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Let the World Know
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgements * II Background to the Seminar * III Timing of the Seminar: An Opportune Moment * IV Purpose of the International Seminar: From Rhetoric to Reality * V Organization of the Seminar * VI General Directions for Mainstreaming the Human Right of Persons with Disabilities * VIII Understanding What Amounts to an Infringement of Human Rights * IX Building a System for Dealing with Infringements of Human Rights *
XII Concluding Remarks: From little acorns great oaks grow * ANNEX A: List of Participants (including observers, and support staff) |
Adalsteinsson, Ragnar, Iceland
Attorney at law, chairman of the Icelandic Human Rights Centre
Klapparstigur 25-27, 101 Reyjkavik, Iceland
Phone: 354 511 1206, Fax: 354 511 1207
e-mail: ragnar @ adalsteinsson.is
Aleksandrova, Lyubka, Bulgaria
Teacher, Regional Society for Support of People with Mental Handicaps, branch of
Bulgarian Association of People with Intellectual Handicaps
Bulgaria, 3700 Vidin, Sadebna palata, et. 4, st. 53, P.O. Box 118, Information Centre of
the Open Society Foundation and the American University in Bulgaria
Phone: 359 94 41913, fax: 359 94 37159
e-mail: osaub_vd @ medianet.bg, lubka @ medianet.bg
Bach-Jensen, Karl, Denmark
Consultant dealing with social development issues and teaching, co-chair of the Danish
Association of Users and Ex-users of Psychiatry, LAP (home-page: www.lap.dk)
Langelinie 7, DK 6000 Kolding, Denmark
Phone: +45 7550 2696 or +45 2342 7243
e-mail: karl @ lap.dk
Byrnes, Andrew, Hong Kong
Associate Professor and Director at the Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty
of Law, University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China
Phone: 852 285 92 942, fax: 852-255 93 543
e-mail: abyrnes @ hkusua.hku.hk
Carlsson, Barbro, Sweden
Former secretary-general of SHIA
Åsögatan 77, 6th floor, S-118 29 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 669 1557
e-mail: barbro.cn @ telia.com
Fefoame, Gertrud, Ghana
Special educationist, vice-chair at the women´s wing of the Ghana Association of the
Blind, vice chair of the World Blind Union Committee on the status of blind women, and
member of her District Parliament in Ghana.
Ghana Association of the Blind, P.O. Box AC-496, Accra, Ghana
Phone: 233-21-22 09 04, fax: 233-21-233 442
e-mail gab @ africaonline.com.gh,
Frieden, Lex, Rehabilitation International USA
President Rehabilitation International, senior vice president TIRR The Institute
for Rehabilitation and Research, Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
TIRR, 1333 Moursund, Houston, Texas 77030
Phone: 1-713 797 5283, fax: 1-713 799 7095
e-mail: lfrieden @ bcm.tmc.edu
Ito, Akiko, United Nations (New York)
Social Affairs Officer, programme on disability,
Division for Social Policy and Development
United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, New York 100 17, NY (USA)
Phone: 1-212 963 1996, fax: 1-212 963 3062
e-mail: ito @ un.org
Homepage: www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable
Kabbara, Nawaf, Lebanon
President of Arab Organization of Disabled People. President of the Human Rights
Committee of the SocioEconomic Council in Lebanon. Professor of Political Science in
Balamand University, Lebanon.
P.O. Box 113-5157 Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon
Phone/fax: 961 1 738296/7
e-mail: nawafk @ cyberia.net.lb
Kallehauge, Holger, Denmark
High Court Judge, president of the Danish Society of Polio and Accident Victims (PTU)
Fjeldhammervej 8, 2610 Rodovre, Denmark
Phone: 45-36 73 90 00, fax: 45-36 73 90 01
e-mail: ptu @ ptu.dk
Kauppinen, Liisa, World Federation of the Deaf, Finland
President World Federation of the Deaf
P.O. Box 65, SF-00401 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: 358 9 58031, fax: 358 9 580 3770
e-mail: wfd @ kl-deaf.fi
Lachwitz, Klaus, Germany
Past secretary-general of Inclusion International, coordinator of Inclusion
International´s task force on human rights, managing director of Lebenshilfe Germany;
department of laws, social policy and ethical questions
Bundesverinigung für Menschen mit geistigen Behinderung
Raiffeissenstrasse 18, D-35043 Marburg, Germany
Phone: 49-6421491159, fax: 49-6421491213
e-mail: Recht @ Lebenshilfe.de
Leal Ocampo, Roberto, Nicaragua
Director General, Padre de Familia, Inclusion Interamericana, Secretary-General of
Confederacion Centroamericana y Caribe de Padres (Concapad),
P.O. Box J-127, Managua, Nicaragua
Phone: 505 265 1810, fax: 505 265 1694
e-mail: rleal @ nicarao.org.ni
Light, Richard, United Kingdom
Lawyer and director of research at Disability Awareness in Action
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA), 11 Belgrave Road,
London SW1V 1RB, United Kingdom
Phone: 44-20 7834 0477, fax: 44-20 7821 9539, minicom: 44 20 7821 9812
e-mail: research @ daa.org.uk
Lindqvist, Bengt, UN Special Rapporteur on Disability, Sweden
P.O. Box 16363, S-103 26 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 453 4022, fax: 46-8 24 88 47
e-mail: un-spec.rapp @ telia.com
Lööw, Lars, Sweden
Lawyer, national disability ombudsman
Handikappombudsmannen, P.O. Box 8009, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 20 17 70, fax: 46-8 20 43 53
e-mail: info @ handikappombudsmannen.se
Mac Aodha, Eamonn, Permanent Mission of Ireland, Geneva, Switzerland
Diplomat, responsible for human rights issues at the Permanent Mission of Ireland to
the United Nations in Geneva
Rue de Moillebeau, 58, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
Phone: 41-22 9191950, fax: 41-22 9191951/2
e-mail: eamonn.macaodha @
Malinga, Joshua, Disabled People´s International, Zimbabwe
Chairperson International Disability Alliance, DPI chairperson
P.O. Box 2213, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Phone: 263-9 66764/65392/74133, mobile: 11704104,
fax: 263-9 66764/68023/74398
e-mail: pafod @ telconet.co.zw
Mohit, Anuradha, India
Deputy chief commissioner (for persons with disabilities) at government of India.
