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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

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Non-Governmental Organizations Accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee

In addition to Non-Governmental Organizations that enjoy consultative status with ECOSOC, the following NGOs have been accredited to participate in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee, as of the Seventh Session

  1. ABILITY Awareness
  2. Ability Foundation
  3. Abilities
  4. ABRAR
  5. Action for Mental Illness (ACMI)
  6. Action on Disability and Development
  7. Adaptive Environments
  8. Afghan Disabled Union
  9. Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (AG Bell)
  10. Arab Organization of Disabled People
  11. Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
  12. Asociación Civil contra la Discriminación (Civil Association Against Discrimination)
  13. Asociación de Impedidos Fisicos Motores
  14. Association générale des handicapés du Rwanda (AGHR)
  15. Association of Disabled Women and Mothers of Disabled Children
  16. Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
  17. Autisme Europe
  18. Bizchut, The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities
  19. British Council of Disabled People
  20. Canadian Association for Community Living
  21. Center for International Rehabilitation
  22. Central Council of Disabled Persons
  23. Centre for Disability in Development
  24. Centre for Independent Living of People with Disability of Serbia
  25. Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)
  26. Cerebral Palsy Nigeria (CPAN)
  27. Charitable Society for Disabled People "Stimul"
  28. Children's Rights Alliance for England - CRAE
  29. Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCC/UN)
  30. Community Options, Inc.
  31. Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual (CONFE)
  32. Consiglio Nazionale sulla Disabilità
  33. Consortium Humanitarian Agencies
  34. Corporación Ciudadanía Real de Sordos de Chile
  35. Council for Canadians with Disabilities (CCD)
  36. Disability Australia Ltd.
  37. Disabled People's Rehabilitation and Employment Union of Georgia
  38. European Disability Forum
  39. European League of Stuttering Associations (ELSA)
  40. Federation guineenne des associations de personnes handicapees FEGUIPAH
  41. Federation of and for People with Disabilities
  42. Fédération togolaise des associations de personnes handicapées
  43. Friends of Peace and Development Organization
  44. Fundación Teleton
  45. Fondo Teleton de Apoyo a Instituciones
  46. Gambia Future Hands on Disabled People
  47. Global Deaf Connection (GDC)
  48. Halftheplanet Foundation
  49. Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication (HOPE)
  50. Impact Foundation Bangladesh
  51. Instituto Paradigma
  52. Inter - American Institute on Disability
  53. International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
  54. International Stuttering Association
  55. International Voluntary Organization for Women, Education and Development (IVOWD)
  56. Iraqi Handicapped and Survivors Society
  57. IUS Gentium Conimbrigae-Human Rights Centre (IGC)
  58. Japan Disability Forum (JFD)
  59. Jesh Foundation
  60. Junior Chamber International Nigeria
  61. Landmine Survivors Network
  62. Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU)
  63. Leonard Cheshire International
  64. Life Vanguards (LIVA)
  65. Light for the World
  66. LOTOS Disability Awareness and Learning Center (DALC)
  67. Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (MDAC)
  68. Mental Disability Rights International
  69. Mine and Weapon Victims Association
  70. Mine Combat Organization (MCO)
  71. National Centre of Disabled Persons (NCDP)
  72. National Federation of Organizations of Persons with Disability of Honduras
  73. National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD)
  74. Nepal National Federation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH)
  75. NGO Harmony of the World
  76. NGO Little People of Kosovo
  77. Noor Fatima Welfare Trust
  78. Northeastern University, Center for the Study of Sport in Society
  79. Peace and Tolerance International Organization
  80. People Who
  81. People with Disabilities in Ireland (PwDI)
  82. People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA)
  83. Persons With Pain International
  84. Planwell Group Organization
  85. Polio Plus - Movement Against Disability
  86. Pro Infirmis
  87. Projet de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire des Aveugles et Autres Personnes Handicapées du Niger (PRAHN)
  88. Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia
  89. PUGU Poverty Alleviation and Development Agency (PPADA)
  90. Scope
  91. Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre
  92. Setu Development Intervention Centre (SETU)
  93. Society for Mental Health Care
  94. Statute of Mine Combat Organization
  95. Sudan Association for Combating Landmines
  96. The Australian Federation of Disability Organization Ltd. (AFDO)
  97. The Cambodia Trust
  98. The Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong (EOC)
  99. The Hong King Council of Social Services
  100. The National Society for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Families (RESCARE)
  101. The Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities
  102. The Tunisian Association for the Promotion of Employment for the Handicapped
  103. Threshold Association
  104. Union des personnes handicapées du Burundi
  105. United States Burn Support Organization
  106. Venture House
  107. Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation
  108. World Federalist National Association of Nepal
  109. World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB)
  110. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry


ABILITY Awareness


Purpose and Objectives:
The hallmark program of ABILITY Awareness, a non-profit organization founded in 1995, is the ABILITY House. Created by ABILITY Awareness, in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity International, the ABILITY House is an affordable, accessible home built for a low-income family where one or more members has a disability. The unique aspect of the ABILITY House program is in the utilization of volunteers with disabilities during all phases of construction emphasizing their abilities and talents.

The purpose of the ABILITY House program is to provide affordable, accessible housing for low-income families where one or more members have a disability; make decent shelter that is accessible and visitable a matter of public conscience and highlight the skills, volunteering potential and mentoring capabilities of people with disabilities.
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Ability Foundation
27, Fourth Main Road, Gandhi, Nagar, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Ability Foundation focuses on integrating persons with disabilities in mainstream society, as well as to protect and promote disability rights. It strives for a society where all members are accepted as equal partners, and where help comes out of empathy and sympathy. Ability Foundation promotes equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and helps them to integrate into the mainstream of society as productive members. In addition, it brings out the latent talents of disabled persons to enable and empower them to use their skills and abilities to the maximum. Furthermore, Ability Foundation promotes attitudinal changes towards persons with disabilities in society.
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201 IU Willets Road, Albertson, NY 11507-1599, United States


Purpose and Objectives:
Abilities is a non-profit agency. It is dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities to be active, independent and self-sufficient participant in society. Through education, training, research, leadership and example, Abilities seeks to provide highest quality services and to influence national policies, legislations and attitudes in ways that will lead to greater benefits to persons with disabilities. It develops innovative education and training programmes to assist adults and children with disabilities to gain maximum independence.
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P.O. Box 913, Khartum, Sudan

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
ABRAR is a national non-governmental organization that exists to promote peace and enhance advocacy efforts to stop all conflicts in Sudan . It seeks to construct peace through community awareness and skill development. It serves to protect people from war disabilities and ensure an effective role for sustainable development interventions to assist war victims within a framework of culture of peace and promoting the value of voluntary work, solidarity, participation, self-reliance and justice with special focus on landmine victims, youth and children. It organizes CBOs and productive groups for enforcing a system of values using participatory planning, implementation and monitoring to raise awareness about landmines and means of protection using life's history and experience of its members.
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Action for Mental Illness (ACMI)
C-358, Jalvayu Vihar, Kammanahalli Main Road, Kalyan Nagar P.O., Bangalore – 560 043, Karnataka, India

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Action for Mental Illness (ACMI) seeks to provide a voice for almost 60 million persons with mental illness in India, suffering from disguised disabilities that are beyond the purview of any legislation. ACMI’s mission is to address the widespread demand for awareness about the rights of the under-served and under-privileged persons suffering from neuro-biological and psychological disabilities caused by mental illness. It partners with the caregivers of those affected by mental illness.
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Action on Disability and Development
P.0 Box: 9026, Banami, Dhaka – 1213, Bangladesh


