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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality
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Sixth Session | Ad Hoc Committee Main


Contribution by Governments




The Government of the Republic of the Sudan recommends the following amendments to the Convention: (Final text compiled as adopted (CRP.4, plus CRP.4/Add.|, Add. 2, Add. 4 and Add. 5)

[1 ]The title is very long, so it has to be curtailed to read as follows:
(Draft of the International Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)

[2] Paragraph i) in the preamble is to be shifted to Draft Article 25 and to be replaced with margin 4 page 2(text CRPAplus CRP .4/Add.l,Add.2,Add. 4 and Add.5 to read :

(Recognizing the importance of international cooperation for improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities in every country, in particular in the developing countries).

[3]Draft Article 2 General Principles
Change paragraph to read :
(a) Positive discrimination.

[4] Draft Article 3 Definitions
Add the following definitions:

[5] Draft Article 11 Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
(1) Add to the end of paragraph 1, the phrase " not ordained by religion " to read :

11.1. States Parties shall take all effective legislative, administrative, judicial, educational or other measures to prevent persons with disabilities from being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, (not ordained by religion).

(6] Draft Article 12 Freedom from Violence and Abuse

(1) To add everywhere after the expression" ...including sexual exploitation... " the phrase " and the economic exploitation" in paragraphs 1., 3., 4. and 5., to read :

12.1. States Parties recognize that persons with disabilities are at great risk , both within and outside the home , of violence , injury or abuse , neglect or negligent treatment , maltreatment or exploitation , including sexual exploitation (and economical exploitation) and abuse. States Parties shall , therefore ,take all appropriate legislative .administrative, social educational and other measures to protect persons with disabilities , both within and outside the home ,from all forms violence ,injury or abuse ,neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation ,including sexual exploitation (and economical exploitation) and abuse.

12.3. States Parties shall also take all appropriate measures to prevent violence ,injury or abuse ,neglect or negligent , treatment, maltreatment or exploitation ,including sexual exploitation( and economic exploitation ) and abuse, by ensuring ,inter alia, support for persons with disabilities and their families including the provision of information.

12.4. States Parties shall ensure that all facilities and programs ,both public and private ,where persons with disabilities are placed together separate from others, are effectively monitored to prevent the occurrence of violence ,injury or abuse ,neglect or negligent treatment ,maltreatment or exploitation , including sexual exploitation (and economic exploitation) and abuse.

12.5.Where persons with disabilities are the victim of any form of violence ,injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment pr exploitation ,including sexual exploitation (and economic exploitation ) and abuse, States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote their physical and psychological recover and social reintegration .
(7) Draft Article 14 Respect for Privacy, the Home and the Family
(1) Add to paragraph 2.(a) after the first four words ,the phrase " with the strict observance of the cultural and religious values " to read:
14.2.(a) that persons with disabilities ,(with the strict observance of the cultural and religious values), are not denied the equal opportunity to experience their sexuality , have sexual and other intimate relationships , and experience parenthood;

[8] Draft Article 16 Children with Disabilities
(1) Add to paragraph 3.(a) at the beginning the phrase " early
detection, intervention and provision " to read :
16.3.(a) (early detection , intervention and) provision of appropriate and comprehensive services ;

[9]Draft Article 17: Education

(1) Add to paragraph 2. (a) at the end, the following sentence " and that all families that have children with disabilities shall be availed with the government convenient assistance to provide them with the different needed types of education " to read :

17.2.(a) that all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible education hi their own community (including access to early childhood and pre-school education) ;( and that all families that have children with disabilities shall be availed with the government convenient assistance to provide them with the different needed types of education).

(2) Add to paragraph 2. (c) at the end the phrase " in addition to the recognition of their need to specific tailored means that suit their disabilities" to read :.

17.2.( c ) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory primary education on account of their disability .( In addition to the recognition of their need to specific tailored means that suit their disabilities ).

(3) Add to paragraph 3.( c ) at the end the phrase " and any other type of education that suit the disability needs " to read :
17.3.( c) allow a free and informed choice between general and special systems ; (and any other type of education that suit the disability needs).

