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24 - Education
Background Documents | Article
24 Background
Seventh Session | Sixth Session | Fifth
Session | Fourth Session | Third
Working Group | References
UN System organizations
National Human Rights Institutions
National Human Rights Institutions
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Non-governmental organizations
European Disability ForumIndian NGO Consultative Meeting
International Save the Children AllianceJapan Disability Forum
Landmine Survivors Network
World Blind Union
Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically
Draft Article 17
1. States Parties recognise the right of all persons with disabilities to
education. With a view to achieving this right progressively and on the
basis of equal opportunity, the education of children with disabilities
shall be directed to:
EU Proposal: EU suggests replacing the second sentence by: “The education
of persons with disabilities shall be directed to:”
(a) the full development of the human potential and sense of dignity and
self worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental
freedoms and human diversity;
(b) enabling all persons with disabilities to participate effectively in
a free society;
(c) the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical
abilities to their fullest potential;
EU Proposal: Replace "fullest" by "full".
(d) take into account the best interests of the child, in particular by
individualising education plans;
EU Proposal: EU considers that the use of the word “promoting” would
provide a more positive statement than “take into account”.
2. In realising this right, States Parties shall ensure:
EU Proposal: EU suggests rewording this to read “In realising this right,
States Parties shall endeavour to ensure:”
a) that all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to equal early childhood
and pre school education);
EU Proposal: replace by “that persons with disabilities can avail of inclusive
and accessible education (including equal access to early childhood and
preschool education) and that such education shall be provided to the extent
possible in the communities in which they live”
b) the provision of required support, including the specialised training
of teachers, school counsellors and psychologists, an accessible curriculum,
accessible teaching medium and technologies, alternative and augmentative
communication modes, alternative learning strategies, accessible physical
environment, or other reasonable accommodations to ensure the full participation
of students with disabilities;
EU Proposal: Replace "the provision of required ... psychologists"
with "Appropriate support including specialised training for teachers
and other staff".
c) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory
primary education on account of their disability.
EU Proposal: EU suggests moving sub-paragraph c to become the first
3. States Parties shall ensure that where the general education system does
not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities special and alternative
forms of learning should be made available. Any special and alternative
forms of learning should:
EU Proposal: Replace by “Where the general education system does
not yet adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities States Parties
shall take appropriate measures to promote alternative forms of education.
Any alternative forms of education provided under this Article should:”
(a) reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general education
EU Proposal: EU suggests the following wording: “be closely linked
to and reflective of the same curriculum and aim to reflect the same standards
and objectives provided in the general education system, taking into account
the learning and development needs of persons with disabilities”.
(b)be provided in such a manner to allow children with disabilities to participate
in the general education system to the maximum extent possible;
(c)allow a free and informed choice between general and special systems;
EU Proposal: Reword to read “allow for choice between general and
special education systems”
(d) in no way limit the duty of States Parties to continue to strive to
meet the needs of students with disabilities in the general education system.
4. States Parties shall ensure that children with sensory disabilities may
choose to be taught sign language or Braille, as appropriate, and to receive
the curriculum in sign language or Braille. States Parties shall take appropriate
measures to ensure quality education to students with sensory disabilities
by ensuring the employment of teachers who are fluent in sign language or
EU Proposal: Reword this sub-paragraph as follows: “States Parties
shall take appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities
may choose to be taught using a variety of communication modes and shall
work to ensure quality education to students with disabilities by ensuring
that teachers are able to use different communication modes.”
5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong
learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties shall
render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
EU Proposal: EU suggests inserting the words “secondary and” before “tertiary”
and that the last sentence of Paragraph 5 should read: “To that end, States
Parties shall ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided”.
Article -17(5bis)
The State shall provide for functional education to persons with severe,
intellectual and multiple disabilities on a continued basis (again part
of the compilation text but not in the country text).