Purpose and Objectives:
ADD supports organizations of persons with disabilities in countries where it operates. In conducting its activities, ADD tries to influence policy and practice to end social exclusion and eradicate poverty.
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Adaptive Environments
374 Congress Street, Suite 301, Boston, MA 02210, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
Adaptive Environments develop awareness and promote understanding of the benefits of universal design. It promotes alliances among individuals and groups in the community at large, as well as promotes leadership to assure accessible environments. In addition, Adaptive Environments provides advice, consultation and advocacy in connection with the promulgation, implementation and revision of laws, regulations and policies to promote environmental accessibility for persons with disabilities.
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Afghan Disabled Union
Street 9, Taimani, Kabul, Afghanistan

Email, or

Purpose and Objectives:
The Purpose of ADU is to empower persons with disabilities in Afghanistan. ADUconducts activities in the area of awareness-raising on issues facing persons with disabilities among the population of Afghanistan.
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Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (AG Bell)
3417 Volta Place NW, Washington, DC 2007. United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) is a lifelong resource, support network and advocate for listening, learning, talking, living independently and hearing loss. Through publications, advocacy, training, scholarships and financial aid, AG Bell promotes the use of spoken language and hearing technology.
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Arab Organization of Disabled People (AODP)
123 A.D/Lebanon, P.O Box: 113 – 5157 Hamra – Beirut - Lebanon

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Arab Organization of Disabled People (AODP) helps disabled people in Arab countries to form federations or councils of their own. It seeks to eliminate the marginalization of persons with disabilities in social, public and private life. AODP advocates for and defends the rights of disabled people, and it works to secure fair representation and participation of the persons with disabilities in areas such as decision-making and policy formulation. It also raises awareness on the rights and needs of the persons with disabilities and promotes prevention of disability and early intervention. ADOP serves to coordinate efforts in all Arab countries in order to place the persons with disabilities on top of the list of development priorities. In addition, it empowers and reinforces the role of women with disabilities. AODP promotes the enactment of laws to protect and stabilize the rights of persons with disabilities in the Arab world.
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Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
APCD Bldg., 255 Rajvithi Rd., Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Asia Pacific Disability Forum(APDF) promotes the formulation of the International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. It also promotes the 2nd Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, through the implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. APDF aims to empower persons with disabilities in the Asia and Pacific Region, to provide exchange and disseminate information on disability-related matters to member organizations. In addition, it promotes and encourages research and development on disability-related issues. It advocates for technical and other assistance for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, APDF develops collaborative partnerships and work closely with related international, regional, and inter-regional organizations, forums, and working groups.
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Asociación Civil contra la Discriminación (Civil Association Against Discrimination)
Callejon de Romita # 8, Col. Roma C.P. 06700, Mexico, D.F., Mexico

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Civil Association Against Discrimination strives to promote a cultural change in favour of equal treatment and opportunities for all through actions aimed at preventing and eliminating all forms of discrimination. For the Association, discrimination is understood as any distinction, exclusion or restriction that is based on ethnic or national origins, gender, age, disability, social or economic condition, health conditions, pregnancy, sexual inclinations, civil status or any other. Discrimination has the effect of impeding or annulling the acknowledgment or exercise of fundamental rights and equality of opportunities of persons. The Association works with the relevant governmental agencies in the elaboration of international conventions proposed by Mexico on issues related to human rights, and particularly those aimed at combating all forms of discrimination and promoting the protection of persons with disabilities, as well as the follow up of such instruments. It also participates in international conferences on the protection of human rights and in particular those aimed at eliminating any forms of discrimination.
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Asociación de Impedidos Fisicos Motores
Av. Prolongacion 27 de Febrero No. 798, Las Caobas, Santo Domingo Oeste, Rep. Domicana, W.I.

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Association de Impedidos Fisicos-Montores organizes and integrates persons with disabilities so they could be aware of their rights and obligations by promoting equality in diversity. It promotes dissemination and knowledge of the convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. It encourages, promotes and contribute to the vocational training, education and integration of persons with disabilities into the labor force. Association de Impedidos Fisicos-Montores also promotes the prevention of disability and adoption of means for the equalization of opportunities.
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Association générale des handicapés du Rwanda (AGHR)
P.O. Box 4211 Kigali, Rwanda

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
L’Association générale des handicapés du Rwanda (AGHR) est une organisation de personnes handicapées créée en 1979 par et pour les personnes handicapées. Elle regroupe une vingtaine de petites associations de personnes handicapées dont la plupart se trouvent dans le milieu rural. Elle a pour objectif de promouvoir les droits des personnes handicapées et leur bien être social et économique. AGHR œuvre en tant que structure de plaidoyer et de promotion des droits des personnes handicapées. Elle contribue à resserrer les liens d’entraide et de secours mutuels entre les personnes handicapées.
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Association of Disabled Women and Mothers of Disabled Children
51 Rustaveli Street, Zugdidi, Georgia

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The mission of the association is to promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society. It advocates for the protection of rights of persons with disabilities their families. It collects statistical data and establishes a data base for persons with disabilities. It also aims at promoting employment, medical, spiritual and intellectual services fro persons with disabilities. In addition, it seeks to establish working relations with European and international organizations. Furthermore, it works in several areas including civil society development, community development, legislative activities, infrastructure rehabilitation, assistance to socially vulnerable persons, and charitable activities.
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Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 920, Silver Spring, MD 20910, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Association of University Centers on Disabilities(AUCD) works to advance policy and practice for and with people living with developmental and other disabilities, their families and communities by supporting its members as they engage in research, education, and service that further independence productivity and a satisfying quality of life.
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Autisme Europe
Rue Montoyer 39 bte 11, 1000 Bruxelle, Belgique


Purpose and Objectives:
Autisme Europe est une ONG européenne regroupant 83 associations de parents de personnes atteintes d’autisme. Cette organisation s’est engagée depuis 1983 à défendre les droits des personnes autistes et de leurs familles.Etant donné son expertise dans la lutte contre la discrimination des personnes ayant un handicap de grande dépendance, Autisme Europe sera en mesure d’en relayer la voix et les besoins auprès du Comité, dont elle partage entièrement le but final, à savoir la rédaction d’une Convention internationale globale et intégrée pour la protection et la promotion des droits et de la dignité des handicapés.
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Bizchut, The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities
P.O. Box 35401, Jerusalem 91352, Israel

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
Bizchut, The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities is a non-profit organization committed to advancing the rights of people with physical, developmental and emotional disabilities and enabling their full integration into mainstream society and participation in all areas of life. It aims to achieve equal rights and opportunities for people within the entire spectrum of disabilities, regardless of age, gender, ethnic background or religion. In addition, Bizchut aims to increase public awareness of the rights and needs of people with disabilities.
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British Council of Disabled People
Litchurch Plaza, Litchurch Lane, Derby, DE24 8AA, United Kingdom


Purpose and Objectives:
BCODP is an umbrella organization representing persons with disabilities in the United Kingdom. It brings together 135 member organizations and 800 individual members. The objectives of BCODPare to relieve the disability of people with physical, mental or sensory impairment and to further their independence and full participation in the community. BCODP coordinates and supports programmes designed to promote the rights and active participation of persons with disabilities into the community.
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Canadian Association for Community Living
Kinsmen Building, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada


Purpose and Objectives:
CACL is committed to defending the rights and advocating for the interests of individuals with intellectual disabilities, and to promoting research and information that will further these objectives.

