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22 - Respect for privacy, the home and the family
Background Documents | Article
22 Background
Seventh Session | Fifth Session | Fourth
Session | Third Session
Working Group | References
Compilation of proposed revisions and amendments made by the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to the draft text presented by the Working Group as a basis for negotiations by Member States and Observers in the Ad Hoc Committee
(updated after the completion of the first reading at the Fourth Session, 26 August 2004)
Article 14
Respect for privacy, the home and the family
(Respect for privacy, marriage and family — China)
(Respect for privacy — South Africa)
1. [[Persons with disabilities, [including those living in institutions — Canada]
(should they have decided to do so — Yemen) shall not be subjected to arbitrary
or unlawful interference with their [privacy — Argentina, EU] (private life
— Argentina, EU), and [shall — Costa Rica] have the right to the protection
of the law against such interference (in all fields — Costa Rica). — Liechtenstein]
States Parties to this Convention shall take effective measures to protect [the
privacy — Liechtenstein] (the private and family life — Liechtenstein) [of the
home, family, — Costa Rica] (different kinds of communication — Mexico) (communication
including — Kenya) [correspondence1 — India]
(communication — India) (communications, information and documents — Costa Rica)
and medical records of persons with disabilities (equally with other persons
— Japan) and their (freedom of — EU) [choice — Liechtenstein] (freedom — Liechtenstein)
to take decisions on personal matters. — Qatar]
(No person with disability, including those living in institutions, shall be
subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family,
home. Correspondence, medical records or choice to take decisions on personal
matters, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation — Qatar)
2. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective and appropriate measures
(to encourage the full participation in family life by persons with disabilities
and — Qatar) to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities in
all matters relating to (their private life including — Mexico) marriage and
family relations (in all forms — South Africa)2
, and in particular shall [ensure — Argentina] (take appropriate measures aimed
at —Argentina):
[(a) [[That persons with disabilities are not denied the equal opportunity to
experience their sexuality, (within the framework of legitimate marriage — Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya, Saudi Arabia) and have (responsible — Philippines) [sexual
and other intimate relationships — Libyan Arab Jamahiriya] (including marriage
— Costa Rica) and experience parenthood (in accordance to national legislation
— Israel) (, taking into account the best interest of the woman and the child
— New Zealand — Philippines); — Islamic Republic of Iran] (through legitimate
marriage — Syrian Arab Republic) — Qatar] (in accordance with the various religious
and social conventions and traditions — Yemen).
(the promotion of measures to change prevailing negative attitudes towards the
marriage and sexuality of persons with disabilities, especially girls and women
with disabilities, and their founding a family, and the encouragement of the
media to play an important role in removing such negative attitudes — Qatar)
(b) The right of [all men and women with disabilities — China] ((all — South
Africa) persons with disabilities — China) (to establish and fully develop intimate
relations, including marriage — Costa Rica) [who are of marriageable age to
marry — Costa Rica] (under appropriate laws — India) [on the basis of free and
[full — Canada] (informed — Canada) consent of the intending spouses — China],
and to [found a family — India, Qatar] (on an equal basis with other persons
— China) (to establish family relations and practice parenthood — Qatar) (bring
up a family, and be provided with information and counselling wherever necessary
on full dimension and responsibilities of marriage — India); (in accordance
with the precepts of religion, convictions and various customs — Yemen) (and
experience their sexuality and parenthood — Islamic Republic of Iran)
((b bis) The rights of persons with disabilities to reproduction, prohibiting
all practices aimed at involuntary sterilization and/or inhibiting the exercise
of the right to reproduction on the basis of prejudices about persons with disabilities
— Costa Rica)
(c) The rights of persons with disabilities to (retain their fertility, New
Zealand, Thailand) decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of
their children3 [on an
equal basis [with other persons4 — Costa
Rica] — EU, Mexico] (including protection against non-consensual sterilization
— Kenya) (States Parties shall also ensure that persons with disabilities are
not subject to forced sterilization — Mexico) and to [have — India] (be provided
with — India) access to information (, advice — Morocco), reproductive (, sex
— Yemen) and family planning education, and the means necessary to enable them
to exercise these rights; — Holy See]
(The right of men and women with disabilities of marriageable age to marry and
found a family shall be recognized, and no marriage shall be entered into without
the free and full consent of the intending spouses — Holy See)
[(d) [The rights of — New Zealand] (That — New Zealand) persons with disabilities
(have the same rights as other persons — New Zealand) with regard to guardianship,