Draft Article 17
Substitute the word ‘children’ with ‘person’ in 1 so that it reads:
1. States Parties recognise the right of all persons with disabilities to
education. With a view to achieving this right progressively and on the
basis of equal opportunity, the education of children person with disabilities
shall be directed to:
Substitute the word ‘child’s’ with ‘person’s’ in 1(c) so that it reads:
(c) the development of the child’s person’s personality, talents and mental
and physical abilities to their fullest potential;
Substitute the word ‘child’ with ‘person’ in 1(d) so that it reads:
(d) take into account the best interests of the child person, in particular
by individualising education plans;
Insert the phrase ‘professional training’ between the words ‘training’ and
‘adult’ in 5 so that it reads:
5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, professional training,
adult education and lifelong learning on an equal basis with others. To
that end, States Parties shall render appropriate assistance to persons
with disabilities.
Article 17. Education
1. States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to
education. With a view to achieving this right progressively and on the
basis of equal opportunity, the education of (persons with disabilities
shall take into account their best interests and - Mexico) shall be directed
a) the full development of the human potential and sense of dignity and
self worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental
freedoms and human diversity;
b) enabling all persons with disabilities to participate effectively in
a free (and inclusive – Mexico) society;
c) the development of the (person’s – Mexico) personality, talents and mental
and physical abilities to their fullest potential;
d) (satisfy the special educational needs of persons with disabilities.
– Mexico)
2. In realising this right, States Parties shall ensure:
a) that all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to early childhood and
pre-school education);
b) the provision of required support, including the specialized training
of teachers, school counsellors and psychologists, an accessible curriculum,
an accessible teaching medium and technologies, (appropriate assistive devices
– Mexico), alternative and augmentative communication modes, alternative
learning strategies, accessible physical environment, or other reasonable
accommodations to ensure the full participation of (persons – Mexico) with
c) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory
primary education on account of their disability;
d) (promote access to scholarships and financial resources for persons with
disabilities, without restricting that access for only those who course
compulsory primary education. – Mexico)
3. States Parties shall ensure that where the general education system does
not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities special and alternative
forms of learning should be made available. Any such special and alternative
forms of (teaching – Mexico) should:
a) reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general education
b) be provided in such a manner to allow children with disabilities to participate
in the general education system to the maximum extent possible;
c) allow a free and informed choice between general and special systems;
d) in no way limit the duty of States Parties to continue to strive to meet
the needs of students with disabilities in the general education system.
4. States Parties shall ensure that persons with sensory disabilities have
access to sign language or Braille, as appropriate, to facilitate their
learning process and to follow the curriculum. States Parties shall take
appropriate measures to ensure quality education for persons with sensory
disabilities by ensuring the employment of teachers who are fluent in sign
language or Braille.
5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong
learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties shall
render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
UN System organizations
Intervention at the Third Session:
Draft Article 17 Education
- The ILO recognizes that training in employable skills is central to enabling
persons with disabilities to earn a decent living. More emphasis is required
on vocational training in the draft text. Thus, the ILO would welcome a
focused coverage of vocational training in this article and agrees with
the suggestion made by several delegates that the heading be amended to
include Vocational Training.
- The current provision concerning equal access to general education and
vocational training services and programmes is welcome. Several amendments
to the existing text are suggested, however:
• States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong
learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties shall
render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities. develop equal
opportunity strategies, measures and programmes to promote and implement
training for persons with disabilities, with the objective of reducing inequalities.
- Additional provisions are required to ensure that men and women with all
types of disabilities, whether congenital or acquired later in life, and
particularly those living in remote communities and rural areas, can also
benefit from skills development. The ILO suggests the addition of the following
• States Parties shall ensure that, where the general vocational training
system does not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities,
alternative forms of vocational training, including workplace learning and
other forms of non-formal training, shall be made available that provide
opportunities for the development, recognition and certification of skills
relevant to the labour market and the national qualifications framework.
• States Parties shall ensure that training instructors are adequately qualified
to cater to people with disabilities, whether in general or alternative
vocational training programmes.
• States Parties shall ensure provision of vocational, labour market and
career information and guidance and employment counselling to persons with
disabilities, supplemented by information on rights and obligations under
labour-related law and other forms of labour regulation.
• States Parties shall ensure that vocational rehabilitation and training/retraining
opportunities are open to people who acquire a disability in the course
of their working lives.