Families are at the heart of the Canadian Association for Community Living and its federation. CACL recognizes that its mission cannot be achieved unless families of people with intellectual disabilities are valued, given status, and acknowledged for the central role they play in ensuring dignity, rights, and inclusion for a family member with a disability.

As a family-based organization, CACL is committed to working closely with and supporting People First of Canada in its efforts to build a strong self-advocacy movement across the country.
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Center for International Rehabilitation
351 East Huron Street, Suite 225, Chicago, Illinois 60611, United States

Scope International 

Purpose and Objectives: The Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR) is a not-for-profit organization developing technologies and programmes to help people with disabilities worldwide reach their full potential. It operates in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University Prosthetic Orthotic Center and the Department of Veteran Affairs Chicago Health Care Systems. CIR designs, tests and disseminates innovative prosthetic devices and simplified fabrication techniques that can be affordably reproduced and utilized around the world. It also develops training materials in prosthetic and rehabilitation. 
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Central Council of Disabled Persons
PO Box 5, Kinigama Road, Bandarawela, UVA Province, 90100, Sri Lanka

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: The Central Council of Disabled Persons (CCODP) was founded in 1981 and currently services over 20,000 disabled people throughout Sri Lanka. The CCODP encourages self-sufficiency and leads by example by producing handicrafts, sewn products and furniture to companies all over the world to generate income.
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Centre for Disability in Development
D-55 Talbag, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: The vision of CDD is ‘Equal opportunity and full participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in all spheres of life’. In its efforts towards this vision CDD works with the mission that states as “A strategic venture to include disability issues in mainstream development for enabling Persons with Disabilities to achieve equal opportunity and full participation in national development.” CDD has been working at national and regional levels with government and non-government organizations with the ultimate objectives of promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities in the country.
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Centre for Independent Living of People with Disabilities of Serbia
Radomira Vujovica 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: Center for Independent Living of People with Disabilities of Serbia is non- governmental, non-profit, cross-disability based organization whose mission is the promotion of the philosophy of independent living of people with disabilities. It focuses on creating conditions for independent living of people with disabilities in Serbia.
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Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)
New Redland, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QU, United Kingdom


Purpose and Objectives: The overall goal of CSIE is the phasing out of segregated educational settings and the development of a structured, inclusive mainstream education system capable of providing appropriate support for all pupils in their local areas including disability pupils.
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Cerebral Palsy Nigeria (CPAN)
Suite 2, Trans Amusement Park Complex, Old Ibadan Airport, Box 21752 (U.I.), Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: The Cerebral Palsy Nigeria (CPAN) works in advocacy with a view to improving the welfare and quality of the Disabled persons and poor in Nigeria . It disseminates information among professionals in the field of disability in Nigeria , and it promotes networking among NGOs, CBOs, and professional organizations working with disabled persons and developmental efforts. CPAN works with relevant organizations in improving reproductive health systems, human rights, HIV/AIDS, STD, and good governance. Also, CPAN organizes seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings and short-term training courses on national and regional basis in the field of disability and sustainable development. In addition, CPAN supports small-scale enterprise systems and community-based projects aimed at poverty alleviation.
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Charitable Society for Disabled People "Stimul"
113525, Mockba, yr. Ahenponempobckar A.23, Kopn. 2


Purpose and Objectives: “Stimul” aims to protect economic, social, legal, cultural and other rights of people with disability. It aims to represent the interests of disabled people, enterprises and organizations of disabled people, and to assists the development of these eneterprises and organizations of disabled people.
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Children's Rights Alliance for England - CRAE

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: Children's Rights Alliance for England – CRAE monitors implementation of children's human rights. It campaigns for legal reforms that fully comply with children's human rights. Also, CRAE disseminates information to professionals and the public, including to children and young people.
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Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCC/UN)
301 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017, United States


Purpose and Objectives: The mission of CCC/UN is to promote the objectives and purposes of the United Nations, and to acquaint the public, non-governmental organizations and other appropriate organizations with activities of its main organs and all of the specialized agencies. CC/UN activities have included organizing conferences and presenting speakers, featuring Nobel peace laureates and other prominent leaders in world society.
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Community Options, Inc
16 Farber Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Community Options, Inc provides employment services and appropriate housing to persons with disabilities. The organization has endeavoured to remove barriers of perception, communication, and architecture and for persons with disabilities, recognizing that they are motivated by prospects for personal growth, social inclusion, employment, and fiscal autonomy. Community Options shares its expertise, knowledge, and best practices in many countries. In addition, Community Options, Inc. offers respite services to families of individuals with disabilities in group homes, and specialized services for people who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury. It also offers a wide range consulting services to both non-profit and for-profit organizations, conducting comprehensive assessments of organizations in need of assistance and developing strategic plans on how best to meet organizational goals and achieve financial stability.
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Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual (CONFE)
Carretera México Toluca # 5218, Colonia El Yaqui, Delegación Cuajimalpa, 05320 México, DF , Mexico

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: "Contribuir a lograr una calidad de vida digna y justa de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, impulsando su plena integración a la sociedad". Queremos una sociedad basada en la equidad, la justicia, la igualdad y la interdependencia, que asegure una mejor calidad de vida para todos, sin discriminación alguna, que reconozca y acepte la diversidad como fundamento para la convivencia social. Una sociedad donde primero sea la condición de personas de todos sus integrantes, que garantice su dignidad, sus derechos; su autodeterminación, su contribución a la vida comunitaria y su pleno acceso a los bienes sociales.
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Consiglio Nazionale sulla Disabilità
Piazza Giovine, 7-00195 Rome, Italy


Purpose and Objectives:
Consiglio Nazionale sulla Disabilità (CND) stands for National Council on Disabilities. It was founded in 1995 by 19 Italian Disability Associations. The Associations participating in the consultation process voluntarily and democratically decided to take up the invitation of the European Disability Forum to create an umbrella organization in representation of the Italian Disability Movement.CNDpromotes human rights, non-discrimination and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. It coordinates member associations by dissemination of information and awareness-raising.
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Consortium Humanitarian Agencies
86, Rosmead Place, Columbia 7, Sri Lanka


Purpose and Objectives:
CHA works in the non-profit humanitarian sector to convene leadership of the humanitarian community and other key stakeholders to engage and address critical emerging issues involving their work; it also promotes effective policy and healthy environment to strengthen the work of non-profit humanitarian organizations. It coordinates activities, facilitatesliaison amonginstitutions active in the field of humanitarian work. It advocates, lobby and engages in policy debates on issues affecting the humanitarian sector.
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Corporación Ciudadanía Real de Sordos de Chile
Teresa Vial 1191, San Miguel, Santiago de Chile, Chile


Purpose and Objectives: 
Corporacion Ciudadania Real de Sordos de Chile to promote the interests and equal opportunities for people with disabilities.
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Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD)
926-294 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities encourages disability groups with ten or more members who are themselves disabled and who share the beliefs of CCD to join the Council.
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Disability Australia Ltd.
266 Johnston Street, Abbotsford, Victoria 3067, Australia

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Disability Australia is the Australian arm of Disabled Peoples’ International, which is people with disabilities of the world acting together for their mutual advancement. It is an organisation operating for the benefit of all people with disabilities. Disability Australia speaks for itself, uniting together all people with disabilities to ensure their access to a fully integrated lifestyle in the community and their right to attain their potential. Disability Australia affirms the statements contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Disabled People’s Rehabilitation and Employment Union of Georgia
Vashlijvari, 14v-42, Tbilisi, 0159, Georgia


