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European Union
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 7
EU Position 4th AHC: Accept a separate article 7
and replace to become Article 3.
1. States Parties recognise that all persons are equal before the law
and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection
of the law. States Parties shall prohibit any discrimination on the
basis of disability, and guarantee to all persons with disabilities
equal and effective protection against discrimination. States Parties
shall also prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons
with disabilities equal and effective protection against discrimination
on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, source
or type of disability, age, or any other status.
EU Proposal: The EU proposes that references
to multiple forms of discrimination should be moved to the Preamble.
Therefore, the EU proposes the deletion of the last sentence in Paragraph
(a) Discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction
which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition,
enjoyment or exercise by persons with disabilities, on an equal footing,
of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
(b) Discrimination shall include all forms of discrimination, including
direct, indirect1 and systemic, and
shall also include discrimination based on an actual or perceived2
EU Proposal: EU proposes replacing paragraph 2 (a)
and (b) with the following:
“For the purpose of the present Convention, the term "discrimination
on the grounds of disability" shall mean any distinction, exclusion
or restriction which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying
the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal footing by persons
with disabilities of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
a. Direct discrimination shall be taken to occur where one person
is treated less favourably than another is, has been or would be treated
in a comparable situation, on the grounds of disability;
b. Indirect discrimination shall be taken to occur where an apparently
neutral provision, criterion or practice would put a person having
a disability at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons,
unless that provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified
by a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim are appropriate
and necessary or unless measures are taken to eliminate that disadvantage
3. Discrimination does not include a provision, criterion or practice
that is objectively and demonstrably justified by the State Party by
a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim are reasonable
and necessary. 3
EU Proposal: Delete Paragraph 3
4. In order to secure the right to equality for persons with disabilities,
States Parties undertake to take all appropriate steps, including by
legislation, to provide reasonable accommodation,4
defined as necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments to
guarantee to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on
an equal footing of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, unless
such measures would impose a disproportionate burden.
EU Proposal: EU suggests the following rewording
of Paragraph 4
4. In order to guarantee compliance with the principle of equal treatment
in relation to persons with disabilities, States Parties undertake to
take all appropriate steps, including by legislation, to ensure that
reasonable accommodation is provided; reasonable accommodation to be
defined as necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments, where
needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities
the enjoyment or exercise on an equal footing of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms, unless such measures would impose a disproportionate
5. Special measures5 aimed at accelerating
de facto equality of persons with disabilities shall not be considered
discrimination as defined in the present Convention, but shall in no
way entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate standards;
those measures shall be discontinued when the objectives of equality
of opportunity and treatment have been achieved;
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 8
States Parties reaffirm the inherent right to life of all persons with
disabilities, and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective
enjoyment by them.2
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 9
States Parties shall:
(a) Recognise persons with disabilities as individuals with rights
before the law equal to all other persons;
(b) Accept that persons with disabilities have full legal capacity
on an equal basis as others1, including
in financial matters;
EU Proposal: EU suggests replacing (a) and (b) with
the following paragraph:“Recognise persons with disabilities as individuals
with equal rights before the law and guarantee equality before the law,
without discrimination against persons with disabilities;”.
(c) ensure that where assistance is necessary to exercise that legal
(i) the assistance is proportional to the degree of assistance
required by the person concerned and tailored to their circumstances,
and does not interfere with the legal capacity, rights and freedoms
of the person;
EU Proposal: EU suggests ending paragraph (c) (i) after
“their circumstances”.
(ii)relevant decisions are taken by a competent, independent and
impartical authority in accordance with a procedure established
by law and with the application of relevant legal safeguards including
provisions for review;2
EU Proposal 4th AHC: replace paragraph (c) with Canadian
“2. States Parties shall ensure that where adults persons
with disabilities need support to exercise their legal capacity, including
assistance to understand information and to express their decisions,
choices and wishes, the assistance is proportional to the degree of
support required and tailored to the adult’s person’s
individual circumstances.
