nominate one person from among its own nationals. 4. The elections shall be held at the Conference of the State Parties convened by the Secretary–General of the United Nations and held biennially at the United Nations headquarters. At those Conferences, for which two thirds of the State Parties shall constitute a quorum, the persons elected to the Committee shall be those who obtain the highest number of votes and an absolute majority of the votes of the representatives of the State Parties present and voting. 5. The initial election shall be held no later than six months after the date of the entry into force and, thereafter, every second year. At least four months before the date of each election, the Secretary–General of the United Nations shall address a letter to State Parties inviting them to submit their nominations within two months. The Secretary–General shall subsequently prepare a list, in alphabetical order, of those persons thus nominated, indicating State Parties which have nominated them and shall submit it to the State Parties to the present Convention. 6. The members Committee shall be elected for a term of four years. They shall be eligible for reelection if renominated. The term of six of the members elected at the first election shall expire at the end of two years; immediately after the first election, the names of these six members shall chosen by lot by the Chairman of the Committee. 7. If a member of the Committee dies or resigns or declares that for any other cause he or she can no longer perform the duties of the Committee, the State Party which nominated the member shall appoint another expert from among its nationals to serve for the remainder of the term, subject to the approval of the Committee. 8. The Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure. 9. The Committee shall elect its officers for a period of two years. 10. The meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at United Nations Headquarters or at any other convenient place as determined by the Committee. The Committee shall normally meet annually. The duration of the meetings of the Committee shall be determined, and reviewed, if necessary, by a Conference of States Parties to the present Convention, subject to the approval of the General Assembly. 11. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the necessary staff and facilities for the effective performance of the functions of the Committee under the present Convention. 12. With the approval of the General Assembly, the members of the Committee established under the present Convention shall receive emoluments from United Nations resources on such terms and conditions as the Assembly may decide. Article xx. Functions of the Committee 1. States Parties undertake to submit to the Committee, through the Secretary–General of the United Nations, reports a report on the legislative, judicial, administrative, or any other measures they have adopted to give effect to the provisions of this Convention: (a) Within two years of the entry into force of the Convention for the State Party concerned; (b) Thereafter every five years. 2. Reports made under the present article shall indicate factors and difficulties, if any, affecting the degree of fulfillment of the obligations under the present Convention. Reports shall also contain sufficient information to provide the Committee with a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of the Convention in the country concerned. 3. A State Party which has submitted a comprehensive initial report to the Committee need not, in its subsequent reports submitted in accordance with paragraph 1 (b) of the present article, repeat basic information previously provided. 4. The Committee may request from States Parties further information relevant to the implementation of the Convention. 5. States Parties shall make their reports widely available to the public in their own countries. 6. The Committee shall make recommendations of a general nature to State Parties to further advance the implementation of this Convention. 7. The Committee shall invite specialized agencies and other United Nations organs to be represented at the consideration of the implementation of such provisions of the present Convention as fall within the scope of their mandate. The Committee may invite the specialized agencies and other competent bodies, as it may consider appropriate, to provide expert advice on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their respective mandates. 8. The Committee may recommend State Parties to request technical assistance from United Nations agencies for the implementation of its final recommendations. The Committee shall transmit, as it may consider appropriate, to the specialized agencies and other competent bodies, any reports from States Parties that contain a request, or indicate a need, for technical advice or assistance, along with the Committee's observations and suggestions, if any, on these requests or indications. To this end, the Committee shall submit its recommendations to the Conference of States Parties. 9. The Committee may recommend to the General Assembly to request the Secretary-General to undertake on its behalf studies on specific issues relating to the rights of persons with disabilities; 10. The Committee shall submit an annual report to the United Nations General Assembly on its activities pursuant to this Convention and make suggestions and recommendations based on the study of the reports and data provided by State Parties. Article xx. Recognition of the competence of the Committee to receive individual communications A State Party to the present Convention may at any time declare under the present article that it recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction who claim that their individual rights as established by the present Convention have been violated by that State Party. No communication shall be received by the Committee if it concerns a State Party that has not made such a declaration. Article xx. Conference of State Parties 1. The object of the Conference of State Parties (hereinafter, "the Conference") shall be to: a) Evaluate the functioning and status of the present Convention. b) Promote international cooperation and assistance. c) Consider the recommendations and suggestions put forward by the Committee. d) Elaborate a report of the agreements reached at the Conference and present it to the General Assembly of the United Nations, through the Secretary–General of the United Nations. 