Purpose and Objectives:
Disabled People’s Rehabilitation and Employment Union of Georgia organizes assistance for the rehabilitation and social integration of veterans and persons with disabilities. It also works for the protection of the rights of the persons with disabilities and veterans and assist them to increase their standard of life. It aims at creating good conditions of life and rest for persons with disabilities and veterans. In addition, the organization promotes workplaces that are friendly to persons with disabilities and veterans, and help them to become more productive. Furthermore, it supports quality health services for persons with disabilities and veterans.
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European Disability Forum
Square Ambiorix, 32 Bte 2/a B-1000, Brussels, Belgium

Scope Regional

Purpose and Objectives:
The European Disability Forum (EDF) was created and registered in December 1996 by organizations of persons with disabilities and parents of persons with disabilities unable to represent themselves. The aims of EDG relate to the promotion of human, civil, social and economic rights of persons with disabilities and equalization of opportunities for all (in accordance with the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities). The main area of activity of EDF are: non-discrimination, human rights, employment, social inclusion, equal opportunities between men and women, transportation, development cooperation, information technology.
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European League of Stuttering Associations (ELSA)
ELSA, C/O BV Stotterer-Selbsthilfe, Gereonswall 112, D-50670 Köln, Germany

Scope Regional

Purpose and Objectives:
ELSA has successfully introduced itself to both political bodies mentioned, thus putting the issue of stuttering on the European agenda: The European Youth Foundation, an agency affiliated to the European Council, subsidised youth seminars in 1995 at Linköping, Sweden, 1997 at Nijmegen, Netherlands and 2000 at Mullsjö, Sweden. As for the EU, ELSA, since 1990 has participated in the HELIOS programme of funding for disabled people initiated by the European Commission which aims at promoting the social integration of people with disabilities. Through HELIOS, ELSA received funds for holding European seminars and meetings. The Helios programme terminated in 1996 and new funding programmes have been developed since. Beyond the aspect of financial support the former HELIOS and the new programmes are a stepping-stone for non-governmental disability organizations to gain more influence on European policies.
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Federation guineenne des associations de personnes handicapees FEGUIPAH - Guinean Federation of Associations of Persons with Disabilities
Commune de Kaloum - BP 6091 Conakry Guinea


Purpose and Objectives:
FEGUIPAH aims at supporting public institutions of Guinea in the formulation and implementation of a national policy for the protection and promotion of the rights and socio-economic well-being of persons with disabilities.

FEGUIPAH is a founding member of the following Guinean NGOs active in the field of disabilities: Comité National de Coordination des Actions en faveur des Enfants ayant des besoins de mesures spéciales de protection (CNCO); Coalition Guinéenne des ONG pour les droits de l’enfant (COGUIDE); Réseau Guinéen des Associations Caritatives (REGAC).
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Federation of and for People with Disabilities
P.O. Box 29805 – KNH Post Office, Nairobi, Kenya


Purpose and Objectives:
FPD is an umbrella organization. Its main objective is to advocate for the rights and economic empowerment of persons with disabilities. It promotes education, formal and informal employment, health care facilities, and the political rights of persons with disabilities. It liaises with local and international organizations in promoting the interest of persons with disabilities.
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Fédération togolaise des associations de personnes handicapées
48 AFG, rue 63, B.P. 13142 Lomé, Togo


Purpose and Objectives:
La Fédération togolaise des associations de personnes handicapées est une organisation de droit togolais créée le 30 novembre 1990 et enregistrée au Ministère de l’administration territoriale et de la sécurité le 23 mars 1994. Elle a pour buts : Favoriser l’épanouissement des associations de et pour personnes handicapées ; Rechercher avec les autorités compétentes les voies et les moyens pour résoudre les différents problèmes qui se posent aux personnes handicapées : santé, éducation, emploi, logement, loisirs ; Promouvoir l’unité d’action au niveau national en vue d’une participation pleine et entière des personnes handicapées au développement du pays ; Appuyer les activités des associations membres.
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Friends of Peace and Development Organization
Abdulmoniem St. Elsalam Building, Floor 6 - Flat 26, Khartoum, Sudan


Purpose and Objectives:
Friends of Peace and Development Organization is a non-profit Sudanese voluntary organization concerned with the promotion of peace, development, mine clearing. It works in the area of mines clearing by collecting data and promoting awareness-raising, supporting victimsin terms of rehabilitation and assistance to displaced persons.
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Fundación Teletón
Carrera 8A No. 123-24 Ofc. 202, Bogota, D.C., Colombia


Purpose and Objectives:
The Fundación Teletón works to develop the awareness of people about the need to remove the barriers and bring about solutions for comprehensive rehabilitation and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.
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Fondo Teleton de Apoyo a Instituciones
Copérnico n.51, Col. Anzures, México DF, CP 11590 Mexico


Purpose and Objectives:
The main objective of the Fondo Teletón de Apoyo a Instituciones is to embrace as many of the Mexican children´s handicapped institutions as possible in order to establish a nationwide support network between all the charity organizations. Other objectives include national unity; the promotion of a culture for the integration of persons with disability people in the society; build and operate rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; and support other institutions that work with persons with disabilities in Mexico through the Teleton Fund.
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Gambia Future Hands on Disabled People
P.O. Box 2167, Serrekunda, Gambia


Purpose and Objectives:
GFHDP is a charitable organization created to advocate and promote the rights of persons with disabilities and assist them in fostering their social and economic conditions. It assists persons with disabilities through skills training, micro-finance, education, transportation, seminars, workshops, and sports. It fosters unity, mutual understanding and cooperation so to enhance development of persons with disabilities.
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Global Deaf Connection
2901-38 Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406, United States

Email; or
Scope Global

Purpose and Objectives:
Global Deaf Connection (GDC) seeks to establish self sustaining cycles of positive deaf education and deaf leadership development in the Global South. Further, GDC strives to empower deaf communities in developing countries to organize and advocate for disability rights through tactics appropriate for each nation. The vision of GDC is to see deaf people around the world actively using their native sign language to help deaf children excel academically, gain meaningful employment and make major contributions that sustain their deaf communities.
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Halftheplanet Foundation
1875 Eye Street, NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 2006, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
HalfthePlanet Foundation promotes the values of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-independent living, social inclusion, equality of opportunity, economic self sufficiency, and empowerment. It addresses issues of concern to the international community. HalfthePlanet Foundation provides information on issues relating to disability. It also promotes research and exchange or sharing of ideas on disability issues.
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Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication (HOPE)

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
Humanitarian Organization for Poverty eradication (HOPE) seeks to create analytical consciousness about the dynamics of existing socio economic structures among the disadvantaged stratum of society. HOPE works to train and involve women, youth and children in development work to have maximum local and appropriate leadership. It works for and uplift the disabled persons in the society and provide them assistance to stand on their own feet. In addition, it raises social awareness in the poor communities for social action for their own development. Also, it makes people aware of their human rights and to enhance their social awareness through social education. HOPE conducts research and it is involve in development work in the field of social studies, social issues, health, education, water, sanitation and other related fields of human development.
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Impact Foundation Bangladesh
Apt. D1, House No. 19, Road No. 4, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Impact Foundation Bangladesh aims to achieve sustainable increase in the living standards of the rural poor by preventing the causes of disability through education, awareness-raising, training, appropriate social and economic programmes and through curative medical services. It brings together existing activities at international, national and community levels, strengthening and extending them. It provides services, including primary health care, surgical services for correction of disability, supplying devices, physiotherapy treatment, immunization for women and children, and training for early detection of disability for school teachers.
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Instituto Paradigma
Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3300 – 15º andar, São Paulo – SP – CEP, Bazil