1. Relevant decisions, inter alia on the loss or restriction of legal
capacity, are taken by a competent, independent
and impartial authority in accordance with a procedure established
by law and with the application of relevant legal safeguards including
provisions for review;
2. States Parties shall provide by law for a procedure with appropriate
safeguards for the appointment of a personal representative to exercise
legal capacity on the adult’s person’s behalf. Such an
appointment should be guided by principles consistent with this Convention
and international human rights law, including:
(a) ensuring that the appointment is proportional to the adult’s
person’s degree of legal incapacity and tailored to the adult’s
person’s individual circumstances; and
(b) ensuring that personal representatives take into account, to the
maximum extent possible, the adult’s person’s decisions,
choices and wishes.”
(d) ensure that persons with disabilities who experience difficulty
in asserting their rights, in understanding information, and in communicating,
have access to assistance to understand information presented to them
and to express their decisions, choices and preferences, as well as
to enter into binding agreements or contracts, to sign documents,
and act as witnesses;3
EU proposal: Delete 9(d)
(e) take all appropriate and effective measures to ensure the equal
right of persons with disabilities to own or inherit property, to
control their own financial affairs, and to have equal access to bank
loans, mortgage and other forms of financial credit;
EU proposal: Delete 9(e)
(f) ensure that persons with disabilities are not arbitrarily deprived
of their property.
EU proposal 4th AHC to renumber 9(f) into 9(4)(5)
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 10
1. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities:
(a) enjoy the right to liberty and security of the person, without
discrimination on the basis of disability;
(b) are not deprived of their liberty1
unlawfully2 or arbitrarily, and
that any deprivation of liberty shall be in conformity with the law,
and in no case shall be based on disability.3
EU proposal 4th AHC: insert “, including any involuntary
institutionalisation,” after between “liberty”
and “shall”, and insert “exclusively” after
“be based”.
2. States Parties shall ensure that if persons with disabilities are
deprived of their liberty, they are:
(a) treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of
the human person, and in a manner that takes into account the needs
they have because of their disabilities;
EU proposal 4th AHC: insert new (b) and renumber
as follows: “(b) entitled to the following minimum guarantees:”;
(b) provided with adequate information in accessible formats as to
the reasons for their deprivation of liberty;
EU proposal 4th AHC: renumber current (b) as (i)
and refrase as follows: ”(i) to be provided with adequate information
in accessible formats as to their legal rights and the reasons for the
deprivation of their liberty”.
(c) provided with prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance
EU proposal 4th AHC: renumber current (c) as (ii)
and insert “to be” before “provided”; finish sentence after “assistance”.
(i) challenge the lawfulness of the deprivation of their liberty
before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority
(in which case, they shall be provided with a prompt decision on
any such action);
EU proposal 4th AHC: renumber current (i) as (iii)
and replace by ”to obtain a prompt ruling by a competent, independent
and impartial court or tribunal established by law on the lawfulness
of the deprivation of liberty” .
(ii) seek regular review of the deprivation of their liberty;
EU proposal 4th AHC: renumber current (ii) as (iv)
and insert new paragraph (v) “to receive a fair hearing and be provided
with a prompt decision on the lawfulness of the deprivation of liberty
mentioned in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) above.
(d) provided with compensation in the case of unlawful deprivation
of liberty, or deprivation of liberty based on disability, contrary
to this Convention.
EU Proposal: renumber current (d) as (c ) and refrase
as follows: “compensated following determination by an appropriate authority
that the deprivation of liberty has been unlawful.”
EU Proposal 4th AHC for Article 10 would thus read
as follows:
“1. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities:
(a) enjoy the right to liberty and security of the
person, without discrimination on the basis of disability;
(b) are not deprived of their liberty unlawfully or
arbitrarily, and that any deprivation of liberty, including any
involuntary institutionalisation, shall be in conformity with
the law, and in no case shall be based exclusively on disability.
1. States Parties shall ensure that if persons with disabilities
are deprived of their liberty, they are:
(a) treated with humanity and respect for the inherent
dignity of the human person, and in a manner that takes into account
the needs they have because of their disabilities;
(b) entitled to the following minimum guarantees:
i. to be provided with adequate information in accessible
formats as to their legal rights and the reasons for the
deprivation of their liberty;
ii. to be provided with prompt access to legal and
other appropriate assistance;
iii. to obtain a prompt ruling by a competent,
independent and impartial court or tribunal established by law
on the lawfulness of the deprivation of liberty;
iv. to seek regular review of the deprivation of
their liberty;
v. to receive a fair hearing and be provided
with a prompt decision on the lawfulness of the deprivation
of liberty mentioned in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) above;
(c) compensated following determination by an appropriate
authority that the deprivation of liberty has been unlawful.”
