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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 28 - Adequate standard of living and social protection
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Seventh Session | Sixth Session | Fourth Session | Third Session
Working Group | References

Third Session


Compilation of proposed revisions and amendments made by the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to the draft text presented by the Working Group as a basis for negotiations by Member States and Observers in the Ad Hoc Committee

(updated after the completion of the first reading at the Fourth Session, 26 August 2004)


Article 23
Social [security — Kenya, Lebanon] (support — Kenya) (securities — Lebanon) and [an — Kenya] adequate [standard of living — Chile1, 2(quality of life — Chile)

(The right to an adequate standard of living and social protection — Jordan)

(Adequate standard of living and social security — Costa Rica, EU, New Zealand)

1. [States Parties recognize (and ensure — Yemen, Palestine) the right of all persons with disabilities to (an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families and — Costa Rica) (social protection, including — Jamaica) (all types of social securities — Lebanon) [[social [security] — Kenya] — Lebanon] (support — Kenya), (and other assistance including functional technical aids — Mexico) [including — Jamaica] [social [insurance — Jordan] — Uganda] — Australia] (and social [insurance — Australia] (assistance — Australia), including disability specific services — Australia) (and social assistance — Jamaica, Uganda)3, (support — Jordan) [and to the enjoyment of [that — Costa Rica] (these — Costa Rica) [right — Costa Rica] (rights — Costa Rica) without discrimination on the basis of (the kind of — Israel) disability — China], (on an equal basis with others — China) and [shall — China] (undertake to — China) take [appropriate — Australia] (and progressive — China) steps to [safeguard and promote — China] (realize — China) [the (progressive — South Africa, Australia) realization of — China] [that — Costa Rica] (these — Costa Rica) [right — Costa Rica] (rights — Costa Rica) right, including measures to — Namibia]:

(States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing, housing and access to clean water, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. As such, States Parties will undertake to take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of these rights — Namibia)

[[(a) [Ensure — Japan, China] (Create conditions which would assure to all persons with disabilities — Japan) (Promote) [access — Israel] (entitlement) by persons with disabilities to necessary (support — Costa Rica) services, (technical aids, — Costa Rica) devices (free of charge — Yemen) and other assistance for disability-related needs;4

[[(b) [Ensure — Japan, China] (Create conditions which would assure to all persons with disabilities — Japan) (Promote — China) [access — Israel] (entitlement) by persons with disabilities, [particularly women and girls with disabilities and the [aged — Philippines] (older persons — Philippines) with disabilities — China] (and members of minority groups with disabilities — Israel), to social security programmes and [poverty-reduction — Cuba] (poverty eradication — Cuba) strategies, and to take into account the needs and perspectives of persons with disabilities in all such programmes and strategies; — Canada, New Zealand]

[(c) [Ensure — Japan, China] (Create conditions which would assure to all persons with disabilities — Japan) (Promote — China) [access — Israel] (entitlement) (in particular — Costa Rica) by persons with [[[severe5 and — Yemen, Argentina] multiple — Philippines, Japan, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, Canada, Palestine, Cuba, Bahrain, Lebanon] disabilities, [and their families — Japan] — Thailand]6, (who live in poor conditions — Bahrain) (or caregivers — Morocco, Uganda) (to the extent of these persons’ disabilities — Kenya) (irrespective of type, gravity and complexity of disability — Thailand) [living in situations of poverty — Kenya, Uganda] to (progressive — Cameroon) assistance from the State to cover disability-related expenses [(including adequate training, counselling, (social assistance, including — Mexico) financial assistance and respite care), which should not become a disincentive to develop themselves — Canada];7 (The assistance should be reviewed periodically — Jordan) (the severity of disability and the fact that the person has more than one disability are legitimate factors in determining the level of entitlement in accordance with this subparagraph — Israel) — EU] — New Zealand]

(d) [Ensure — Japan] (Create conditions which would assure to all persons with disabilities — Japan) (equitable — New Zealand) [[access — Israel] (entitlement) by persons with disabilities — Costa Rica] to [governmental (and private — Philippines) housing programmes (with priority to be given for their accommodation to such housing — Chile), (and encourage private developers to cater for persons with disabilities — Uganda) [including through earmarking percentages of governmental housing8 for persons with disabilities — Japan, EU, Canada, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Australia]; — Namibia, Costa Rica] (are developed in accordance with universal design — Costa Rica)

(a) (With regard to the right to adequate housing, States Parties undertake to engage in no act or practice of discrimination on the grounds of disability in relation to housing policies and programmes and to take all appropriate measures to ensure that all public authorities, public institutions and private entities shall act in conformity with this obligation;

(b) States Parties undertake to guarantee the full participation of disabled persons in the elaboration and implementation of housing related legislation reflect their needs;

(c) States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can freely enjoy and exercise their right to housing and can participate fully and equally within society. Steps to be taken by the States Parties should ensure that housing for persons with disabilities:

i. Provides security of tenure and freedom from forced eviction.

ii. Provides for the physical safety of occupants and protection from threats to health, structural hazards and disease vectors.

iii. Is affordable and does not compromise the ability of persons with disabilities to secure other basic needs.

iv. Contains all facilities essential for health, security, comfort and nutrition.

v. Is located in appropriate proximity to support services, employment options, health-care services and other social facilities.