Purpose and Objectives:
Instituto Paradigma is a civil society organization with public interest (CSOPI).Its objective isto promote the social integration of people with disabilities through creating solutions and services aimed at achieving equal opportunities for all. The programmes of the organization are carried out through the work of advisors and consultants from the private sector, public administration and academic institutions. The institute is active in areas such as education, training and employment for persons with disabilities.
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Inter- American Institute on Disability
51 Monroe St., Suite 805-A, Rockville, MD 20850, United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
The Inter-American Institute on Disability (IID) is a non-profit organization working to promote the inclusion, empowerment, the human and civic rights and economic self-sufficiency for all children and adults with disabilities and the family in the Inter-American region. It also works in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries of Europe and Africa. The organization acts as a catalyst and broker, forging partnerships to improve cooperation in the field of disability and development. It also serves as an interface between public and private organizations and service providers, stimulating international multi-cultural cooperation and awareness in relation to disability and the situation of persons with disability.
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International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
Adenaueralle 212-214, 53113, Bonn, Germany

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) aims to support of sports for athletes with disabilities. The IPC's mission is to enable paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence. It supports equal opportunities and participation in recreation and sports regardless of gender or ability.
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International Stuttering Association
7626 Valentine St. Oakland, CA. 94605, United States


Purpose and Objectives:
International Stuttering Association aims to improve the conditions for children, adolescents and adults who stutter and parents of children who stutter in all countries. The Association conducts its work in areas such as: sharing concepts and information about self-help and therapy methods; outreach; facilitating communication and cooperation; educating the general public; stimulating research; assisting in founding international working groups.
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International Voluntary Organization for Women, Education and Development (IVOWD)
Box AC 553-Art Centre, Accra – Ghana

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
International Voluntary Organization for Women, Education and Development (IVOWD) places priority on issues relating to women with disabilities. It promotes awareness-raising campaign against child labour. IVOWD disseminates information on HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, early marriage and sexually abused. It undertakes awareness-raising on peace, human rights and democracy. Furthermore, IVOWD develops networks of support for youth with disabilities.
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Iraqi Handicapped and Survivors Society
IHS Centre, P.O. Box Baghdad, Iraq


Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the organization is to advocate for Iraqi disable persons aiming to improve their lives and to advocate for equality between Iraqi disabled males and females. It also promotes the participation of disabled persons to build a new Iraq.
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IUS Gentium Conimbrigae-Human Rights Centre (IGC)
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade deCoimbra, Pátio da Universidade, 3004 Coimbra, Portugal

Email or
Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
IGC is a scientific and technical association. It promotes the study of contemporary international problems and particularly those which are historically of concern to Portugal, international law and cooperation, and interdisciplinary research. It provides courses on international studies and focuses on issues relating to development. IGC organizes seminars and colloquies and publishes research results. It grants scholarships for research work. 
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Japan Disability Forum (JDF)
c/o Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, 1-22-1 Toyama Shinjuku


Purpose and Objectives: 
Japan Disability Forum (JDF) promotes the rights of persons with disabilities, following the outcomes of International Forum on Disabilities to Mark the End of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
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Jesh Foundation
Alta plaza, House #1, Road # 10, Dhanmodi – R/A, Dhaka 1025, Bangladesh

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Jesh Foundation is committed to overall socio-economic development and empowerment of the local poor people in the remotest part of south western Bangladesh. It addresses issues that affect the landless, small and poor farmers, including destitute women. It enhances capacity of the unemployed workforce for development endeavours, and provides financial assistance for economic self-reliance. Jesh Foundation aims to ensure social justice through awareness building in relation to human rights. It provides health support to the rural poor people especially women, children and disabled persons.
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Junior Chamber International Nigeria
5 Sunday Ogunyadest, Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The Junior Chamber International Nigeria aims to contribute to the advancement of the global community by providing the opportunity for young people to develop leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to creating positive changes. It provides training opportunities to enhance personal skills of its members.
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Landmine Survivors Network
1420 K Street, NW, #650, Washington, DC 20005, United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Landmine Survivors Network (LSN) was founded by landmine survivors in 1995 and was registered as an international non-profit organization in 1997. LSN was established to assist individuals, families and communities affected by landmines to recover from trauma, to fulfill their human rights and to reclaim their lives. It assists landmine victims in accessing health care, rehabilitation, peer support, human right education and social and reintegration. LSN works to encourage a universal ban on the production, stock-piling, transfer and use of antipersonnel landmines.
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Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU)
P.O. Box 155473, Beirut, Lebanon


Purpose and Objectives:
LPHU was founded in 1981. It is a non-profit organization working for and with persons with physical disabilities. LPHU is a grassroots organization with five branches spread throughout Lebanon. Its mission isto lobby central actors in the local, national and international arenas at the level of policies and laws in order to achieve different goals. In so doing, it defends the rights of persons with disabilities; works towards eradicating marginalization and gender discrimination; and mobilizes persons with disabilities to peak on their own behalf.
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Leonard Cheshire International
30 Millbank, London, SWIP 4QD, United Kingdom


Purpose and Objectives:
The Leonard Cheshire Foundation strives to change attitudes to disability and to serve persons with disabilities around the world through the promotion of disabled childrens’ right to a meaningful education; livelihoods programmes to enable disabled people to become independent; innovative community based care and support; and training and research in post-conflict and post-disaster countries.
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Life Vanguards (LIVA)
Omobola Odutolu House, LAMECO Area Ring Road, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Life Vanguards (LIVA) is an organization that aims at enabling youth to make informed decision about their health through the provision of information and counseling. It supports policies and laws necessary for meeting the needs of young people. LIVA improves the access of young people to leadership positions and creates alternative life options and self-reliance opportunities for young people.
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Light for the World
A-1120 Wien, Darnautgasse 13/5, Austria


Purpose and Objectives:
Light of the World aims at breaking the circle of poverty as it affects disability, in order to strengthen and improve conditions of life and the rights of persons with disabilities. It supports sustainable programmes and projects of local partner organizations in developing countries. It also focuses on persons with eye diseases who are blind or otherwise disabled. The organization promotes the social integration of persons with disabilities in their community.
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LOTOS Disability Awareness and Learning Center (DALC)

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
LOTOS Disability Awareness and Learning Center (DALC) aims to contribute to the social and physical rehabilitation of disabled people and to undertake activities to enlighten society on the disability learning. LOTOS DALC seeks to equalize the opportunities for persons with disabilities. It also aims to develop disability organizations and to protect common interest of all.
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Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (MDAC)
1051 Budapest, Szant Istvan ter 11/b, Hungary

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (MDAC) promotes the human rights of people with mental health problems and intellectual disabilities across Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia . MDAC works for people with mental disabilities through litigation, research and international advocacy.
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Mental Disability Rights International
1156 15th Street, NW, Ste 1001, Washington, DC 20005, United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) is a non-governmental advocacy organization dedicated to the recognition and enforcement of the rights of people with mental disabilities. MDRI was established in 1993 as a joint project of the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law and American University’s Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. MDRI documents conditions, publishes reports on human rights enforcement, and promotes international oversight of the rights of people with mental disabilities. Drawing on the skills and experience of attorneys, mental health professionals, human rights advocates, people with mental disabilities, and family members from the U.S. and around the world, MDRI trains advocates seeking legal and service system reform. It also assists governments in developing laws and policies to promote community integration and human rights enforcement for people with mental disabilities.
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Mine and Weapon Victims Association
Hotel Gjallica, K.II/203, Kukes Albania


