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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 8 - Raising awareness regarding disability
Background Documents | Article 8 Background
Seventh Session | Fourth Session | Third Session
Working Group | References

Fourth Session


Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically



African Group




European Union


New Zealand

Non-governmental organizations                                                                 

Children's Rights Alliance for England

International Disability Caucus  

Landmine Survivors Network

People with Disabilities Australia

Working meeting of NGOs for People with Disabilities from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus & Moldova



Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically







1. States Parties undertake to adopt appropriate and effective measures to:

(a) Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability in various forms and persons with disabilities and their needs, potential and contributions to society and foster a culture of respect for persons with disability and their human rights;

(b) Combat stereotypes, prejudices and practices whether cultural, or other which discriminate against persons with disabilities;

(c) Portray persons with disability, irrespective of type, severity and complexity of their disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms and responsibilities as all others in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this convention;

(d) Combat patronizing, bullying and neglect on the basis of perceived incapacity of children and adults in public service and society as a whole;

2. These measures shall include among others:

(a) Initiating, promoting and maintaining an effective public, social awareness campaign designed to nurture respect and protect the rights of persons with disabilities;

(b) Developing and maintaining programmes of awareness in their population, including children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;

(c) Encouraging all organs of the media to portray persons with disabilities in a manner consistent with the purpose of this convention;

(d) Working in partnership with persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and families in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.




c) Promote the capabilities and contributions of all persons with disabilities, as members of society sharing the same rights and fundamental freedoms as all others.


1. States Parties undertake, by appropriate and active means, to:

a) Raise awareness throughout society of disability and persons with disabilities, including their potential and contribution to society, and foster respect for their rights through measures such as public awareness campaigns and programs of awareness for all children from an early age and throughout their education.

b) Promote the capabilities and contributions of all persons with disabilities, as members of society sharing the same rights and fundamental freedoms as all others, and encourage the media to portray positive images of people with disabilities consistent with this convention.

c) Combat stereotypes, negative cultural practices and prejudices about persons with disabilities.



Draft language related to training for Draft Article 5:

2. These measures shall include, among others:

raise awareness throughout society regarding this Convention, including through training related to the rights, principles and obligations associated with this Convention for personnel and others involved in the implementation of the Convention, including but not limited to officials responsible for law enforcement and justice administration, education, health care, rehabilitation, and employment, so that they may be able to carry out their responsibilities more effectively;





We support the proposal of Mexico to change the title of this article to “Creation of a culture of respect and inclusion”, since it is more comprehensive to speak of a culture, which incorporates the elements of “positive attitudes” (original proposal) and “creation and raising awareness” (proposal of South Africa).

The Mexican proposal agrees with the wording contained in some of the sub-paragraphs of the preamble and in article 2 on general principles of the Convention.

Paragraph 1:

We support the proposal of Uganda to include the reference to “their needs, potential and contribution” and the term “diversity” suggested by Chile, which agrees with the preamble and principles of the Convention.

Therefore, sub-paragraph (a) would read as follows:

a) Raise awareness throughout society regarding persons with disabilities, their diversity, needs, potential and contribution to society.”

We suggest the addition of the phrase “negative practices” to the original wording of sub-paragraph (b). Therefore, it would read as follows:

b) Combat stereotypes, prejudices and negative practices about persons with disabilities.

We propose that sub-paragraph c) should be replaced, since it makes reference to the role of “subject of law” and includes elements contained in other suggested modifications to the original drafting. We propose the following drafting:

c) Promote a culture regarding persons with disabilities as subjects of law, in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention.

Paragraph 2:

We propose to modify sub-paragraph a) by incorporating the addition by several States and Chile, in the latter case by including the phrase “proactive conduct”; it would read as follows:

a) Initiating and maintaining effective public awareness campaigns and policies designed to receptive attitudes and proactive conduct for the respect and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.

In the original version of sub-paragraph b), we support the suggestion of Costa Rica to include a reference “in their population”, which would read as follows:

b) Promoting awareness in their population, in particular among all children…..”

In sub-paragraph d), we support the suggestion of Uganda to include the reference to “their families”; it would read as follows:

“d) Working in partnership with persons with disabilities, their families and representative organizations…..”.




Draft Article 5


EU Position : Article should be repositioned preferably as Art. 24 bis.

1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

(a) Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities;

EU Proposal: Add “and foster respect for the rights of persons with disabilities”

(b) Combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities

(c) Promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

EU Proposal: Move 2(c) to here as new (d):

(d) Encourage all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;

EU Proposal: Delete Paragraph 2 (2d is covered by Article 25)

2. These measures shall include, among others:

(a) initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities;

(b) promoting awareness, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;

(c) encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;

(d) working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.




Article 5:Promotion of Positive Attitude

India supports this article. In the shapean of article 1, we support Australia with the word “appropriate”. In 1(a), we propose the word “Create” in place of “Raise”. We further suggest inclusion of the word “abilities” in place of “potential” as suggested by Uganda. We suggest replacement of the word “foster” by “promote” as suggested by Mexico. We support the suggestion of Trinidad, Tobago and Japan in (b) “negative”.

In para 2(a), we suggest the word “effective” to be replaced by “Comprehensive”. We suggest the word “nurture” to be replaced by “foster”. We suggest dropping of the article 2(b) since this is repetitive. In para 2(d), we support Uganda “and families” has been added.




