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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 30 - Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
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Third Session


Compilation of proposed revisions and amendments made by the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to the draft text presented by the Working Group as a basis for negotiations by Member States and Observers in the Ad Hoc Committee

(updated after the completion of the first reading at the Fourth Session, 26 August 2004)

Article 24
Participation in cultural life, (religion — Kenya, Holy See, Uganda, Namibia, Philippines) recreation, leisure (physical culture — Mexico) and sport 1

1. [States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities to take part in cultural life, (creating them the facilities for the enjoyment of — Chile) — New Zealand] [and (States parties shall respect and promote the right to all persons with disabilities to engage in cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity. In order to promote and protect the realization of this right States Parties — New Zealand) shall take all appropriate (and progressive — China) measures to ensure (including by way of legislation to the maximum extent that is reasonable — Israel) that persons with disabilities — EU] (and shall promote appropriate measures for persons with disabilities to — EU, Canada):

(a) Have the opportunity to develop and utilize (and express — Mexico) their creative, artistic and intellectual (and physical — New Zealand, Israel) potential, [not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of their community — Israel] (for both their own benefit and the benefit of their communities and the society as a whole — Israel);

(b) [Enjoy access (at the least cost — Morocco) [to (literature and other cultural materials in all accessible formats, including (inter alia — Colombia) in electronic text, sign language and Braille, and in audio and (free — Yemen) multimedia formats — New Zealand] (on an equal basis to all cultural materials and activities — New Zealand) — Jordan] (Enjoy equitable access to and participation in cultural and sports material, activities, services and facilities — Jordan);

[[(c) [Enjoy access to (international and regional — Yemen) television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural activities, in all accessible formats, including captioning and sign language — New Zealand] (Have the opportunity to participate in all cultural, artistic and sporting activities of their choice at local, regional, national and international levels — New Zealand); — EU

(d) [Enjoy access to places for cultural performances or services, such as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries (concert and other musical performances — Israel) and the [hospitality — Mexico] (hotel — Mexico) industry (and enjoy such performances — Costa Rica) (and services — Mexico, Costa Rica), and, [as far as — Israel] (to the maximum extent — Israel) possible, enjoy access to (exhibits, — Uganda) monuments and sites of national cultural importance (granting those facilities which allow the enjoyment of these artistic expressions. — Chile) — New Zealand]. — Jordan]

(Receive on an equal basis to other people instruction, training and resources for the pursuit of all cultural, artistic and sporting activities — New Zealand)

2. States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that laws protecting intellectual property rights do not constitute [an unreasonable — Canada] or discriminatory — Thailand, Guatemala] (any — Thailand) barrier to access by persons with disabilities to cultural materials, [while (in accordance with international agreements — Japan) respecting the provisions of international law — Thailand].

[3. [Persons [who are deaf — Israel] (and the deafblind — Uganda) (with disabilities of all kinds — Israel) shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of — Costa Rica] (States Parties recognize that deaf persons living under their jurisdiction are entitled to — Costa Rica) their (own — Costa Rica) specific cultural and linguistic identity.2 — EU, Japan] (and shall take all appropriate measures to support this right — Costa Rica).

(3. bis States Parties recognize the fundamental right of persons with disabilities to practise a religion of their choice and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities:

a. Enjoy the opportunity to develop their spirituality and practise their faith;

b. Have access to houses of worship, shrines and sites of religious importance;

c. Can belong to a community of believers and participate fully in the life of the congregation and in the rites, ceremonies and sacraments that are part of worship;

d. Have access to appropriate religious education and receive instruction in the format that best suits their needs;

e. Will be protected from religious abuse, exploitation and coercion. — Kenya, Uganda)

[4. [States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities, [on an [equal — South Africa] (equitable — South Africa) basis with others,3 — Mexico, Guatemala] (in conditions of equity with other persons — Mexico) to participate in [recreational — Yemen], leisure and sporting activities (including tourism — Costa Rica) and shall take appropriate measures to — EU] (do all of the following, to the maximum extent that is reasonable — Israel) (With a view to enabling persons with disabilities to participate on an equal basis as others in recreational, leisure (activities, physical culture and sports — Mexico) and [sporting activities — Mexico] (to promote a healthy lifestyle — South Africa), States Parties shall take appropriate measures to — EU):