EU proposal: new paragraph 3:
i. States Parties shall accept the principle that
forced institutionalisation of persons with disabilities is illegal,
save in exceptional circumstances in accordance with the procedures
established by law and with the application of appropriate legal safeguards.
ii. The law shall provide that in any case of forced
institutionalisation of persons with disabilities, the best interests
of the person concerned will be fully taken into account.
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 11
1. States Parties shall take all effective legislative, administrative,
judicial, educational or other measures to prevent persons with disabilities
from being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment.
2. In particular, States Parties shall prohibit, and protect persons
with disabilities from, medical or scientific experimentation without
the free and informed consent of the person concerned, and shall protect
persons with disabilities from forced interventions or forced institutionalisation
aimed at correcting, improving, or alleviating any actual or perceived
EU Proposal: EU suggests
the deletion of “and shall protect persons with disabilities from forced
interventions or forced institutionalisation aimed at correcting, improving,
or alleviating any actual or perceived impairment ” from Paragraph 2.
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 12
1. States Parties recognise that persons with disabilities are at greater
risk, both within and outside the home, of violence, injury or abuse,
neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including
sexual exploitation and abuse. States Parties shall, therefore, take
all appropriate legislative, administrative, social, educational and
other measures to protect persons with disabilities, both within and
outside the home, from all forms of violence, injury or abuse, neglect
or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual
exploitation and abuse.
EU Proposal: Move the first sentence to the Preamble.
Delete the word “therefore” from the second sentence.
EU Proposal 4th AHC: insert “abduction” after “abuse”
in the penultimate line.
[Come back to question whether/where to insert a reference to “harassment”].
Insert “harassment” between “treatment” and “maltreatment”.
2. Such measures should prohibit, and protect persons with disabilities
from, forced interventions or forced institutionalisation aimed at correcting,
improving, or alleviating any actual or perceived impairment, and abduction.
EU Proposal: Replace by: “States shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that medical and related interventions,
including corrective surgery, are not undertaken without the free and
informed consent of the person concerned” (Moved and reworded from Article
EU Proposal 4th AHC: replace by new paragraphs
2(a) and (b)2, 3, 4 and 5:
“2. (a) In particular, States Parties shall protect persons
with disabilities from all forms of medical or related interventions,
carried out without the free and informed
consent of the person concerned. All such involuntary interventions
shall be illegal, except as provided for in subparagraph (b) paragraphs
3 to 5 below.
3. Where the person lacks the capacity to give or withhold
informed consent, an intervention may only be carried out where the
consent of his or her legal representative or a competent court or
authority has been obtained prior to the intervention.
4. However, this This
shall not prejudice any such intervention necessary to prevent an
imminent danger to the life or health of the person concerned or to
the life or safety of others.
5. All such interventions shall be carried out in the best
interest of the person concerned, in accordance with the procedures
established by law and with the application of appropriate legal safeguards.”
3. States Parties shall also take all appropriate measures to prevent
violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment
or exploitation, including sexual exploitation and abuse, by ensuring,
inter alia, support for persons with disabilities and their families,
including the provision of information.
EU Proposal: The bulk of paragraph 3 repeats the
content of paragraph 1 of the Article. The EU recommends the deletion
of existing paragraph 3, except for the concept of “provision of
The EU suggests the following new paragraph 3:“Such
measures shall include the provision of appropriate information to persons
with disabilities and their families”.
EU Proposal: EU suggests the inclusion of new
paragraph 3 bis.
i. States Parties shall accept the principle that
forced intervention of persons with disabilities is illegal, save
in exceptional circumstances in accordance with the procedures established
by law and with the application of appropriate legal safeguards.
ii. The law shall provide that in any case of forced
intervention of persons with disabilities, the best interests of the
person concerned will be fully taken into account.
4. States Parties shall ensure that all facilities and programmes,
both public and private, where persons with disabilities are placed
together, separate from others, are effectively monitored to prevent
the occurrence of violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment,
maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual exploitation and abuse.
EU Proposal 4th AHC: insert “abduction” after “abuse”
in the penultimate line.