See references to international human rights conventions and jurisprudence.
National Human Rights Institutions
Intervention at the Third Session:
Article 17
On behalf of National Human Rights Institutions and more particularly on
behalf of the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions,
I would like to express our concern in 4 specific areas that are vital to
the enjoyment of the right to education without any discrimination and on
the basis of equality by all persons with disabilities.
1) We would recommend careful use of the concept of progressive realization
in relation to the right to education, as majority of the states are committed
to free and compulsory education for all, though limited to elementary education.
In view of this we recommend shifting article 17 (2)(c) to article 17(1).
2) We would encourage minimizing any bias in the treaty for a particular
approach to education. We therefore recommend that the text of article 17(3)
should be placed after article 17(2)(a). This would indicate respect of
and freedom of choice and autonomy for persons with disabilities as far
as the selection of educational options is concerned.
3) The National Human Rights Institutions attach great importance to linguistic
rights and appreciates the recognition of this right in the context of education.
Therefore, we would support retention of the text as it appears in article
17(4). While we greatly appreciate the EU’s effort and skillful crafting
of an alternative Article 17(4), we consider the working group text is clearer
and recognizes in explicit terms the importance of transacting education
in the language and script most conducive to the needs of the persons with
certain disabilities.
4) And lastly, we are satisfied to note the support extended by several
member states in recognizing the importance of access by people with disabilities
to various forms of education.
Article 17 – Education
Footnote 55: … whether this draft article should cover training more extensively…
Footnote 56: … whether the focus of the chapeau should be solely on “children”…
The Commission is of the view that this draft Article should be inclusive
of all levels of education – primary, secondary and higher education, and
include vocational education and other forms of training. In this regard,
not all provisions of the draft Article should be limited to “children”.
At the same time, certain provisions might appropriately be directed to
the unique needs of children.
2.(a) That all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to early childhood and
pre-school education);
Footnote 58: The intent of this draft article is to provide the right to
choose inclusive and accessible education. There is no intention to create
an obligation on students with disabilities to attend general schools where
their needs may not be adequately met. …
3. States Parties shall ensure that where the general education system does
not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities special and alternative
forms of learning should be made available. …
Footnote 61: While members of the Working Group considered that choice was
an important element of this paragraph, some members considered that the
right to education was more important. Other members would have liked greater
emphasis on the best interests of the child in this choice.
Different approaches were also identified with respect to setting out the
relationship between the provision of specialist education services and
the general education system. Some members considered that education of
children with disabilities in the general education system should be the
rule, and the provision of specialist education services the exception.
Others thought that specialist education services should be provided not
only where the general education system was inadequate, but should rather
be made available at all times without a presumption that one approach was
more desirable than the other. …
The Commission has particular concern with the notions above. The appropriateness
of integrated versus segregated settings for the education of students with
disabilities fosters much debate in the Ontario context.
The Supreme Court of Canada has also addressed this debate in the case of
Eaton vs. Brant County Board of Education.16 According to the Court:
While integration should be recognized as the norm of general application
because of the benefits it generally provides, a presumption in favour of
integrated schooling would work to the disadvantage of pupils who require
special education in order to achieve equality .... Integration can be either
a benefit or a burden depending on whether the individual can profit from
the advantages that integration provides.
The Commission's view is set out in its report The Opportunity to Succeed:
Achieving Barrier-free Education for Students with Disabilities: Before
considering placing a student in a self-contained, or specialized classroom,
education providers must first consider inclusion in the regular classroom.
In most cases, appropriate accommodation will be accommodation in the regular
classroom with supports. However, every student with a disability is unique.
In order to provide appropriate accommodation to all students with disabilities,
education providers must, with the assistance of parental input, assess
each student's particular strengths and needs, and consider these against
a full range of placements, programs and services. Ultimately, appropriate
accommodation will be decided on an individual basis.
Finally, with respect to the use of the term “adequately” in paragraph 3
of draft Article 17 above, the Commission’s view is that whether a general
education system “adequately” meets the needs of students with disabilities
is more a question of the status of the progressive realization of the right.
