Jurisprudence of human rights treaty bodies
(Draft Article 22)
CESCR: Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
HRC (ICCPR): Human Rights Committee
CERD: Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
CEDAW: Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CAT: Committee Against Torture
CRC: Committee on the Rights of the Child
Related to Draft Article 22, paragraph (a)
CESCR, General Comment no. 5 (Persons with disabilities), paras. 21-23:
21. The "right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living
by work which he freely chooses or accepts" (art. 6 (1)) is not realized
where the only real opportunity open to disabled workers is to work in
so-called "sheltered" facilities under substandard conditions.
Arrangements whereby persons with a certain category of disability are
effectively confined to certain occupations or to the production of certain
goods may violate this right….
22. According to the Standard Rules, persons with disabilities, whether
in rural or urban areas, must have equal opportunities for productive
and gainful employment in the labour market. For this to happen it is
particularly important that artificial barriers to integration in general,
and to employment in particular, be removed. As the International Labour
Organisation has noted, it is very often the physical barriers that society
has erected in areas such as transport, housing and the workplace which
are then cited as the reason why persons with disabilities cannot be employed.
For example, as long as workplaces are designed and built in ways that
make them inaccessible to wheelchairs, employers will be able to "justify"
their failure to employ wheelchair users. Governments should also develop
policies which promote and regulate flexible and alternative work arrangements
that reasonably accommodate the needs of disabled workers.
23. Similarly, the failure of Governments to ensure that modes of transportation
are accessible to persons with disabilities greatly reduces the chances
of such persons finding suitable, integrated jobs, taking advantage of
educational and vocational training, or commuting to facilities of all
types. Indeed, the provision of access to appropriate and, where necessary,
specially tailored forms of transportation is crucial to the realization
by persons with disabilities of virtually all the rights recognized in
the Covenant.
Related to Draft Article 22, paragraph (b)
CESCR, General Comment no. 5 (Persons with disabilities), para. 24: The
"technical and vocational guidance and training programmes"
required under article 6 (2) of the Covenant should reflect the needs
of all persons with disabilities, take place in integrated settings, and
be planned and implemented with the full involvement of representatives
of persons with disabilities.
Related to Draft Article 22, paragraph (d)
CESCR, General Comment no. 5 (Persons with disabilities), para. 20: The
field of employment is one in which disability-based discrimination has
been prominent and persistent. In most countries the unemployment rate
among persons with disabilities is two to three times higher than the
unemployment rate for persons without disabilities. Where persons with
disabilities are employed, they are mostly engaged in low-paid jobs with
little social and legal security and are often segregated from the mainstream
of the labour market. The integration of persons with disabilities into
the regular labour market should be actively supported by States.
Related to Draft Article 22, paragraph (f)
CESCR, General Comment no. 5 (Persons with disabilities), para. 20: …The
integration of persons with disabilities into the regular labour market
should be actively supported by States.
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