[Come back to question whether/where to insert a reference to “harassment”].
and insert “harassment” between “treatment” and “maltreatment”. Paragraph
4 will be renumbered into paragraph 6.
5. Where persons with disabilities are the victim of any form of violence,
injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation,
including sexual exploitation and abuse, States Parties shall take all
appropriate measures1 to promote their
physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration.
EU Proposal 4th AHC: insert “abduction” after “abuse”
in the first line. [Come back to question whether/where to insert
a reference to “harassment”]. and insert “harassment” between “treatment”
and “maltreatment”. Paragraph 5 will be renumbered into paragraph 7.
6. States Parties shall ensure the identification, reporting, referral,
investigation, treatment and follow-up of instances of violence and
abuse, and the provision, as appropriate, of protection services and,
as appropriate, judicial involvement.
EU proposal: Replace "treatment" with
EU proposal 4th AHC: replace by “States parties
shall put in place effective policies and legislation to ensure that
instances of violence and abuse against persons with disability are
identified, investigated and, where appropriate, prosecuted and that
protection services are available in such cases”. Paragraph 6 will be
renumbered into paragraph 8.
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 13
States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that persons
with disabilities can exercise their right to freedom of expression
and opinion through Braille, sign language, and other modes of communication
of their choice, and to seek, receive and impart information, on an
equal footing with others, including by:
EU proposal: The EU suggests the following language
between “opinion” and “including by”: “through sign language, Braille
and other modes and means of communication of their choice and to seek,
receive and impart information, on the basis of equality”
(a) providing public information to persons with disabilities, on
request, in a timely manner and without additional cost, in accessible
formats and technologies of their choice, taking into account different
kinds of disability;
EU Proposal: The EU suggests replacing "public"
with "official”, deleting the words “of their choice”, and adding
“for persons with disabilities” after “without additional cost”.
(b) accepting the use of alternative modes of communication by persons
with disabilities in official interactions;
EU proposal: The EU suggests adding “and means” after
(c) educating persons with disabilities to use alternative and augmentative
communication modes;
EU proposal: The EU suggests replacing c) with the
following wording: “promoting opportunities for training to use alternative
communication modes and means”;
(d) undertaking and promoting the research, development and production
of new technologies, including information and communication technologies,
and assistive technologies, suitable for persons with disabilities;
EU Proposal: The EU suggests the following rewording;
“promoting and where appropriate undertaking the research, development
and production of new technologies, including information and communication
technologies, and assistive technologies, suitable for persons with
(e) promoting other appropriate forms of assistance and support to
persons with disabilities to ensure their access to information;
(f) encouraging private entities that provide services to the general
public to provide information and services in accessible and usable
formats for persons with disabilities;
(g) encouraging the mass media to make their services accessible to
persons with disabilities.
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 14
1. 1. Persons with disabilities, including those living in institutions,
shall not be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with their
privacy, and shall have the right to the protection of the law against
such interference. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective
measures to protect the privacy of the home, family, correspondence
and medical records of persons with disabilities and their choice to
take decisions on personal matters.
EU Proposal: The EU suggests replacing “including
those living in institutions” by “regardless of their place of residence
or living arrangements”. Insert "freedom of" before "choice".
The EU suggests adding “and other communications” after “correspondence”
in line 5 and deleting “and” before “medical records”.
2. 2. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective and appropriate
measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities
in all matters relating to marriage and family relations and in particular
shall ensure:
(a) that persons with disabilities are not denied the equal opportunity
to experience their sexuality, have sexual and other intimate relationships,
and experience parenthood;
(b) (b) the right of all men and women with disabilities
who are of marriageable age to marry on the basis of free and full
consent of the intending spouses, and to found a family;
EU proposal: replace by ‘that the right of all men and
women with disabilities who are of marriageable age to marry and to
found a family on the basis of free and full consent of the intending
spouses, shall be recognised.” (based on ICCPR, Article 23(2) and 23(3)).
(c) the rights of persons with disabilities to decide freely and responsibly
on the number and spacing of their children on an equal basis with
other persons and to have access to information, reproductive and
family planning education, and the means necessary to enable them
to exercise these rights.
