5 - Equality and non-discrimination
Documents | Article 5
Seventh Session | Fifth Session | Fourth
Session | Third Session
Working Group | References
World Programme
of Action Concerning Disabled Persons
Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, thirty-seventh session, Resolution
37/52 of 3 December 1982
Equalization of Opportunities
To achieve the goals of "full participation and equality", rehabilitation
measures aimed at the disabled individual are not sufficient.
Experience shows that it is largely the environment which determines the effect
of an impairment or a disability on a person's daily life. A person is handicapped
when he or she is denied the opportunities generally available in the community
that are necessary for the fundamental elements of living, including family
life, education, employment, housing, financial and personal security, participation
in social and political groups, religious activity, intimate and sexual relationships,
access to public facilities, freedom of movement and the general style of daily
living. (…)
The principle of equal rights for the disabled and non-disabled implies that
the needs of each and every individual are of equal importance, that these needs
must be made the basis for the planning of societies, and that all resources
must be employed in such a way as to ensure, for every individual, equal opportunity
for participation. Disability policies should ensure the access of the disabled
to all community service