(d) States Parties shall develop programmes to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to affordable water, including for persons who require additional quantities of water for personal and domestic needs and for those with difficulties in physically accessing sanitation and water supply points and facilities — Namibia)

[(e) [Ensure — Japan] (Create conditions which would assure to all persons with disabilities — Japan) (equal — Jordan) [access — Israel] (entitlement) by persons with disabilities to tax exemptions and tax benefits (and to other benefits to which they are entitled in respect of the degree of their disability — Cameroon) in respect of (equipment and assistive devices for persons with disabilities — Kenya) their income;9 — EU, Canada, New Zealand, Costa Rica]

(Provide assistance to persons with disabilities and their families to meet the extra costs they each incur because of disability — New Zealand)

(f) [(Promulgate legislation to — Namibia) (Encourage to — Japan) Ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access life and health (and other types of — Lebanon) insurance (or other forms of support by the community — Cameroon) without discrimination on the basis of disability.10

(Whether the system is for individual or capitalization saving, the cost for the person with disability should be the same as that applied to all persons. — Chile) (in public and private institutions — Namibia) (and in accordance with national law — Australia) — EU, Canada] — China]

(Take appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to have access to life and health insurance based on objective criteria — EU)

(Promote access by persons with disabilities, living in situations of poverty, to assistance from the State, in areas such as housing programmes, taxation, life and health insurance and respite care — China)

((g) eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability from social security and social assistance provided to the population generally, and from the administration of disability specific services for people with disabilities. — Australia)

[2. [States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to an adequate [standard of (food, clothing, and housing — Viet Nam) [living — Viet Nam] — Chile] (quality of life — Chile) for themselves and their families, [including (but not limited to — Philippines) adequate food, (education — Philippines) housing [and access to clean water,11 — China, EU] — Viet Nam] (on an equal basis with others — Japan) (access to basic services — Mexico) and to the continuous improvement of living conditions, and will [undertake — China] (take — China) appropriate steps to [safeguard and promote] (ensure — China) the (progressive — South Africa) realization of this right. — Chile] (, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international cooperation based on free consent — China) (without discrimination on the basis of disability — EU) (States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to an adequate quality of life for themselves and their families, including food, clothing, appropriate housing, access to potable water and basic sanitary services, and the continuous improvement of their living conditions, and will adopt measures to protect and promote the achievement of this right. — Chile) — Costa Rica]

((a) ensure equitable access by persons with disabilities to government regional development programmes and poverty elimination strategies, including international aid programmes — New Zealand)

(Promote the allocation of a certain percentage of the government budget to ensure an adequate standard of living for persons with disabilities — Philippines)




1. Some members of the Working Group noted that the meaning of “social security” differed widely from State to State, and that the scope of the right to an adequate standard of living was much broader than social security. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider this issue further.

2. Some members of the Working Group expressed concern about the capacity of States parties to implement these provisions. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider inclusion of the concept of progressive realization in this right if it is not addressed in a paragraph with general application elsewhere in the Convention.

3. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider inclusion of the concept of “social assistance”.

4. Some members of the Working Group considered that this provision should be strengthened to mention explicitly technical aids to mobility, transfer, auditory or visual perception and other special devices that persons with disabilities require. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether this issue is adequately covered in draft article 20 on personal mobility.

5. Some members of the Working Group questioned the use of the word “severe” on the grounds either that it was difficult to define or that it was prejudicial. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether to omit it.

6. There was a difference of view among Working Group members as to whether the provisions of this subparagraph should be extended to the families of persons with disabilities, and as to how “family” should be defined. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider this further and with general application to the Convention.

7. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether the provisions of this subparagraph should apply to persons with disabilities generally.

8. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether the phrase “including through earmarking percentages of governmental housing” is appropriate in the draft Convention. Some members of the Working Group expressed the view that it was too prescriptive and may limit the measures that States parties could take to ensure access to governmental housing programmes. Some members of the Working Group also considered that non-discriminatory access to privately provided housing should also be specified.

9. Some members of the Working Group expressed the view that this subparagraph was too prescriptive.

10. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the extent to which States parties can determine the provision of insurance, which in many countries is typically the domain of the private sector.

11. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the reference to “clean water” further. Some members of the Working Group considered that it should be deleted on the grounds that it was not a right guaranteed under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Other members considered that the reference was critical to the treatment and prevention of disabilities, and should be strengthened to include “basic services”.





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