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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality
Back to: Proposed Modifications by Governments
Sixth Session | Ad Hoc Committee Main


Contribution by Governments

El Salvador




Revised Proposal for Article 15 (par. A & B)

"People with disabilities have the equal opportunity to choose their place of residence and are not obligued to live in an institution or in a particular living arrangement, unless being neccesary".





Art. 16 (bis) Older Persons with Disabilities

1. State Parties shall undertake actions to ensure that Older Persons with Disabilities can grow older, with dignity and security empowering their own capacity, so that they can participate in their family and community lives, as individuals, with full rights, in equal standing with others.

2. State Parties undertake actions to:

a) Encourage that older persons with disabilities receive a just and dignified treatment, regardless of the presence of a particular disability.

b) Eliminate the differences and discrimination related to age, as far as the provisions of receiving health and rehabilitation services, so that older persons with disabilities can receive the specialized needed attention, in accordance with their disability, in the same manner as other younger persons with disabilities.

c) Generate appropriate conditions to reduce or eliminate the levels of disabilities related to age, promoting an autonomous and independent lifestyle of the older person.

d) Ensure that older persons with disabilities remain in their families and communities, encouraging strategies to promote self-care and the provision of technical assistance and capacity building to their caregivers, in order to guarantee the integration of the older person in their home, without prejudice to their disability.

e) Promote that older persons with disabilities, who remain productive and capable of working, can continue to do so, be it paid or volunteer work, based on their capabilities and without prejudice to age or to their disability

f) Facilitate and promote the establishment of self-help organizations for older persons with disabilities and to their caregivers.







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