wardship, trusteeship and [adoption — Syrian Arab Republic, Qatar, Bahrain]
(or guardianship — Yemen) (guardianship — Syrian Arab Republic) (and sponsorship
— Yemen) of children, or similar institutions where these concepts exist in
national legislation (; in all case the interests of the child shall be paramount
— New Zealand) (, subject to the best interests of the child and in accordance
with national legislation — Israel). [For the purpose of guaranteeing these
rights, States Parties shall render appropriate assistance to [disabled parents
— EU] (persons with disabilities — EU, Serbia and Montenegro) (with available
resources — Qatar) dr 6 in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities;5
— India, Costa Rica]. (These rights may be restricted in exclusive situations
specifically stipulated in national legislations — Russian Federation)
(e) That a child shall not be separated from his or her parents [against their
will, except when competent authorities subject to judicial review determine,
in accordance with applicable law and procedures, that such separation is necessary
for the best interests of the child. [The child shall not however be separated
from parents with disabilities on the basis [either directly or indirectly —
Japan, EU, Mexico] (all kinds — Japan) (solely — EU, Australia, Norway) of their
disability;6 — Argentina, Uganda] (render
appropriate assistance to parents of children with disabilities to enable their
children to live with them — Uganda) (or the disability of their children. The
decision on the separation should be provisional and subject to periodical review
— Jordan, Morocco, Thailand, Saudi Arabia)
(f) [The promotion of awareness and the provision of information aimed at changing
negative perceptions and social prejudices towards sexuality, [marriage — Costa
Rica] (intimate relations including marriage — Costa Rica) and parenthood of
persons with disabilities. — EU, Qatar] — China] — EU]
(States Parties to this Convention shall ensure that there is no discrimination
against persons with disabilities in regard to guardianship, wardship, trusteeship
and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these concepts exist
in national legislation. States Parties shall render ppropriate assistance to
disabled persons in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities.7
States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be separated from his or
her parents against their will, except when competent authorities subject to
judicial review determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures,
that such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child. The child
shall not however be separated from parents with disabilities on the basis solely
of their disability;8
States Parties shall take appropriate measures to change negative perceptions and social prejudices towards sexuality, marriage and parenthood of persons with disabilities — EU)
(States Parties shall take effective and appropriate measures to raise public
awareness and provide information to change negative perception and social prejudices
towards sexuality, marriage and parenthood of persons with disabilities — China)
1. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether the word “correspondence” should be replaced with the broader term “communications”.
2. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
whether the phrase “marriage and family relations” might be too limiting.
3. Members of the Working Group agreed that
a prohibition on the sterilization of persons with disabilities was implicit
in the right to decide on the number and spacing of their children, but some
members considered that the issue was of such importance that the Ad Hoc Committee
should consider making the prohibition explicit.
4. The understanding of the Working Group
is that this draft article does not deal with the national policies of States
parties on the size of families but simply stipulates that persons with disabilities
should not be treated differently from the general population in this respect.
The Ad Hoc Committee may therefore wish to consider whether the phrase “on an
equal basis with other persons” is necessary in this subparagraph.
5. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
the wording of the second sentence of this subparagraph in the light of concerns
expressed by some delegations that States parties might find it difficult to
guarantee the resources to “render appropriate assistance”.
6. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
other formulations for the second sentence of this subparagraph, including the
deletion of the words “either directly or indirectly” or their replacement by
the word “solely”, or the substitution of a positive formulation for the sentence,
such as: “States Parties shall render appropriate assistance to parents with
disabilities to enable their children to live with them”.
7. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
the wording of the second sentence of this subparagraph in the light of concerns
expressed by some delegations that States Parties might find it difficult to
guarantee the resources to “render appropriate assistance”.
8. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
other formulations for the second sentence of this subparagraph, including the
deletion of the words “either directly or indirectly” or their replacement by
the word “solely”, or the substitution of a positive formulation for the sentence,
such as: “States Parties shall render appropriate assistance to parents with
disabilities to enable their children to live with them”.