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Proposed modifications to draft Article 9
As stated in the course of the current session, the Government of Japan
wishes to see that our proposal on article 9 paragraph (g) tabled in
the 3rd and 4th AHC will now find a place under article 9 bis [Access
to Justice] proposed by Chile, as a separate paragraph, which reads
"Take appropriate and effective measures to eliminate physical
and communication barriers and to reduce understanding difficulty of
persons with disabilities in order to exercise the rights provided in
Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
To facilitate the effective role of the persons with disabilities in
legal proceedings as stated in Art.9 bis, on an equal basis with others,
reduction or removal of physical and communication barriers as well
as understanding difficulty is fundamental for all persons with disabilities
regardless their type of disability.
Article 9 bis is well drafted as a general statement, but has a room
to be a bit further elaborated how we should facilitate their effective
role, although we should avoid over-prescriptive languages.