In keeping with the notion that integration should be the norm of general
application, the Commission suggests substituting into this paragraph the
term “appropriately” to read, “States Parties shall ensure that where the
general education system does not appropriately adequately meet the needs
of persons with disabilities special and alternative forms of learning should
be made available. … “
Non-governmental organizations
Interventions at the Third Session:
Draft article 17
Mr Chairman:
We support footnote 55 of the working group text, which suggests that Article
17 should make explicit reference to “training” in addition to education.
We recommend that references to children and primary education are replaced
with broader terms to ensure this article applies to education at all life
stages. This would allow sub-paragraph 5 to be deleted.
We strongly urge States to maintain the obligation to provide inclusive
education to people with disability. We are disappointed that some States,
including Australia, have sought to water down these obligations by qualifying
phrases that impose duties on States. Education is essential to the proper
realization of human rights. States who have made a commitment to equality
for people with disability earlier in this debate cannot now abrogate that
responsibility by reducing state obligations to mere options.
We recognize the importance of specialist education in disability specific
language and skills for particular groups, but believe that such education
should be provided inclusively within the mainstream education system. For
example, it may be that a student enrolled in a mainstream educational facility
will need to attend separate classes for the purpose of learning Braille
or sign language.
Students receive much more than purely academic learning and development
within an educational environment. Many social and life skills are also
acquired, often informally. It is important that people with disability
have the opportunity to interact with other students and teachers without
disability for at least three reasons:
(a) people with disability, during and once we have completed our education,
will be interacting with the wider community where broad life experience
and skills are essential for continuing participation in society;
(b) interaction between students with disability and students and teachers
who do not have disability promotes a general understanding and awareness
of disability which in itself promotes a more inclusive society; and
(c) people with disability form life-long networks during their education.
It is important that they have the opportunity to develop these networks
with non-disabled as well as disabled people.
We strongly recommend that paragraph 1 is amended to recognise the right
of all persons with disability to an inclusive education in a school of
our choice in our local community and urge delegates to delete paragraph
3, which would justify continued discrimination against, and segregation
of, people with disability.
Finally, we support the International Labour Organisation’s recommendations
concerning greater recognition of school to work transitional education,
and other vocational and vocational rehabilitation training in this convention.
Draft Article 17 – Education
(a) Achieving the right progressively?
It is not clear whether by the word “progressively” in the chapeau of clause
1, the intention is that the State will implement the steps in this clause
gradually. If it is so, how is this right different from other rights mentioned
in the Convention that do not include such a limitation?
(b) The right to choose inclusive education includes assistance that enables
Clause 2 explicitly states that in order to achieve the right to education
on the basis of equal opportunity, the State will ensure that persons with
disabilities can choose inclusive education and will provide the required
support. However clause 3 states that when the general education system
does not adequately meet their needs, special and alternative forms of learning
should be made available (that is, a special education system). This does
not confer on the general education system the responsibility to provide
the support needed to make inclusive education a realistic choice. And so,
the system appears to meet its responsibility by offering an unrealistic
choice, between the mainstream system without the assistance necessary to
enable inclusion, and the special education system.
In order to tackle this inconsistency and close the gap, a provision should
be added to clause 3, stating that when the general education system, with
the use of supplementary aids and services, cannot adequately meet the needs
of a pupil, alternative forms of learning should be made available.
We would like to point out that the Israeli “Inclusion Law” was enacted
in order to confront this very “non-choice” that was placed before parents
and pupils, as described above.
(c) Encouraging employment of teachers with disabilities
As regards footnote 59 in the Convention Draft, we are of the opinion that
encouraging the employment of teachers with disabilities has a great influence
on creating models for emulation identification for the students, and that
it should be stated explicitly in this Article.
(d) Accommodations in higher education
We suggest that the accommodations typical to academic studies, i.e. accommodations
in the curriculum and examinations, be added to clause 5 that discusses
accessibility in tertiary education.
(e) Listening to the child
We suggest that the principle of listening to the child in appropriate situations
(depending on age and other factors) be determined.
