34 - International monitoring
Background Documents | Article 34 Background
Eighth Session | Seventh Session | Sixth Session
Fourth Session | Third Session | Working Group
Working Group
Draft Article
National Implementation Framework113
• States Parties shall designate a focal point within Government for matters
relating to the implementation of the present Convention, and give due consideration
to the establishment or designation of a coordination mechanism to facilitate
related action in different sectors and at different levels.
• States Parties shall, in accordance with their legal and administrative system,
maintain, strengthen, designate or establish at the national level a framework114
to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the rights recognised in the
present Convention.
112: The Working Group did not have time
to consider the issue of international monitoring of the draft Convention. Some
members of the Working Group indicated, however, that international monitoring
was an issue of considerable importance to them. Other members, however, had
reservations in this respect.
113: The Working group did not discuss
in detail the wording of the draft provisions. It noted that the Ad Hoc Committee
may wish to discuss the issue further and take into account the on-going review
of the work of the existing UN human rights treaty monitoring bodies.
114: The Working Group did not reach agreement
on a number of issues relating to the role of national human rights institutions
in the process of the promoting, protecting and monitoring the implementation
of the Convention but some members considered that they might perform, inter
alia, the following functions: promoting awareness of the provisions of the
Convention to persons with disabilities and to the general population; monitoring
national legislation, policies and programmes to ensure consistency with the
Convention; undertaking or facilitating research on the impact of the Convention
or of national legislation; developing a system for assessing that impact on
persons with disabilities; and hearing complaints about failure to observe the