EU Proposal: EU suggests that sub-paragraphs (d), (e) and
(f) should be included as separate paragraphs, numbered 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
(d) the rights of persons with disabilities in regard to guardianship,
wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions
where these concepts exist in national legislation. For the purpose
of guaranteeing these rights, States Parties shall render appropriate
assistance to disabled parents in the performance of their child rearing
EU Proposal: EU suggests replacing the word “parents”
with the word “persons” in the second sentence. The EU suggests adding
“; in all cases the best interest of the child shall be the paramount
consideration” after “national legislation” in line 4.
(e) that a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against
their will, except when competent authorities subject to judicial
review determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures,
that such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child.
The child shall not however be separated from parents with disabilities
on the basis either directly or indirectly of their disability;
EU Proposal: The EU suggests deletion of the words
that the word “solely” be substituted for the words “either directly
or indirectly” .
(f) the promotion of awareness and the provision of information aimed
at changing negative perceptions and social prejudices towards sexuality,
marriage and parenthood of persons with disabilities.
Following the EU proposals, (d), (e) and (f) would read as follows:
(3) States Parties to this Convention shall ensure that there is
no discrimination against persons with disabilities in regard to
guardianship, wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children, or
similar institutions where these concepts exist in national legislation;
in all cases the best interest of the child shall be the paramount
consideration . States Parties shall render appropriate assistance
to disabled persons in the performance of their child rearing responsibilities.
(4) States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be separated
from his or her parents against their will, except when competent
authorities subject to judicial review determine, in accordance
with applicable law and procedures, that such separation is necessary
for the best interests of the child. The child shall not however
be separated from parents with disabilities on the basis solely
of their disability;
(5) States Parties shall take appropriate measures to change negative
perceptions and social prejudices towards sexuality, marriage and
parenthood of persons with disabilities.
Proposed Modifications to Draft Article 15
1. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective and appropriate
measures to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and
be fully included in the community, including by ensuring that:
EU Proposal: The EU suggests the following rewording:
“States Parties shall take appropriate measures to facilitate persons
with disabilities to live independently and be fully included as
members of the community, including measures aimed at ensuring that:”
(a) persons with disabilities have the equal opportunity to choose
their place of residence and living arrangements;
(b) persons with disabilities are not obliged to live in an institution
or in a particular living arrangement
EU Proposal: Insert "Save as provided in Article 10"
at end of (b)
(c) that persons with disabilities have access to a range of in-home,
residential and other community support services, including personal
assistance, necessary to support living and inclusion in the community,
and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community;
EU Proposal: Delete (c) and replace by new paragraph
2 as below
(d) community services for the general population are available on
an equal basis to persons with disabilities and are responsive to
their needs;
EU Proposal: The EU suggests replacing “on an equal
basis” with “without discrimination”.
(e) persons with disabilities have access to information about available
support services;
EU Proposal: EU suggests the inclusion of a new Article
15 (2) as follows:
“States Parties shall also take appropriate measures to promote the
provision of life assistance in order to enable persons with disabilities
to live independently”.
Footnotes for Draft Article 7
1: Some members of the Working Group considered that
the Convention should have a specific reference to both direct and indirect
discrimination. Other members considered that the distinction between
the two forms of discrimination was not sufficiently clear. They considered
that both a reference to "all forms of discrimination" in paragraph
1, and the reference to the "effect" of discrimination in paragraph
2(a), would cover the concept of indirect discrimination.
2: The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the scope
of this term, and whether it should apply to the individual's perception
of themselves, or society's perception of them.
3: This paragraph has not appeared in any of core
international human rights treaties, although the concept has been developed
in the jurisprudence of the treaty bodies. The Human Rights Committee
has included it, for example, in its general comment on Article 26 of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Working
Group discussed three options for the consideration of the Ad Hoc Committee:
1) The paragraph should not appear in the text at all; 2) the paragraph
should be included only as an exception to the specific prohibition
on indirect discrimination, and 3) the paragraph should apply to all
forms of discrimination. In addition to those options, some members
proposed adding the following phrase to the end of the paragraph: "…and
consistent with international human rights law;"
4: The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the following
points when considering the term ‘reasonable accommodation’:
The Working Group considered that there was a need for a concept such
as ‘reasonable accommodation’ in the Convention in order to secure compliance
with the principle of non discrimination.