Consideration should be given to the question whether this principle should be anchored specifically in the article concerning education, or in a more general way in the article discussing children with disabilities (Article 16).
Draft Article 17 Education
This is one of the most important and complex areas. Therefore, before making
concrete comments to the draft article, some general comments might be useful
on the objectives to be achieved with this article.
First and foremost, the right to education for all disabled children, youngsters
and adults has to be recognised and this education has to be of the same
quality as that of their non disabled peers.
The most complex is the issue of mainstream and special education. Special
education can be provided in special schools, but also in special classes
within mainstream schools.
The decision between special and mainstream education is an issue for which
the level of economic development of countries needs to be taken into account.
In an economically developed country, the existence of special schools is
difficult to justify. An exception to this general rule is the education
of deaf children who use sign language as their first language. The organisations
of the deaf defend the special schools as the preferred option. All other
groups consider mainstream education as the preferred option.
Nevertheless, inclusion in mainstream schools can only be the best option
if the adequate support is provided to the disabled child. As long as this
support is not provided, special schools need to continue to exist to ensure
the right for a quality education.
However, the general objective to be promoted is the integration in mainstream
Finally, meaningful choice is a key issue for the child and for the family,
which plays a decisive role in the decision on which education type to choose.
A reference to the key role of the parents in choosing the education of
their disabled children, needs to be included.
The article has to cover more clearly all stages of education and cover
all persons with disabilities. Therefore the reference in the initial section
of paragraph 1 should refer to persons with disabilities and not only to
children with disabilities. The same applies to paragraph 1 c). In order
to avoid confusion, we suggest always to refer to education and not to learning.
EDF considers that the structure of the article is not very clear. In our
view, the first paragraph should deal with the right to education and the
right to the same quality education as the non-disabled peers. We suggest
therefore that the paragraph 2c) is moved to paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2 should refer to the mainstream education system and paragraph
3 to special education.
EDF supports in paragraph 2b) the inclusion of a reference both to the need
to have specialised support teachers as well as a general disability awareness
training among all education professionals. A special reference to information
and communication technologies should also be included in this paragraph.
Paragraph 3d should say “continue to realise the needs of students with
Paragraph 4 should better read “proficient in braille” instead of “fluent
in braille” which seems to imply that braille is a language. This paragraph
applies both to mainstream education and to special education.
Paragraph 5 of the article should include a non exhaustive list of assistance
to be provided to persons with disabilities to ensure their participation
in tertiary education and vocational training.
Article 17 on education does not provide a strong basis for inclusive education with recognition of the needs of individual groups. The Salamanca Statement must be the baseline for a new Convention.
Draft Article 17
31. The participants suggested addition of a new sub-para under article
17 as 17-6, which should be read as “States parties shall simultaneously
promote special education system to meet the specific education needs of
respective disability groups.”
Article 17
Education and Training
The basic principle is that disabled children and adults, like all persons
have a right to education and training. We emphasise the obligation of governments
to provide compulsory and quality education for all children and adults.
We stress the fact that education and training is not only important to
develop academic and practical skills but equally important to socialise
with peers and to participate in society.
We wish to recognise the Salamanca agreement, Dakar agreement and Standard
Rules on inclusive education 1. We emphasise the importance of equal access,
utility of education and child-focussed methods enabling disabled children,
like all children to achieve their full potential. We wish to avoid pre-selected
training or any kind of education on the basis of perceived disability instead
of the potential of the child.
We stress the importance of transformation of special education towards
the preparation for and support of persons with disabilities in inclusive
settings and to support the education system to become inclusive for all
children and adults with disabilities 2. We want to recognise the ongoing
importance of special education and training for those persons who can not
fully develop their potential in inclusive settings because of specific
learning requirements which can not be reasonably met in mainstream schools.
However special education where needed has to be provided within the community
and as far as possible within existing school structures.