(a) [Encourage — South Africa, Namibia] (Ensure — South Africa, Namibia) and promote the (full — South Africa) participation, [to the fullest extent possible — South Africa], of persons with disabilities in [mainstream — China, Costa Rica, Namibia] (integrated — Namibia) [sporting activities — Mexico] (physical culture and sports — Mexico) at (club, — South Africa) (local, — Namibia) regional, national and international levels (, and promote sporting activities tailored to the needs of persons with disabilities as well as disability-specific sports — Republic of Korea); 4

(b) Ensure that persons with disabilities have an opportunity to organize and participate in sporting (recreational and leisure — South Africa) activities and [to receive [the same — Mexico, South Africa, Costa Rica, Uganda, Namibia] (the necessary — Uganda, Namibia) (the appropriate — Costa Rica) instruction, training and (equitable — South Africa) resources in support [that is available to other participants — Mexico, Costa Rica] (in conditions of equity with other participants — Mexico) — EU] (encourage the provision of appropriate instruction, training and support — EU);

[(c) Ensure that (all — Mexico) persons with disabilities have access to [sporting and recreational venues, [and that [children — Chile] (pupils — Chile) with disabilities have equal access to participating in sporting activities with the education system — Mexico, Costa Rica] (to qualified and specialized children — Bahrain) (to participate in sporting activities in conditions of equity within the education system, including children with disabilities — Mexico); (the physical environment for practising sporting and recreational activities, including facilities and venues for such practices — Costa Rica).

((c bis) Ensure that persons with disabilities have access and can enjoy touristic attractions.

(c tris) Ensure that children with disabilities have equal access to participating in sporting and recreational activities, including those in the educational system — Costa Rica)

[(d) Ensure that persons with disabilities have (equal — South Africa) access to services from those involved in the organization of recreational, (and — Mexico) leisure (tourism — Israel) [and sporting — Mexico] (physical culture and sports — Mexico) activities. — EU] — New Zealand, Jordan, Costa Rica]

((d bis) Ensure equitable access to government and private funding for persons with disabilities to facilitate full participation in sporting, recreational and leisure activities and organization.

Encourage all public media to provide appropriate and equitable coverage of the achievement of persons with disabilities in sports, recreational and leisure activities, as well as the availability of such activities to all persons with disabilities — South Africa)

((e) Ensure that persons with disabilities subject to multiple forms of discrimination, such as women and refugees have access to sports, recreation and leisure activities — Namibia)

((e) Promote the development, import and/or exchange of sporting equipment taking into account the different types of disabilities and the different sports — Colombia)

(Develop the sportive potential of persons with disabilities, promoting sports, massive, competitive, of high performance and age-ranged along all the groups and places of each national territory.

Promote training in educators and trainers which carry out sports and recreation programmes, for the adequate inclusion and attention of persons with disabilities in those programmes. — Chile)

(5. States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to remove discriminatory societal barriers to the enjoyment of all the rights in this article — Uganda)





1. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether and how the concept of accessibility could be expanded under this draft article.

2. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider whether this provision would be more appropriately placed under another draft article.

3. Some members of the Working Group considered that the phrase “on an equal basis with others” should be deleted from this paragraph, and that subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) should instead include an obligation on States parties to remove discriminatory barriers, both environmental and societal, to the enjoyment of these rights. Other members expressed the view that “on an equal basis with others” should be retained, because sporting, recreational and leisure organizations and facilities were often within the private sector. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider this issue further.

4. Some members of the Working Group emphasized the importance of mainstreaming sporting activities for persons with disabilities. Others indicated that this obligation would need to be balanced with the promotion of separate sporting activities and organizations tailored to the needs and abilities of persons with disabilities, as well as disability specific sports that might not be included in mainstream sporting events. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider how best to incorporate these views.



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