There was widespread agreement in the Working Group on the need to
keep the notion both general and flexible in order to ensure that it
could be readily adapted to different sectors (e.g., employment, education,
etc.) and in order to respect the diversity of legal traditions.
There was also general agreement that the process of determining what
amounted to a ‘reasonable accommodation’ should be both individualised
(in the sense that it should consciously address the individual’s specific
need for accommodation) and interactive as between the individual and
the relevant entity concerned. It was understood that an entity should
not be allowed to compel an individual to accept any particular ‘reasonable
accommodation’. It was also felt, however, that in situations where
a range of ‘reasonable accommodations’ is available – each of which
is, by definition, reasonable - that an individual did not have the
right to choose the one that he or she preferred.
There was general agreement that the availability of state funding
should limit the use of ‘disproportionate burden’ as a reason by employers
and service providers not to provide reasonable accommodation.
Some members of the Working Group supported the proposition that a
failure to ‘reasonably accommodate’ should in itself constitute discrimination,
some of whom highlighted General Comment 5 of the Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights as supporting this view.
Other members of the Working Group considered that the Convention should
not dictate the manner by which the concept of ‘reasonable accommodation’
should be achieved or framed under relevant domestic legislation. Specifically,
they took the view that it was inappropriate for an international legal
instrument designed primarily to engage State responsibility to frame
a failure to ‘reasonably accommodate’ on the part of private entities
as a violation of the non-discrimination principle.
5: The term “special measures” is used in other international
human rights treaties. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to discuss the
appropriateness of using the term in the disability context, and whether
alternative terms could be used.
for Draft Article 8
1: There were different views expressed within the
Working Group as to whether the Convention should include an article
on the right to life, and if so, its content.
2: In the context of the discussion on this draft
Article, some members of the Working Group suggested that the Convention
should contain a separate draft article on the protection of the rights
of persons with disabilities in armed conflict, similar to the approach
taken in Article 38(4) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
It was also suggested that such an article could deal more broadly with
the protection of the rights of groups at particular risk.
for Draft Article 9
1: The intent of this paragraph is to acknowledge
that children are not generally accepted as having full legal capacity
and that neither would, therefore, children with disabilities. In terms
of legal capacity, persons with disabilities should be treated without
discrimination on the basis of disability.
2: Paragraph (c) allows for the provision of assistance
to a disabled person to exercise their legal capacity, and is based
on the assumption of full legal capacity, even if the person needs assistance
in exercising that capacity. It is intended that subparagraph (c)(ii)
apply only in exceptional circumstances, for which legal safeguards
must be provided. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether
the paragraph is sufficiently clear, and also how best to protect persons
with disabilities who cannot exercise their legal capacity. A separate
paragraph may be required for this purpose. Some members of the Working
Group proposed that where others are exercising legal capacity for a
person with disabilities, those decisions should not interfere with
the rights and freedoms of the person concerned.
3: The first part of paragraph 4 has more general
application than the equal recognition of persons with disabilities
as persons before the law and the Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
its most appropriate placement in the Convention.
for Draft Article 10
1: The jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee
(see, for example, General Comment 8) notes that States interpret deprivation
of liberty too narrowly, so that it applies only to the criminal justice
system. The right to liberty and security of persons, however, applies
to all deprivations of liberty, whether in criminal cases or in other
cases such as, for example, mental illness or intellectual disability,
vagrancy, drug addiction, educational purposes, or immigration control.
The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider: 1) whether civil and criminal
cases should be dealt with separately; 2) whether the text needs further
elaboration on civil cases of deprivation of liberty; and 3) whether,
for criminal cases, the clauses in this text dealing with procedural
matters need strengthening (see also Article 9 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights).
2: The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to discuss whether
the wording of paragraph 2 does or does not prohibit civil commitment,
and whether it should.
3: The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider adding
a provision that obliges states to reform laws and procedures that perpetuate
the arrest and detention of persons with disabilities on the basis of
for Draft Article 11
1: Members of the Working Group had differing opinions
on whether forced intervention and forced institutionalisation should
be dealt with under “Freedom from Torture”, or under “Freedom from Violence
and Abuse”, or under both. Some members also considered that forced
medical intervention and forced institutionalisation should be permitted
in accordance with appropriate legal procedures and safeguards.
for Draft Article 12
1: Some Working Group members suggested that this
paragraph should include an explicit provision of legal remedies.