Suggested changes
17.1 States Parties recognise the right of all children and adults with
disabilities to inclusive education. The education and training of students
with disabilities shall be directed to:
a. building a society that is inclusive to all
b->c; c->d; d->e
17.2 In realising this right, States Parties shall endeavour to ensure:
a. that all persons with disabilities can participate in inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to early childhood and
pre-school education)
b. the provision of adequate support for change of the education system,
positive attitudes of stakeholders; appropriate training and mentoring of
teachers and educational support staff, student centred curriculum, flexible
teaching methods, appropriate teaching aids and equipment, alternative and
augmentative communication modes, an inclusive physical and learning environment,
parent and community involvement , to ensure the full participation of students
with disabilities
c. that no person with a disability shall be required to undergo any medical
treatment or intervention, to correct, improve or alleviate any actual or
perceived disability as a condition to inclusive and full education
17.4->3 States Parties shall ensure that students with communication3
disabilities have the right to education in alternative language and or
with alternative communication systems, to become bi-lingual and to learn
the communication, learning and mobility skills for inclusive education
and full participation within the class or school environment. State Parties
shall take appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for
full inclusive education of all students with disabilities by ensuring appropriately
skilled teachers and basic additional resources
17.5 States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities shall access
secondary and tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and
life long learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties
shall render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
1. Inclusive education is about changing schools to accommodate all students
irrespective of individual learning needs, it is not about fitting students
into existing schools
2. Save the Children has produced ‘Schools for All’ (2002) which is extensively
used all around the world and available at www.savethechildren.org.uk/development
3. communication disabilities does not only refer to those persons who are
blind and/or deaf, but also to those persons who have a major problem to
contact others, to express themselves, to filter and handle information
for various reasons (eg. People with autism, severe spasticity, learning
and intellectual impairments)
<Article 17>Education
Footnote 55
The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether this draft article should
cover training more extensively, drawing together the provisions on training
in other articles.
JDF’s Comment
Article 17 shall focus upon education, while issue of the training shall
be covered by Article 22 (Rights to Work) and other appropriate provisions.
Original Text of the Draft
1 States Parties undertake to ensure that each child with a disability within
their jurisdiction shall enjoy, without discrimination of any kind on the
basis of disability, the same rights and fundamental freedoms as other children.
Footnote 56
The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether the focus of the chapeau
should be solely on “children”, since other provisions of this draft article
refer to “persons” with disabilities.
JDF’s proposed Amendment
The term “progressively” in Draft Article 17(1) shall be deleted. With regard
to Footnote 56, the term “children with disabilities” in Article 17(1) shall
be replaced by “persons with disabilities” provided that education may include
higher education.
Original Text of the Draft
2. In realizing this right, States Parties shall ensure:
(a) That all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to early childhood and
pre-school education)
JDF’s Comment to this part
The phrase in Paragraph 2(a) “that all persons with disabilities can choose
inclusive and accessible education” must not be omitted.
Original Text of the Draft
3. States Parties shall ensure that where the general education system does
not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities special and alternative
forms of learning should be made available. Any such special and alternative
forms of learning should:
(a) Reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general education
(b) Be provided in such a manner as to allow children with disabilities
to participate in the general education system to the maximum extent possible;
(c) Allow a free and informed choice between general and special systems;
(d) In no way limit the duty of States Parties to continue to strive to
meet the needs of students with disabilities in the general education system.
Footnote 61
While members of the Working Group considered that choice was an important
element of this paragraph, some members considered that the right to education
was more important. Other members would have liked greater emphasis on the
best interests of the child in this choice.
Different approaches were also identified with respect to setting out the
relationship between the provision of specialist education services and
the general education system. Some members considered that education of
children with disabilities in the general education system should be the
rule, and the provision of specialist education services the exception.
Others thought that specialist education services should be provided not
only where the general education system was inadequate, but should rather
be made available at all times without a presumption that one approach was
more desirable than the other. Some members of the Working Group, for example,
highlighted the need for deaf and blind children to be allowed to be educated
in their own groups. If the latter approach were to be taken, the Working
Group considered that there should still be an explicit obligation on the
State to make the general education system accessible to students with disabilities,
without limiting the individual’s ability to choose either the general system
or the specialist services.
JDF’s Comment to this part (1)
As to the comparison between the choice and the right to education made
in Draft Footnote 61, the essential element of the right to education is
“the provision of educational environment in which choice can be made .”
