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Daily summary of discussions related to Article
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Fourth session of the Ad Hoc Committee - Daily Summary
A service made possible by Landmine Survivors Network *
Volume 5, #4
August 26, 2004
Chile supported 11(1) in terms of the reference to
medical and scientific experiments as well as Thailand’s proposal in
11(2). Forced institutionalization is addressed in Article 12 and should
therefore be addressed in that Article.
Mexico supported the WG text in 11(1). In 11(2), Mexico
supports the deletion of the second part of the WG text. Monitoring
conditions in facilities is important and Mexico proposes a modification
to its new sub-paragraph 3, submitted at AHC3.
South Africa stressed the importance of ensuring the
elimination of inhumane and degrading treatment of PWD. It rejected
the formulation offered by Algeria, which is qualifying language that
weakens existing international law. South Africa noted that the Indian
proposal to insert the terms “violence and abuse” is not necessary as
there is a separate article on the topic. It supports Thailand’s proposal
which widens the scope of scientific experimentation covered. India’s
proposal for 11(2) is “strongly supported.”. It does not support the
reference to the Optional Protocol to CAT, and supports the placement
of the reference to monitoring in the section on monitoring.
China does not support referencing forced institutionalization
or forced interventions in 10(2). It is difficult for China to accept
the Mexican proposal concerning monitoring facilities in new subparagraph
(3). The reference to the Optional Protocol to CAT is problematic.
Venezuela supports the merger of Articles 11 and 12.
It supports moving the Mexican proposal on monitoring to Article 25.
It supports the proposal of Thailand in 10(2) and India in (2), but
amended to delete the reference to third party interests.
Yemen proposed the following language for 11(2): “States
Parties shall prohibit scientific or medical experimentation in toto
with regard to PWD.” It will submit additional proposals to the Secretariat.
The Secretariat announced a fire drill scheduled for August 27. Because
of the difficulties in having members of the Ad Hoc Committee participate
in the drill, as well as the need to close the building, the morning
session for August 27 would begin at 11:15.
India reiterated its position on 11(2). It endorsed
China’s view that 11(3) be deleted.
Guatemala supported the original wording for 11(1)
and 11(2), and supported Mexico’s proposed wording for 11(3).
Thailand proposed deleting the latter half of 11(2),
completing 11(2) with “the free and informed consent of persons concerned.”
The idea of forced intervention or institutionalization has already
been addressed in 10(1)(b), and need not be repeated here. 11(3) does
not need to be here and could be deleted.
New Zealand noted that institutional and involuntary
care of PWD has historically violated many rights, and it is not surprising
to find clauses prohibiting or limiting institutionalization or involuntary
care throughout the text. However, the approach is often repetitive
and confusing. The right to refuse treatment and scientific experimentation
is a major issue warranting creation of a separate article. Clauses
11(2), 12(2) and 12(j) and (k), should be brought together in a revised
11 addressing the right to free and informed consent to any intervention,
available at:
Aspects of 11 related to torture or cruel or inhumane treatment should
be moved to Article 12. Acknowledging that some NGOs believe mention
of involuntary treatment, even in relation to safeguards, could diminish
PWDs rights, New Zealand supports the EU that forced institutionalization
should be considered illegal save in exceptional circumstances. These
exceptional circumstances should only apply to involuntary treatment,
which is a sub-set of forced institutionalization, and must be prescribed
by law, not be based solely on disability, and there must be legal safeguards.
States should ensure that involuntary treatment is minimized through
provision of better care, encouraging voluntary treatment, and also
through the promotion of alternatives, such as advance directives. All
compulsory treatment should be provided in the least restrictive settings
Canada reiterated support for proposals by China and
the EU to delete references to forced intervention and forced institutionalization
in 11(2). These issues are better addressed in Articles 10 and 12. Regarding
Mexico’s proposal for 11(3), the reference to the Optional Protocol
of the Convention Against Torture could be problematic, as that instrument
is not yet in force. On a preliminary basis, Mexico’s revised language
is acceptable. New Zealand’s proposal is also interesting.
Malaysia supported deletion of 11(3), and proposals
of China and the EU to delete references to forced intervention and
forced institutionalization in 11(2).
Qatar supported Article 11 as it appears. Its formulation
is consistent with humanitarian and religious law, and appropriately
establishes the minimum rights for PWD.
Lebanon indicated it would delay commenting on Article
11 until it had had sufficient opportunity to examine the recent proposals
from New Zealand and Mexico.
The Netherlands (EU) stood by its earlier proposal
to delete the last part of 11(2), and would study the new proposals
from New Zealand and Mexico with interest.
The Chair opened the floor for NGOs
The Disability Caucus began by identifying its members
as those disabled people’s organizations and allied NGOs attending the
Ad Hoc Committee meeting.
The Caucus supported the Mexican proposal to refer to other human rights
instruments to assist in monitoring obligations under this article.
Acts that would be considered torture in other contexts should not be
permitted against PWD because they are carried out by medical personnel
or others claiming that the interventions are for the benefit of the
person concerned. Delegates should consider the use of mind altering
drugs or similar procedures to “correct” a disability against a person’s
will as torture. Forced institutionalization falls within the category
of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,
because “it is essentially the putting into concentration camps of people
based on who they are rather than anything that the people have done
or any legitimate reason for States to deprive people of their liberty.”