Contribution by Governments
Article 17 Education
China proposed to the current para.2 to be replaced by the following two parts:(based
on EU new proposal)
1. The State Parties shall ensure that no person with disabilities shall be
denied access to education on account of their disability;
2. State Parties shall endeavour to ensure that all persons with disabilities
can avail themselves of accessible, effective and appropriate education and
training throughout their lives, to the extent possible in the communities in
which they live, without discrimination. To this end State Parties shall ensure
that reasonable accommodation is provided where appropriate.
Article 19 Accessibility
1. Wording change for the first sentence of the current Working Group Text Chapeau
as follows:
State Parties shall take positive measures to progressively eliminate
obstacles and barriers to ensure accessibility …..
2. Add a new sub-para. c in current Working Group text as follows:
c: research, development and promotion of the accessibility of information and
related technologies;
Article 23 Social Security and Adequate Standard of Living
Delete subpara (d)(e)(f) of paragraph 1, and be replaced by new subpara (d)
as follows:
Promote access by persons with disabilities, in particular those living in situations
of poverty, to assistance from the State, in areas such as housing programmes,
taxation, life and health insurance and respite care .