(See the underlined portion)
Adequate and appropriate information as to the specialist education services
shall be provided to the persons with disabilities and their guardians.
Blind students and their guardians should be informed of the services available
at schools for the blind, that have blind teachers who can teach Braille.
Deaf students and their guardians should be informed of the services available
at schools for the deaf, that have deaf teachers who can sign languages.
In addition, schools for the blind as a system should support blind children
who are in general schools.
JDF’s Comment to this part (2)
“A free and informed choice (Paragraph (c))” is essential. Since no footnote
is provided as to this provision, there should be no controversy. We support
the incorporation of this provision in the Convention without any amendment.
Original Text of the Draft
4. States Parties shall ensure that children with sensory disabilities may
choose to be taught sign language or Braille, as appropriate, and to receive
the curriculum in sign language or Braille. States Parties shall take appropriate
measures to ensure quality education to students with sensory disabilities
by ensuring the employment of teachers who are fluent in sign language or
JDF supports the WFD’s proposal, stating:
Deaf children have the right to receive education in their own groups and
to become bilingual in sign language and their national spoken and written
language. They also have the right to learn additional foreign languages,
both signed and spoken/written. Each state Party shall take legislative,
administrative, political and other measures needed to provide quality education
using sign language, by ensuring the employment of Deaf teachers and also
hearing teachers who are fluent in sign language.
JDF’s Comment to this part (1)
Paragraph 4 lacks accuracy since it covers blindness and deafness, different
sort of sensory disabilities, in one provision. Given the characteristic
difference between Braille and sign language, they shall be covered by separate
JDF’s Comment to this part (2)
As to education of deaf children, a bilingual education of both national
sign language and spoken/written language. As to education of blind children,
it shall be noted that freedom or opportunity of people with low eyesight
to use ordinary prints should not be ignored because of an excessive emphasis
of the importance of Braille.
Original Text of the Draft
5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong
learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties shall
render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
JDF’s proposed Amendment
As to Paragraph 5, the term “vocational training” shall be replaced by “vocational
education” with regard to the point that vocational education is needed
in latter half of the education period.
People with disabilities frequently find themselves forced into educational
settings not of their choosing and/or often not appropriate to their actual
needs, which in turn limit their opportunities to develop their full potential
as individuals and to participate fully in society. It is therefore important
that Draft Article 17 address the range of issues related to the education
of people with disabilities. (For some examples of educational issues of
relevance to people with disabilities, Cf. UN Standard Rules on the Equalization
of Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Rule 6)
Draft Article 17(1) specifically states that the right of all persons with
disabilities to education is a right to be achieved “progressively.” Although
there are other draft articles in the Working Group text subject to progressive
realization, those provisions are not consistently highlighted as such.
The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether it is really necessary
for Draft Article 17 to be subject to such treatment.
Footnote 56 notes the use of the term “children” in paragraph (1). Given
that educational settings (particularly tertiary education) have relevance
to adults as well, the Ad Hoc Committee may wish to examine the references
to children throughout this article.
Footnote 59 and paragraph 3(d) both make reference to the “needs” of students
and children with disabilities. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider
amending this language to instead read “rights and needs.”
Footnote 61 references the discussions about different options regarding
mainstream vs. specialist education services. It should be noted that the
expectation is that if specialist educational settings are offered, they
should not be of a lower standard than the general or mainstream settings.
(Cf. UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons
with Disabilities, Rule 6, para. 8; UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination
in Education, Article 5(1)(c))
Article 17:
Training should be dealt with separated from education.
It is necessary that we speak about education only and do not replace this
word the "learning".
The right to lifelong education for PWD:s on equal footing with non-disabled
should be included.
Education should cover children and adults on equal footing within the country.
Under para 2 (a), the following words should be included (… can choose inclusive
OR SPECIAL (residential) and accessible education in their own community…).
Under para 2 (c), employment of teachers with disabilities should rather
be referred to in Article 22 Right to Work.
In para 3, footnote 61 second part it says: “…specialist education services
and the general education system…”. “Specialist education service” is wrongly
interpret and should be replaced by SPECIAL or RESIDENTIAL education.
