Back to: Guide to Ad Hoc Committee Documents Article 10 : Liberty and Security of the PersonDraft Proposal
1. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities:
2. States Parties shall take effective measures to eliminate all barriers to the exercise and enjoyment by persons with disabilities of rights under national and international law generally applicable to persons deprived of their liberty, and in particular, shall ensure that, if persons with disabilities are deprived of their liberty, they are:
3. States Parties shall ensure that any person with a disability who has been a victim of unlawful deprivation of liberty, including deprivation of liberty based on disability, shall have an enforceable right to compensation. Note3 Note1: We agree with the Working Group text as it stands. We oppose language that would weaken subparagraph b by adding the term "solely" or "exclusively" – this would allow disability to be used as one factor among others to justify deprivation of liberty. Note2: Paragraph 2 guarantees the rights of people with disabilities who are deprived of their liberty. The Working Group text combines procedural rights with the right to humane treatment and dignity while in detention. We have added elimination of barriers, accessibility and accommodation which are relevant to both procedural rights and humane treatment. We have also brought the requirement for court control of any detention into conformity with ICCPR article 9. Note3: This text uses the ICCPR language for compensation and includes deprivation of liberty based on disability, which has been prohibited by paragraph 1b.