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Article 31 - Statistics and data collection
Background Documents | Article 31 Background
Seventh Session | Fourth Session | Third Session
Working Group | References
Seventh Session
UN System Organizations
Non-governmental organizations
Article 31
1. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
EU Proposal (1): Replace “should” with “shall” to strengthen the text.
(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(b) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
2. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and shall also be used to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
EU Position on “Women” and “Children” in response to the joint facilitator’s proposal, 31 January 2006
(0) involve both men with disabilities and women with disabilities and their organisations in the design of relevant indicators and the collection and analysis of the data;
(0.1) enable States Parties to disaggregate [delete: all] data on the basis of sex and age and ensure that the data provides information on issues that may affect differently women and girls with disabilities and men and boys with disabilities;
Proposals on articles relating to Women and Children with disabilities and other relevant articles
(i) We feel that para 1(0) under Article 31, being added is repetitive and hence could be deleted. Consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities has already been taken into account in General Obligations. Persons with disabilities through their organizations would be taking up development of indicators and collection and analysis of data to provide inputs to policy formulations.
(ii) Paragraph 1(0.1) of Article 31 needs minor modification by deletion of word ‘all’ since collection of various types of data are not necessarily relevant from the point of view of persons with disabilities.
Article 31
1. Where necessary States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(b) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
2. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and shall also be used to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
UN System Organizations
Views of the ILO on Draft Article 31 Statistics and Data Collection
- The ILO welcomes the brevity and general nature of the provisions in draft article 31
- The requirements for ‘respect for the privacy’ and ‘fundamental freedoms and ethical principles’ are unnecessary in this Article, however, and should be covered in Article 1 of the Convention.
- Reference should be made in the article to the fact that statistics enable the evaluation of policies.
- The provisions should also cover the dissemination of the data, including publication and making data and data sets available to users, since this is one of the areas where confidentiality and privacy should particularly be ensured.
- Collecting, maintaining and disseminating information involve more than a process, as currently implied - they have dynamic as well as static components. It is thus proposed that the word ‘process’ be replaced by ‘system’ in the second sentence.
- In sub-paragraph 1(b), it would be more appropriate to speak of “standards and procedures” rather than “norms”. By “standards and procedures” we mean the standards, guidelines, recommendations, etc. on statistics adopted under the auspices of the relevant international bodies, which also include provisions for confidentiality and privacy, among other things. Examples of international standards and procedures are:
- The second paragraph of the article relates to monitoring, and should thus be moved to draft Article 33 or 34, with the addition of reference to the designation of a responsible institution.
Suggested amendments to draft Article 31
1. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate, and implement and evaluate policies to give effect to this Convention. The process system of collecting, and maintaining and disseminating this information should:
(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(c) comply with internationally accepted standards and procedures norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
2. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and shall also be used to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
Non-governmental organizations
Chairman’s text as revised by the IDC
Article 31
1. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(b) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
2. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be (ADD: “only”) used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and (DELETE: “shall also be used”) to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
(JUSTIFICATION: The IDC would like to express its concerns regarding the misuse of Statistics Indicators that presuppose that the lives of disabled people have less value than those of people without disabilities and can be used to discriminating people with disabilities from public and other services, such DALYs (disability adjusted life years))
3. (NEW 3. “Statistics should be maintained only in aggregated format and integrated into the general statistics of the country”
4. (NEW 4.”States Parties shall assume the responsibility for the dissemination of these statistics and ensure their accessibility to people with disabilities and others.”)
IDC Proposal on Article 31
5. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
(add before a)
(0) involve both men with disabilities and women with disabilities and their organisations in the design of relevant indicators and the collection and analysis of the data;
(0.1) enable States Parties to disaggregate all data on the basis of, sex, age, ethnic, and economic categories and ensure that the data provides information on issues that may affect differently women and girls with disabilities and men and boys with disabilities;
(JUSTIFICATION: Men and women with disabilities have to be included in all stages of data collection to identify the relevant issues and to avoid a purely medical perspective. Only gender disaggregated data show the real situation of women and girls with disabilities and make need for actions evident.)
(c) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(d) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
6. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be (ADD: “only”) used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and (DELETE: “shall also be used”) to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
(JUSTIFICATION: The IDC would like to express its concerns regarding the misuse of Statistics Indicators that presuppose that the lives of disabled people have less value than those of people without disabilities and can be used to discriminating people with disabilities from public and other services, such DALYs (disability adjusted life years))
7. (NEW 3. “Statistics should be maintained only in categories such as sex and age and integrated into the general statistics of the country”
(JUSTIFICATION: The IDC would not like the data to be disaggregated on the bases of impairment)
8. (NEW 4.”States Parties shall assume the responsibility for the dissemination of these statistics and ensure their accessibility to people with disabilities and others.”)
Women’s IDC
Proposals for inclusion of gender aspects in a specific article
Article 31
1. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
(add before a)
(0) involve both men with disabilities and women with disabilities and their organisations in the design of relevant indicators and the collection and analysis of the data;
(0.1) enable States Parties to disaggregate all data on the basis of disability, impairment1 and sex and ensure that the data provides information on issues that may affect differently women with disabilities and men with disabilities;
(a) comply with legally established safeguards to ensure confidentiality and respect for the privacy of persons with disabilities, including legislation on data protection;
(b) comply with internationally accepted norms to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and ethical principles of statistics.
2. The information collected in accordance with this Article shall be used to assess the implementation of States Parties obligations under this Convention, and shall also be used to identify and address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in exercising their rights.
Men and women with disabilities have to be included in all stages of data collection to identify the relevant issues and to avoid a purely medical perspective. Only gender disaggregated data show the real situation of women with disabilities and make need for actions evident.
Women’s IDC
Response to the Facilitator’s Proposals on Women with Disabilities
from 28/30 January 2006
1. Where necessary, States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to this Convention. The process of collecting and maintaining this information should:
(add before a)
(0) involve both men with disabilities and women with disabilities and their organisations in the design of relevant indicators and the collection and analysis of the data;
(0.1) enable States Parties to disaggregate all data on the basis of sex and age and ensure that the data provides information on issues that may affect differently women and girls with disabilities and men and boys with disabilities
Women’s IDC
Women’s IDC welcomes and underlines the Facilitator’s proposal.
1. defintions according to WHO
Article 31
Report on National Consultations
Article 31
There was general support for the article and no amendments or revisions to the Chair’s Text are proposed.
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