2. The first Conference shall be convened by the Secretary–General within a period of six months following the entry into force of this Convention. Subsequent meetings shall be convened by the Secretary General every two years, or whenever he deems necessary, and shall be held at the headquarters of the United Nations. 3. The Conference shall establish its own rules of procedure which, among other, shall stipulate that: a) Two thirds of the State Parties shall constitute quorum; b) Conference decisions shall be adopted by a majority of votes from the members present and voting. 4. States not Party to this Convention, specialized bodies and competent agencies of the United Nations system, and regional and non-governmental organizations may be invited to attend these meetings as observers, in accordance with the agreed rules of procedure. 5. The Secretary General shall provide the resources, personnel, and services required to hold the Conferences of State Parties. Article xx. Amendments 1. All State Parties to this Convention may propose an amendment and deposit it with the Secretary General of the United Nations. In such case: a) The Secretary General shall inform State Parties regarding the proposed amendment, asking them to notify him should they wish to convene a Conference of State Parties to examine the proposal and put it to a vote. b) If within the four months following receipt of this notification at least one third of the State Parties come out in favor of convening, then the Secretary General shall convene a meeting of the Conference of State Parties to consider the amendment, under the auspices of the United Nations. c) Any amendment adopted by a majority of the State Parties present and voting at the conference shall be submitted by the Secretary General to the United Nations General Assembly for its approval. d) Any amendment adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall come into force once it has been approved by the United Nations General Assembly and accepted by a two-thirds majority of the State Parties. e) When amendments come into force, they shall be obligatory for the State Parties that have accepted them, in as much as the other State Parties shall be bound by the dispositions of this Convention. To be included in the final clauses of the convention: Nothing in the present Convention shall affect any provisions that are more conducive to the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and the dignity of persons with disabilities which may be contained in: (a) the law or practice of a State Party; or Mexican Proposal - Draft Article 1: Purpose The purpose of the present convention is to promote the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and the dignity of persons with disabilities. Mexican Proposal - Draft Article 2: General Principles The fundamental principles of this Convention shall be: (a) Universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for persons with disabilities; (b) Individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and an independent living for persons with disabilities; (c) Non-discrimination and equal protection of the law; (d) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society on an equal basis for persons with disabilities at all stages of life; (e) Respect of difference and acceptance of disability as part of human diversity and of the inherent dignity of all human beings; (f) Equality of opportunities through the widest range of positive and affirmative measures; (g) The creation of a barrier-free environment; (h) Gender perspective; and (i) International cooperation Mexican Proposal - Draft Article 3 DEFINITION Person with disability A person that presents a physical, mental, intellectual or sensorial impairment; whether congenital or acquired, temporary or permanent that limits his/her capacity to perform some essential activities of daily life and that requires specific support to achieve his/her full development, integration and inclusion in the social, cultural, political and economic fields. Article 4: General Obligations (Chapeau) In order to achieve the purpose of the present Convention, States Parties undertake: ARTÍCULO 6 RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS Y USO DE LA INFORMACIÓN ó RECOLECCIÓN Y USO DE INFORMACIÓN 1. Con el propósito de formular, instrumentar y evaluar políticas orientadas a la protección y promoción de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, los Estados Parte deben impulsar acciones y programas orientados a recolectar, analizar y difundir información sobre la población con discapacidad, así como de su entorno en el marco de esta Convención. El proceso para recolectar y poner a la disposición de los usuarios esta información deberá:
2. Los Estados Partes generarán información apropiada que les permita diagnosticar, formular, evaluar e implementar políticas y acciones que den respuesta a esta Convención. Para ello deberán:
Article 6: Statistics and data collection In order to formulate and implement appropriate regulations and policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities, States Parties should encourage actions for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of statistics on persons with disabilities and their surroundings, and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities. The process of collecting and disseminating this information should: e) promover que la información sobre la población con discapacidad, forme parte de los indicadores utilizados para evaluar el desarrollo de los Estados Parte en temas como derechos humanos, pobreza, equidad, salud, educación, trabajo y otros considerados como relevantes; a) promote that the information on persons with disabilities be included as part of the indicators used to evaluate the development of the State Parties on such issues as human rights, poverty, equity, health, education, labor and a) Respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore, the