Inclusive or special educational must not be seen as, either or, but rather
as alternative and complementary. Full inclusion is often wrongly
interpreted to mean full-scale mainstreaming of all students with disabilities
in the same class-room, no matter of disability and no matter of the possibility
to utilise the lessons. Students who are Deaf, Blind and Deafblind gain
more benefit in schools or classes of their own, with teachers and support
staffs who are qualified and skilled in sign language, Braille and tactile
communication skills.
Further down in footnote 61: “…individual’s ability to choose either the
general system or the specialist services.” Education is an obligation and
must not be interpreted as “specialist service”.
In para 4 with footnote 63: “…this issue could be addressed in draft Article
13 on freedom of expression and opinion.” This issue should
absolutely be dealt with here and not under Article 13.
Draft article 17 - Education
1. States Parties recognise the right of all girls, boys, young people,
women and men with disabilities to quality education. With a view to achieving
this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, the education
of girls, boys, young people, women and men with disabilities shall be directed
(a) building a society that is inclusive to all girls, boys, young people,
women and men
(b) the full development of the human potential and sense of dignity and
self worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental
freedoms and human diversity;
(c) enabling all persons with disabilities to fully participate effectively
in a free and inclusive society;
(d) the development of the individual’s personality, talents and abilities
to their fullest potential;
(e) take into account individual learning needs;
2. In realising this right, States Parties shall ensure:
(a) that all girls, boys, young people, women and men with disabilities
can choose inclusive and accessible education in their own community including
access to early childhood and pre school education;
(b) the provision of required support, including the specialised training
of teachers and other educational staff, an accessible curriculum, accessible
teaching medium and materials, appropriate assistive devices, alternative
and augmentative communication means, alternative learning strategies, universally
accessible built environment, or other reasonable accommodations to ensure
the full participation of persons with disabilities;
(c) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory
primary education on account of their disability;
(d) that no person with disability shall be required to undergo any medical
treatment or intervention to correct, improve or alleviate any impairment,
any actual or perceived disability as a condition of inclusive and full
quality education
(e) reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general education
system moving towards national educational plans and curriculums
3. States Parties shall ensure that:
(a) Deaf and deafblind children and young persons have the right to receive
education in their own groups and to become bilingual in sign language and
their national spoken and written language. They also have the right to
learn additional foreign languages, both signed and spoken/written. Each
state Party shall take legislative, administrative, political and other
measures needed to provide quality education using sign language, by ensuring
the employment of Deaf teachers and also hearing teachers who are fluent
in sign language
(b) Blind, partially sighted and deafblind children and young persons, have
the right to receive education in their own groups and to gain literacy,
mathematics, geography and chemistry skills with learning materials, in
Braille and or through alternative formats including assistive devises.
Daily life skills and mobility training must be provided parallel with the class room education, in order to gain full independence. This also includes right to an education provided by teachers with competence to teach communication skills and have received training relevant to the specific needs of blind, partially sighted and deafblind persons.
4. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities shall access
secondary and higher education, vocational training, adult education and
lifelong learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties
shall render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
Draft Article 17, Education
Item 4 should be rewritten. WFD proposes that item 4 be divided so that
there are separate points for Deaf education in sign language; and a point
of its own for Braille and education for blind people. The World Blind Union
should write the point for education of blind people.
WFD would like to propose the following as the paragraph regarding education
for Deaf people, to be added to Article 17:
Deaf children have the right to receive education in their own groups and
to become bilingual in sign language and their national spoken and written
language. They also have the right to learn additional foreign languages,
both signed and spoken/written. Each state Party shall take legislative,
administrative, political and other measures needed to provide quality education
using sign language, by ensuring the employment of Deaf teachers and also
hearing teachers who are fluent in sign language.
Support for both mother tongue medium education and bilingual teachers is
in “The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National
Minorities” from the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (see www.osce.org/hcnm/); and also
the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (www.unesco.org
) Education in a Multilingual World, UNESCO Education Position Paper, 2003
and Safeguarding of Endangered Languages.
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