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Article 8 : The Right to Life, Survival and Development

Draft Proposal


1. States Parties recognize and protect the inherent right to life of all persons with disabilities, and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its
effective enjoyment by girls and boys, women and men in all stages of life.

2. The right to life also includes the right to survive and to develop on equal basis with others.

3. Disability is not a justification for the termination of life.

4. States Parties shall undertake effective measures to the prohibition of compulsory abortion at the instance of the State based on the pre-natal diagnosis
of disability.

5. States Parties shall also prohibit all medical, biological and other experiments reducing the quality of life of persons with disabilities, or seeking to remedy a disability against an individual’s will.

6. In case of natural and humanitarian disasters, including wars and armed conflicts, states parties shall secure safety of girls and boys, women and men with disabilities on equal basis with others, taking into account each individual's needs.


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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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