Purpose and Objectives:
VMA-KUKES assists victims of mine and weapons. It provides for physical and psychological rehabilitation. It works towards the social and economic integration of victims of mine and weapon. It promotes awareness and education for children and adults at risk of landmines.
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Mine Combat Organization (M.C.O.)
Flat No. 14 Zahraa building, P.O. Box: 12872 Khartoum, Sudan


Purpose and Objectives:
Mine Combat Organization (M.C.O.) is active in landmine action programmes and activities including advocacy, victim assistance and awareness-raising on landmine hazard. It conducts social surveys and studies about the impact of line mines. MCO depends on a team which moves from the organization Headquarters in Khartoum to the target areas. The organization also provides assistance to land mine victims and needy people. It seeks to provide medical support and means of living in the form of small-scale projects such as canteens.
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National Centre of Disabled Person (NCDP)
No. 3 Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, P.O.Box: 170, Cambodia


Purpose and Objectives:
NCDP aims to provide services and opportunities for disabled persons to fully participate and develop their capacity in social, economic, and political activities. It promotesthe access of persons with disabilities to rehabilitation, training, education, employment opportunities, health care and other services. NCDP supportsissues relating to the situation of persons with disabilitiesthrough awareness-raising in local communities and the larger public. It also fights discrimination and to develop positive attitudes.
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National Federation of Organizations of Persons with Disability of Honduras
Bo. Concepcion, 9a. Calle, 3a. Avenida, Casa #316, Honduras


Purpose and Objectives:
The National Federation of Organizations of Persons with Disability of Honduras aims at promoting the work of organizations that offer services to people with disabilities. It advocates for improving services to persons with disabilities. It promotes programmes that improve their quality of life. The Federation advocates for laws in favour of persons with disabilities and raises awareness at the national level about prevention, rehabilitation, and integration of persons with disabilities. It seeks to strengthen existing centres of rehabilitation and stimulate the creation of new centres that serve persons with disabilities.
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National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD)
8/12, Block – A, Lalmatia, Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh


Purpose and Objectives:
National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD) works to ensure and uphold equal rights, equal opportunities, equal participation and privileges of people with disabilities, the Forum will be guided by the following aims and objectives. It liaises and discuss with the Government, and advocate with and facilitate the Government to prepare, enact and implement national policies and legislation upholding the rights and privileges of people with disabilities. NFOWD organizes public awareness programs and facilitate development of people with disabilities aimed at prevention of disability and ensuring their equal participation in all socioeconomic activities. NFOWD encourages the Government to conduct national surveys and research initiatives to identify all people with disabilities, along with assessing their socioeconomic situation, needs, problems and practical solutions. It organizes practical and integrated measures with relevant Government and non-government departments/ministries/organizations to reduce prevailing handicapping situations that are preventing the socioeconomic development of people with disabilities. NFOWD facilitates member organizations to identify and rectify their limitations in their programs on prevention, rehabilitation, education, training, capacity building etc aimed at transforming the people with disabilities into human resources. It organizes dialogues, meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences etc such that decisions/resolutions/policies/programs focused on disability issues and developed by government and non-government bodies are effectively implemented within the stipulated timeframes. It also work as a national focal point on disability and assist member organizations as and where necessary.
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Nepal National Federation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH)
Post Box: 11338, Kathmandu, Nepal

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Nepal National Federation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH) protects and promotes the rights and interests of the deaf and hard of hearing persons. It conducts surveys, studies, research and seminars on topics related to deaf and hard of hearing persons. NFDH promotes the integration of the deaf and hard of hearing persons in the social, economic, cultural and other relevant fields.
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NGO "Harmony of the World"
5-18 Academicians Rajabovs’ st., 1-st drive, 734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
NGO “Harmony of the world” is a national non-governmental organization aiming at promoting peaceful living and enhancing advocacy efforts to stop conflicts in Tajikistan. It seeks to construct peace through community awareness, training on mine hazard. It also supports activities that improve the life of survivors of landmine accidents.
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NGO Little People of Kosovo
Adem Trepca, No. 4, Mitrovice, Kosovo


Purpose and Objectives:
NGO Little People of Kosovo aims to promote the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. It serves to protect and ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities, their dignity and participation as equal members of society. The organization promotes positive attitudes to persons with disabilities and seeks to protect them from violence and abuse. NGO Little People of Kosovo promotes freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information. It also aims to focus on women and children with disabilities. In addition, the organization seeks to encourage the participation of persons with disabilities in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport. Furthermore, it promotes international cooperation and multi-ethnic co-operation of all communities living in Kosovo with regard to persons with disabilities. NGO Little People of Kosovo aims to make the public more sensitive toward persons with disabilities in Kosovo society.
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Noor Fatima Welfare Trust
9, St 1, Essa Abad Colony, Mughalpura Lahore, Pakistan

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Noor Fatima Welfare Trust aims to establish, maintain and run free dispensaries, free hospitals and laboratories. It sets up rehabilitation centre for special persons and children both male and female and provides them with education so that they may become useful citizens of the society. In addition, Noor Fatima Welfare Trust provides wheelchairs and other artificial parts of the body such as limbs, arms, feet, etc for those in need. The Trust also provides ambulance services for the general public especially in remote areas like villages, towns and small cities in order to enable their easy access to hospitals, dispensaries and health units.
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Northeastern University, Center for the Study of Sport Society
360 Huntington Avenue, 161 CP Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The North Western University, Center for the Study of Sport Society aims to increase awarness of sport and its relation to society, and to develop programs that identify problems, offer solutions, and promote the benefit of sports. The Center for the Study of Sport in Society was founded in 1984, and employs the unique power and influence of sport to create positive social change. Sport in Society promotes the values of diversity, conflict resolution, violence prevention, equal sports opportunities – on and off the field, community service, education and research, and disability advocacy and inclusion. The Disability Sport. The Disability Sport Research Initiative engages in research, education and advocacy activities as it relates to athletes with a disability in sport. The Initiative was established in 2000, and works to create more access, equality, inclusion, respect, and legitimacy for athletes with a disability in the sporting environment. The initiative works for the full realization of human rights by people with disabilities in sport.
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Peace and Tolerance International Organization
P.0. Box 509 Omdurman, Sudan


Purpose and Objectives:
The main purpose of the organization is to promote peace building through the creation of an environment in which all individuals can feel secure and their rights respected. It also aims at providing people with all the needs of human security such as health, education, employment.
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People Who
146 Chrystal Terrace 5, Santa Cruz CA 95060-3654, United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
People Who serves a resource for furthering and making available to the public on a non-discriminatory basis public interest research about people who experience mood swings, fear, voices and visions. It provides a vehicle for quick, wide exchange of information of interest to users of mental services. It serves as a point of contact to give and get information on emerging mental health and socially related issues.
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People with Disabilities in Ireland (PwDI)
Richmond Square, Morning Star Avenue, Dublin 7, Ireland

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
The People with Disabilities(PwDI) promotes the human, civil, social, economic, political, cultural and recreational rights and freedoms of people with disabilities. It provides an effective, independent, representative structure through which all people with disabilities, their parents, partners, relatives, carers and organizations of people with disabilities can participate in and influence decision-making which impacts on the lives and opportunities of people with disabilities.
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People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA)
P.O. Box 666, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012, Ground Floor 52 Pitt Street Redfern NSW 2016


Purpose and Objectives:
PWDA operates as a peak body providing sector representation and coordination. It seeks to empower and promote the rights of people with disability and the creation of a society in which people with disability can fully participate
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Persons With Pain International
79 Grandview Avenue, Pleasantville, New York 10570, United States