collection of disability statistics should be done with the consent of persons with disabilities; b) Adhere to ethic regulations and principles regarding respect of anonymity and confidentiality, as well as the use of the disability statistics for social awareness; c) Ensure that the design and implementation of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and other interested stakeholders; d) Disaggregate the data according to the purpose of the collection of statistics, which should include at least, information about age, sex and type of disability, and to the extent of their possibilities States Parties shall disaggregate the information in the various geographical levels agreed internationally; e) Include detailed information on their access to public services, rehabilitation programmes, education, housing and employment, as well as the barriers faced by persons with disabilities to exercise their rights; f) Establish regulations and mechanisms to safeguard disability statistics and ensure their adequate use; g) State Parties shall assume the responsibility for the dissemination of disability statistics and ensure its accessibility to all interested stakeholders. Para 2 is reformulated entirely, taking into account proposals made by different delegations: 2. States Parties shall collect appropriate information to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. To that effect they shall: a) promote that information on persons with disabilities be included among the indicators to asses the development of a country on areas such as human rights, poverty, equity, health, education, employment and other relevant areas; b) ensure the homogeneity among State Parties, for calculating measures and indicators, to be able to make international comparisons; c) review periodically the new necessities of information required for strengthening policies in favor of the rights of persons with disabilities; f) Promote among non governmental organizations, the private and academic sector and governmental organizations the development of research and studies that allows the identification of areas of interest to persons with disabilities that contributes to enhance their situation; Proposed during Discussions on ARTICLE 6, 1 September, 2004 DRAFT ARTICLE 24 bis - STATISTICS AND DATA COLLECTION 1. States Parties undertake to collect, process, store and present sufficient and reliable information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. 2. States Parties shall ensure that: (a) the methods and the procedures for the collection, processing, storage and presentation of information in accordance with this Article comply with internationally accepted human rights norms and standards and ethical principles of statistics, including the avoidance of undue intrusion, informed consent, maintaining confidentiality of records and prohibiting the disclosure of identities; (b) the information collected in accordance with this Article be disaggregated to enable identification of discrimination or disparities in the realization of rights under this Convention; (c) the information collected in accordance with this Article shall be included as part of the indicators used to evaluate the development of the State Parties on such issues as human rights, equality, poverty, education, health employment and other relevant areas, and shall also be used, to identify the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights; (d) that information be collected in collaboration and following consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities and other interested stakeholders and be made available to them and to the public in general, in accessible formats. 3. States Parties shall promote the conduct of national and international research which will serve as a basis for the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities, such research being conducted by non governmental and governmental organizations, as well as the private and academic sectors. Article 7 Suggestions for the content for a new article on Equality of opportunities. The States Parties shall take the necessary measures to establish positive and compensatory measures towards gaining equal access to opportunities for persons with disabilities, such as the following: • To promote accessible environments to facilitate access, participation
and freedom of movement; Article 11 (paragraph 3) English: 3. In order to monitor the living conditions and the facilities of places where persons with disabilities are placed, visits should be undertaken by representatives of national bodies or, as appropriate, by representatives of international bodies, in conformity with pertinent international instruments. Spanish: 3. A efectos de supervisar las condiciones de vida y las instituciones en donde se mantienen las personas con discapacidad, se realizarán visitas por parte de representantes de organismos nacionales o, de ser el caso, por representantes de organismos internacionales, de conformidad con los instrumentos internacionales pertinentes. Artículo 13 Los Estados Parte asegurarán el disfrute del derecho a la información, expresión y opinión, así como a la comunicación de las personas con discapacidad, mediante modos de comunicación de su elección, incluidos, cuando proceda, el sistema Braille y el lenguaje de señas, para que las personas con discapacidad puedan pedir, recibir y dar información en condiciones de igualdad. Para la cual: (c) Ofrecer formación y enseñanza a las personas que no sufran discapacidad alguna y deseen comunicarse con las personas con discapacidad, a sus familias y al público en general, para utilizar medios de comunicación alternativos. Article 13 State Parties undertake to ensure the enjoyment of the right to information, of expression and opinion, as well as of communication of persons with disabilities, through modes of communication of their choice, including Braille and sign language, to allow persons with disabilities to seek, receive and impart information on conditions of equality, including by: (c) Providing education and training to non disable persons wishing to communicate with persons with disabilities, their families and the general public, to use alternative communication modes. |