ARTICLE 5: New Zealand’s proposed rewording of the Working Group text
(additions are underlined and deletions are struck out).


1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

a. raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities and foster respect for their rights;
b. combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities in all areas of life;
c. portray promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society irrespective of types of disabilities, sharing the same rights and freedoms as others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

2. These measures shall include, among others:

a. initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurturing awareness of and respect for receptiveness the rights of persons with disabilities;
b. promoting awareness in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
c. encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;
d. working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article. (move to Article 4).



Non-governmental organizations


Article 5
Promotion of positive attitudes to persons with disabilities

1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

(a) Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities;
(b) Combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities;
(c) Promote an image of persons with disabilities, including children, as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

2. These measures shall include, among others:

(a) Initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurture receptiveness, including among parents, to the rights of persons with disabilities;
(b) Promoting awareness, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
(c) Encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;
(d) Working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.



Draft Article 5: Promotion of Positive Attitudes to Persons with Disabilities

1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

a. Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities and foster respect for the rights of persons with disabilities
b. Combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities;
c. Promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

2. These measures shall include, among others:

a. initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities;
b. promoting awareness, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
c. encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;
d. working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.





1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

(a) raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities, and foster respect for the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities;
(b) combat stereotypes, prejudices and practices, whether cultural, religious or other, which discriminate against persons with disabilities; and
(c) promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms and responsibilities as all others and in a manner consistent with the purpose of this Convention.

2. These measures shall include, among others:

(a) initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurture awareness of and respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
(b) promoting awareness, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;
(c) encouraging all organs of the media to portray persons with disabilities in a manner consistent with this Convention; and
(d) working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.


Draft Article 5 addresses important concepts related to awareness-raising, in recognition of the fact that the process of stereotyping fuels both the development and application of discriminatory practices and other human rights violations. Numerous States indicated their support for the coverage of these issues in the Convention (Uganda, Yemen, Japan, Kenya, Jordan, Canada, Argentina, Philippines, South Africa, Costa Rica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Norway, Thailand, Morocco).
The title of Draft Article 5 has been altered here to better reflect the purpose and content of the article. Several Ad Hoc Committee members proposed alternative titles (Canada, South Africa, Mexico), but “Awareness-Raising Measures” is more consistent with precedent found in other international treaty contexts, where such provisions are typically found at the end of the Convention in a section addressing supporting measures. (Cf. International Convention to Combat Desertification, Article 19; Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 13) Furthermore, the UNSR uses the term “Awareness-Raising.” (Cf. UNSR, Rule 1) In addition, the title omits the potentially problematic term “positive,” which was criticized at both the Quito regional meeting and during the Working Group meeting. Delegates at those meetings indicated that in some instances “positive” portrayals of people with disabilities may not be accurate, and may inadvertently contribute to societal stereotypes.
Draft Article 5(1)(a) now further reinforces the purpose and principles of the Convention by incorporating additional language regarding the need to “foster respect for the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities” (EU, Philippines).
Draft Article 5(1)(b) incorporates the proposal to combat inappropriate societal practices (Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago), thus making the link between attitudes (such as stereotypes and prejudices) and actions that promote or result in discrimination. This approach is consistent with that taken in other Conventions. (Cf. CEDAW, Article 5)
Draft Article 5(1)(c) adopts the proposal to reference “responsibilities” in addition to the “rights” and “freedoms” already referenced. (Philippines) This addition is reflective of the UNSR’s emphasis on the need for States to “raise their expectations of persons with disabilities,” and to “assist persons with disabilities to assume their full responsibility as members of society.” (Cf. UNSR, para. 27)
Draft Article 5(2)(a) removes the weak obligation to “nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities,” and instead substitutes the more practical obligation for States to nurture “awareness of and respect for” those rights. (Canada)

Draft Article 5(2)(b) has been retained in this article, despite the proposal that it be moved to the article addressing education. (South Africa) Although the provision references children as well as the education system, the core component of the provision remains an obligation to engage in awareness-raising, and thus the provision should be retained in the article addressing awareness-raising measures.
Draft Article 5(2)(c) substitutes “project an image of” with the more active and direct verb “portray.” (Canada, New Zealand) The provision is given further strength and clarity with the adoption of the proposal that the portrayal by the media should be “in a manner consistent with the Convention,” and not merely consistent with the “purpose” of the Convention. (Canada, EU, Norway, New Zealand)
Draft Article 5(2)(d) has been retained in this article, even though some delegations felt that it should be deleted or moved in light of the similar provision found in Draft Article 4 (General Obligations). Despite the risk of repetition, 5(2)(d) emphasizes the very real need for States to recognize and meaningfully utilize the expertise of people with disabilities. Given the historic marginalization of people with disabilities it is an important point worthy of emphasis and repetition here. It is also of particular relevance in a provision aimed at combating stereotypes and practices that lead to discrimination, given that people with disabilities are best positioned to identify those stereotypes and practices.



Article 5: Promotion of Positive Attitudes to Persons with Disabilities

We strongly support the Expert Working Group’s formulation of this article.



Positive Attitudes: Draft Article 5

PDCA believes that the implementation of this Draft Article will go some way towards addressing the discrimination currently experienced by people with disability.
However, it is our experience that for community education to produce meaningful outcomes, it is important that it is culturally appropriate for the community that is being targeted. We recommend that 1) be redrafted to read:

“…States Parties undertake to adopt immediate, effective and culturally appropriate measures to…”





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