Purpose and Objectives:
PWPIis a caucus representing a large number of people with pain conditions, disabilities, impairments or handicaps. It promotes education programmes relating to human rights.
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Planwell Group Organization
P.O. Box 4476 Kumasi, Ghana

Email or
Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Planwell Group Organization aspires to serve persons with disability who have physical, sensory, cognitive, and multiple disabilities. It promotes the development of children with disabilities, and empowers persons with disabilities through micro finance. The organizations also support rural education library projects. Planwell Group Organization satisfies the expectation of persons with disabilities by providing efficient and high quality voluntary services through local and international volunteers. The organization works with all ages, all genders, and all ethnic groups in Ghana especially at the district level.
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Polio Plus – Movement Against Disability
Mitropolit Teodosie Gologanov 2-3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Polio Plus – Movement Against Disability is a Macedonian cross disability multi-ethnic NGO that focuses strategically on achieving legislative policy change through self-advocacy and awareness raising of disability rights. It aims to re-connect people with disabilities to the basic fundamental of freedom and equal opportunities, thereby enabling them to become active participants in society - as is their basic human right; and to raise awareness of disability rights within the wider population and to galvanize them to work as one with people with disabilities in order to remove discrimination and marginalization.
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Pro Infirmis
Feldeggstrasse 71, Case postale 1332, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
L’organisation Pro Infirmis travaille en vue de promouvoir, dans la mesure du possible, la pleine participation des personnes en situation de handicap dans la vie sociale. Elle lutte contre les tendances, attitudes et comportements visant à les désavantager ou à les discriminer. Elle stimule la solidarité entre personnes handicapées et non-handicapées. Les actions entreprises par Pro Infirmis ont pour objectif de donner aux personnes en situation de handicap les moyens de bénéficier de chances dans tous les domaines de la vie, notamment ceux de la formation scolaire et professionnelle, de l’emploi, de l’habitat et des loisirs. Pour Pro Infirmis, les personnes handicapées doivent elles aussi disposer d’un revenu assurant la couverture des besoins vitaux. C’est à cette condition qu’elles peuvent opérer des choix portant sur l’organisation de leur vie
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Projet de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire des Aveugles et Autres Personnes Handicapées du Niger (PRAHN)
B. P. 11493 Niamey, Niger


Purpose and Objective:
Le PRAHN vise l'amélioration des conditions de vie des personnnes handicapées qui sont détaillés dans ses objectifs : Sensibiliser les populations sur la prévention des maladies handicapantes ; Lutter contre la Cécité ; Prévenir, réduire ou rétablir chez les enfants handicapés physiques les restrictions dues à l’infirmité afin de leur permettre de mener une vie significative dans leur propre communauté ; Appuyer, les personnes handicapées (celles qui sont devenues handicapées de façon irréversible) par la réalisation des activités génératrices de revenus (AGR) et formations professionnelles pour les plus jeunes ; Appuyer l’éducation spécialisée en collaboration avec le Ministère de l’Enseignement de base et de l’alphabétisation sur le plan de la formation des enseignants des écoles spéciales ; Œuvrer pour la conscientisation du public et lutter pour l’intégration socio-économique des personnes handicapées à travers des conférences-débats autour de la question du handicap et les droits humains en général et du droit des personnes handicapées en particulier. Depuis 2000, le PRAHN oeuvre au côté du Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance (UNICEF), Représentation au Niger pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie qui passe par la promotion et la protection des droits des enfants.
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Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia
125 South Ninth Street, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19107, United States


Purpose and Objectives:
Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia serves to represent individuals of color, people with disabilities, children and persons with low income, and their organizations, in their pursuit of full and equal citizenship. It promotes the effective public education of all children and universal children’s health care and environmental health in urban communities and the advancement of environmental justice. The Law Center aims to secure effective community-based services for people and to secure jobs and a decent income for persons with disabilities, minorities, and women.
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PUGU Poverty Alleviation and Development Agency (PPADA)
Pugu – Kajiungeni, P.o.Box 90187, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
PUGU Poverty Alleviation and Development Agency (PPADA) works on civil capacity building, good governance, poverty reduction through facilitation of water project, environment project, health project including HIV/AIDS, empowering youths, women, persons with disabilities ,widows and human rights. It serves communities with diverse initiatives in fighting against poverty, disasters and human rights violation. In addition, it forms and facilitates village/sub-village’s water and environment committees. PPADA works to develop programmes and activities in Civil Education and Human Rights Education (CEHC); Civil Societies Capacity Building Programme (SCOs); Conflict Resolution and Mediation Programme (CREP); Facilitation of awareness on Health including HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, malaria diseases and counseling campaigns undertaken; Income Generating and Micro-credit Programme (IGM); Electoral Process and Electoral Management Programme (EPEM)
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6 Market Road, London, N7 9PW, London, United Kingdom

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Scope promotes full equality for persons with disability in society. It works to ensure that all persons with disabilities of all ages and their families enjoy full and equal human and civil rights. It promotes the views and lived experiences of persons with disabilities. Scope works in alliance with persons with disabilities and their organizations. It provides information, advice, and services that support the civil rights and independence of persons with disabilities. In addition, Scope campaigns for improved rights, freedoms and opportunities of persons with disabilities.
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Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre
108-D, Master Canteen Building, Station Square, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar-751 001, India

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre is hub for organizing and conducting advocacy of rights and programs in the entire sate of Orissa and extends to the National Government. It provides independent living services including socio economic activities as entitlement under the Persons with Disabilities Act of parliament 1995.
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Setu Development Intervention Centre (Setu)
17, Goyal Row Houses, Goyal Intercity Complex, Near Drive- In Cinema, Ahmedabad- 380 054, Gujarat, India

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Setu, in most India languages, means “a bridge”. The Setu Development Intervention Centre stands for a bridge to help the family and the child to cross over from a state of despair and darkness to a state of “known” acceptance and hope. The centre is dedicated to empowering children below 12 years with developmental disabilities. It also strives to empowering families so as to create positive changes in their lives by providing innovative, high quality service filling existing gaps in the field of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in India. Setu works to stimulate a paradigm shift in the ways professionals, families, and the larger community in India approach the development needs of children with disabilities through education, training, leadership, example and advocacy.
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Society for Mental Health Care
P.O. & Village-Khajurdihi, Via- Katwa, District – Burdwan, West Bengal, India


Purpose and Objectives:
SMHC was established to promote mental health education amongst different sections of the population, especially persons with mental disabilities, destitute boys and girls. It seeks to conduct research and study on various aspects to mental health. SMHS also develops residential care institutions.
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Statute of Mine Combat Organization
Flat No. 14 Zahraa building, P.O. Box: 12872, Khartoum. Sudan

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
Statute of Mine Combat Organization provides for the welfare and rehabilitation of landmine victims. It works for the removal of already planted landmines. It advocates against the planting of landmines and their trade. In addition, the organization works with international counterpart organizations and concerned authorities towards boosting awareness of mine hazards, mitigating their impacts and controlling their proliferation. The Statute of Mine Combat Organization organizes training and rehabilitation programmes for mine victims, and it organizes media campaigns to draw the attention of the world community to the volume of mine related disasters. It disseminates information and provides a safe environment to those people affected by landmine. It also ensures technical and financial sustainability of programmes and services provided to landmine victims and other people with disabilities.
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Sudan Association for Combating Landmines
Building No. 127 Block No. 101 - Flour No. 1, P. O. Box: 1644, Khartoum, Sudan