[13]Draft Article 18 : Participation in Political and Public Life

(1) Add to paragraph (a) within the text in the fifth sentence the phrase " or selected to represent persons with disabilities or any other group" to read:

18. ( a ) actively promote an environment in which persons with disabilities can effectively and frilly participate in political and public life directly or through freely chosen representatives ,including the right and opportunity of citizens with disabilities to vote and be elected( or Selected to represent persons with disabilities or any other group), and by ensuring that voting procedures and facilities:

(10) Draft Article 20 : Personal Mobility

(1) Replace in paragraph (a) the word (live) with the word "intelligent" to read :

20, (a) facilitating access by persons with disabilities to high-quality mobility aids, devices assistive technologies and forms of (intelligent) assistance and intermediaries , including by making them available at affordable cost.)

(2) Add to paragraph (g) at the end the sentence " and strive for their protection through the legislation of laws that punish individuals who hinder, and do not observe and respect ,by any means , the mobility and movement of persons with disability " to read:

i20- (g) promoting awareness about mobility issues for persons with disabilities( ,and strive for their protection through the legislation of laws that punish individuals who hinder, and do not observe and respect ,by any means, the mobility and movement of persons with disabilities).

[11) Draft Article 21 : Right to Health and Rehabilitation
(1) Add to paragraph (a) at the end the sentence " and when possible shall be obliged to provide treatment to curable disabilities cases in their all different stages failed by persons with disabilities due to poverty" to read -.

21.(a) provide persons with disabilities with the same range standard of health and rehabilitation services as provided to other citizens , including sexual and reproductive health services; ( and when possible, shall be obliged to provide treatment to curable disabilities cases in their all different stages failed by persons with disabilities due to poverty.)

(2) Add to paragraph (b) at the end " free of charge" to read :

21.(b)strive to provide those health and rehabilitation services needed by persons with disabilities specifically because of their disabilities free of charge;

(3) Add to paragraph (h) in the second line "observe subtleties toward persons with disabilities and give them priority in their work" to read :

21. (h) provide all health and rehabilitation professionals an appropriate education and training to ( observe subtleties toward persons with disabilities and give them priority in their work )and to increase their disability - sensitive awareness and respect for their rights dignity and needs of persons with disabilities ,in line with the principles of this Convention;

[12 ) Draft Article 22 : Right to work :

(1) Add to paragraph (a) at the end "and more attention is to be paid to the employment of women with disabilities " to read :

22.(a) promote a labor market and work environment that are open ,inclusive , and accessible to all persons with disabilities , (and more attention is to be paid to the employment of women with disabilities).

(2) Add to paragraph (g) at the end " the individual inflicted with any type of disabilities during job performance shall be returned to work in an adequate placement service that suit the disability " to read :

22.(g) promote vocational and professional rehabilitation job retention and return -to- work programs. (The individual inflicted with any of disabilities during job performance shall be returned to work in adequate placement service that suit the disability ).

[13] Draft Article 23: Social Security and Adequate Standard of Living

(1) Add to paragraph 1 .(a) at the end " free of charge " to read :

23.1.(a) ensure access by persons with disabilities to necessary services ,devices and other assistance for disability- related needs (free of charge).

(2) Add to paragraph l.(e) at the end " except for those obligations ordained by some religion teachings " to read :

23.1.(e) ensure access by persons with disabilities to tax exemptions an4 tax benefits in respect of their income ; (except for those obligations ordained by some religion teachings) .

(3) Add to paragraph 1 .(f) at the end " where applicable and when they do not come into contradiction with any religion teachings" to read :

23.1.(f) ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access life and health insurance without discrimination on the basis of disability, (where applicable and when they do not come into contradiction with any religion teachings).

(4) Add to paragraph 2. in the third line " and not confined to " to read :

23.2. States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families including (and not confined to), adequate food ,clothing ..housing and access to clean water, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions, and will undertake appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right.





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