Back to: Guide to Ad Hoc Committee Documents Article 15 : Living and Being Included in the CommunityInformation SheetPrepared by the International Disability Caucus
Institutionalization undermines human rights: Too often, institutions are the only option offered to people with disabilities as a place to live. Institutions are places where some of the gravest human rights violations take place for the following reasons :
In effect a person living in an institution is isolated from the community in a setting where self determination cannot be exercised. The right to live in the community - for every person Frequently, the need for support or assistance is used to argue that placement in an institution is necessary, or that the person is ineligible to live in the community in the living arrangement of their choice. The Convention should correct this misconception, and determine that:
As in other articles, there is no “one size fits all formula” for type and level of assistance required. For some, monthly peer support sessions would suffice; for others, daily support may be required. All assistance, services and supports should be provided in a manner that strengthens the autonomy, individuality and dignity of the person with a disability.