Purpose and Objectives:
Sudan Association for Combating Landmines (JASMAR)promotesconfidence building and peace making through mine action particularly cross line initiatives. It also promotes Mine Risk Education (MRE).JASMARprovides for socio- economic integration of mine affected communities, post-conflict recovery and development, and improvement of landmines survivors’ lives.
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The Australian Federation of Disability Organization Ltd. (AFDO)
26 Alsop Street Smaphore, South Australia 5019

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
The Australian Federation of Disability Organization Ltd (AFDO) represents persons with disability and it takes part in all aspects of social, economic, political and cultural life. It lobbies government and other institutions on disability issues. AFDO advises government, disability organizations and other organizations about their disability policies. In addition, AFDO conducts research on disability issues. Also, it supports disability organizations and people with disability. Furthermore, it informs and educates the general community about disability.
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The Cambodia Trust
C4 Station Yard, Thame, OX9 3UH, United Kingdom

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The Cambodia Trust promotes equal rights for persons with disabilities in an inclusive barrier-free society. It develops mobility and functional skills of persons with disabilities. The Trust increases access of persons with disabilities to health care and to ensure early detection of preventable conditions. In addition, it serves to increase opportunities for persons with disabilities and their families to generate income through skills training, employment and self-employment. The Trust also ensures that persons with disabilities have a voice and that government and civil society organizations include organizations of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes. Furthermore, it strives to alleviate extreme poverty amongst persons with disabilities and to ensure that they have equal access to social security and income generation programmes.
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The Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong (EOC)
Unit 2002, 20/F., Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives: 
The Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong (EOC) work towards the elimination of discrimination. It promotes equality of opportunity between persons with disability and persons without disability. The EOC keeps under review the working of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) and it submits proposals when necessary.
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The Hong Kong Council of Social Services
13F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Rd, Hong Kong

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The Hong Kong Council of Social Services represents non-governmental welfare agencies committed to sustain and develop social welfare in Hong Kong. It promotes the development of social welfare, and advocating for the equality, justice, social integration and a caring society. The Council aims to establish a welfare sector that is highly accountable, efficient, effective and responsive to social needs, upholding the long-term sustainable development of society and the well being of our citizens.
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The National Society for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Families (RESCARE)
23 Higher Hillgate, Rayner House, Stockport, SKI 3ER, United Kingdom

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The National Society for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Families (ESCARE) was established to promote the relief and welfare of children and adults with learning disabilities. It seeks to secure a suitable and acceptable environment, with adequate facilities, to promote full and happy life for people with learning disabilities. RESCARE works in conjunction with all concerned to transform suitable existing hospitals for people with learning disabilities into their own caring communities with purpose-built living units and facilities based on the village concept.
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The Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities
The Pinnacle, 8 Burg St., Cape Town 8001, P.O. Box 587 Cape Town 8000, South Africa


Purpose and Objectives: 
The Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities serves to give fresh impetus to the United Nations World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons. It seeks to enhance the quality of life, full participation and empowerment of all categories of disability in all spheres of life through the implementation of objectives, principles and strategies outlined in the Africa Decade of Disabled Persons.
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The Tunisian Association for the Promotion of Employment for the Handicapped
P.O. Box 67 - Carthage 2016, Tunisia


Purpose and Objectives: 
The Tunisian Association for the Promotion of Employment for the Handicapped promotes the integration of the handicapped into the production network and increase opportunities for sources of income and self-employment. It builds awareness by the general public and various employers as to the abilities of the handicapped and the statutory texts that have been enforced by law to promote their recruitment.
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Threshold Association
Itamerenkatu 2, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the Threshold Association is to promote in basic rights and human rights of people with disabilities. The Association also carries out youth activities, such as training, peer support and various happenings and events. The activities of Threshold are based on three main elements are: human rights, independent living and culture. The Threshold Association has worked a long time in these areas and has acquired relevant knowledge, expertise and experience in these areas.
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Union des personnes handicapées du Burundi
B.P.536 Bujumbura, Burundi


Purpose and Objectives:
L’UPHB a été crée en 1989, à Bujumbura, par douze membres fondateurs dont onze handicapés. Elle a été crée car ses fondateurs ont estimé nécessaire de concevoir un cadre de concertation pour venir en aide à cette catégorie qui a des spécificités par rapport au reste de la population en particulier qui a des problèmes spécifiques.L’UPHB est une organisation communautaire, une ONG locale de promotion et de protection des droits humains.Elle se donne pour objectifs derassembler toutes les personnes handicapées du Burundi en vue de favoriser leur pleine participation au développement socio-économique et culturel du pays.
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United States Burn Support Organization
1030 Belmont Ave, Apt. 814, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
United States Burn Support Organization serves to assist and educate burn survivors and their families suffering from mild to severe burn injuries caused by or related to fire. It helps those who suffer minor to severe burns and their families rebuild their lives. It seeks to create a safe haven where survivors and their families can begin the process of healing among a group of peers, and other survivors with similar experiences. It assists burn survivors with financial aid for medical expenses for burn treatment such as pressure garments, when their insurance does not pay. Also, it seeks to provide transportation for burn patients and their families, and to establish a yearly clothing drive for families who lose their possessions due to house fires.
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Venture House
150-10 Hilside Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11432, United States


Purpose and Objectives:
Venture House is a community base programme dedicated to the recovery of individuals with psychiatric disabilities. It is a clubhouse model programme that has been operating in Jamaica, New York, USA since 1988. It provides opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration into society through vocational training, jobs, housing and individual support ton enable its members to live independently. Venture House is a certified clubhouse operating on international standards clubhouse programmes. It is involved in advocacy for mental health and works to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.
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Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation
1725 Eye Street, NW, Fourth Floor, Washington, DC 20006-2412, United States

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation is dedicated to addressing the causes, conduct and consequences of war through a programme of advocacy and service for victims of conflict around the world. The Foundation aims to build and nurture a global spirit that is humanitarian, compassionate, just and dedicated to freedom. The organization’s humanitarian programmes serve victims of war through a wide range of physical and social rehabilitation services.
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World Federalist National Association of Nepal
Baluwatar-4, Kathmandu, P.O. Box: 306, Nepal

Scope National

Purpose and Objectives:
World Federalist National Association of Nepal aims to contribute to efforts of the United Nations and UNESCO in attaining their objectives. It engages in wide range of activities to contribute to the perception of a better image of the United Nations. The organization endeavours to materialize the ideals, philosophy and objectives of one world. More concretely, World Federalist National Association of Nepal undertakes activities in areas such as: the welfare of women, children, youths, the blind, the disabled and the helpless. World Federalist National Association of Nepal initiates various programmes designed to eradicate illiteracy, AIDS and the use of narcotics. This organization works to safeguard and preserve democracy, human rights, nationalism and national culture.
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World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB)
C/o Association of the Swedish Deafblind, FSDB, SE-122 88 Enskede, Sweden

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
The aim of WFDB is to improve the quality of life of deafblind people world wide, with the objective of achieving their equal rights and equal opportunities in all areas of society. It also aims to be a world wide forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the area of deafblindness, and to increase international solidarity among deafblind people's organisations. The WFDB promotes social inclusion and equal participation in all areas of society, and promotes improvements in the field of education, rehabilitation and employment of deafblind people. The WFDB promotes and supports the establishment of national deafblind organizations.
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World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP)
Klingenberg 15,, 5000 Odense C, Denmark

Scope International

Purpose and Objectives:
World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) serves as a global forum and voice of users and survivors of psychiatry, to promote their rights and interests. It provides international representation and consultation to influence matters that affect users and survivors. It facilitates effective information exchange among user/survivor organizations around the world.
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