e-mail: nabdelhi @ del2.vsnl.net.in
Mukasa, Florence Nightingale, Uganda
Sign Language Coordinator, Uganda National Association of the Deaf
Chairperson of Deaf Women Association (Uganda), treasurer of National Union of women with
disabilities of Uganda
P.O. Box 7339, Kampala, Uganda, Fax: 256-041 272 563
Nkeli, Jerry, South Africa
Attorney, national commissioner for disability
South African Human Rights Commission,
Private Bag 2700, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG, 2041
Phone: (011) 484 8300, fax :(011) 484 8403
E-mail: jnkeli @ jhb.sahrc.org.za, smserv @ mweb.co.za
Nordström, Kicki, World Blind Union, Sweden
President World Blind Union
c/o SRF, S-122 88 Enskede, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 39 92 55, fax: 46-8 725 99 20
e-mail: kino @ iris.se
O´Hagan, Mary, World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, New Zealand
Mental health commissioner in New Zealand, founder and committe member of the World
Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Mental Health Commission, P.O. Box 12479, Thorndon,
Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 64-4 474 8900, fax: 64-4 474 8901
e-mail: mohagan @ ihug.co.nz
Rioux, Marcia, Canada
Rapporteur of International Seminar on Human Rights and Disability, research associate
Robarts Centre for Policy Studies, York University, advisor on disability policy to the
Victoria Government, Australia, co-chair of the National Resource Centre for Inclusive
Project, Mumbai, India
York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Phone: +-416 736 5499, fax: 1-416 929 3539
e-mail: mrioux @ interlog.com
Rosenthal, Eric, United States
Founder and executive director of Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI)
MDRI, 1156 15th St. NW, Suite 1001, Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 1-202 296 6550, fax: 1-202 728 3053
e-mail: Eric.rosenthal @ erols.com
Tebourbi, Myriam, United Nations, Geneva
Human Rights Officer In charge of the issue of disability in the office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland,
UNOG-OHCHR, CH-1211 Geneva 10
Phone: 41-22 917 93 30, fax: 41-22 917 90 10
e-mail: mtebourbi.hchr @ unog.ch
Wahlström, Victor, Inclusion International
Past President of Inclusion International, UN and human rights coordinator
Inclusion International
Tantogatan 67, S-118 42 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 84 51 06, fax: 46-8 84 42 33
e-mail: victor.wahlstrom @ swipnet.se
Aquiline, Carol-lee, Secretary-General, World Federation of the Deaf
P.O. Box 65, 00401 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: 358-9 580 31, fax: 358-9 580 3576
e-mail: Carol-lee.Aquiline @ wfdnews.org
Burdekin, Brian, special advisor to the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland,
UNOG-OHCHR, CH-1211 Geneva 10
Phone: 41-22 917 91 26, fax: 41-22 917 90 21
e-mail: bburdekin.hchr @ unog.ch
Ekman-Aldén, Malin, Secretary-General, SHIA
P.O. Box 4060, S-102 61 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 462 33 60, fax: 46-8 714 5922
e-mail: shia @ shia.se
Granström, Mette, officer in charge, Swedish Committe for Rehabilitation (SVCR)
P.O. Box 510, S-162 15 Vällingby, Sweden
Phone: 46-8 620 17 00, fax: 46-8 739 21 52
e-mail: mette.granstrom @ hi.se
Gussing, Nils, consultant International Disability Foundation
P.O. 3337, CH-1211, Geneve 3, Switzerland
Phone: 41-22 793 9393, fax: 41-22 793 3939
e-mail: gussing @ gussing.ch
Jokinen, Markku, World Federation of the Deaf, Finland
President of the Finnish Association of the Deaf, Vice President of the European Union
of the Deaf, Project Coordinator, University of Jyväskylä,
e-mail: markku.jokinen @ kl-deaf.fi, majokine @ edu.jyu.fi
Parker, Susan, board member, International Disability Foundation
Senior adviser in rehabilitation at ILO, Geneva.
120, rte de Ferney, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Phone/fax: 41-22 733 7183
e-mail: sparkerski @ aol.com
Berg, Susanne, Sweden
Frödén, Anne, Sweden
Ohlsson, Erica, Sweden
Staaf, Erik. Sweden
Åkerberg, Annica, Sweden
Abou Khalil, Jahda (assistant Kabbara)
Brodie, Malcolm, (assistant - Frieden)
Malinga, Ronia (assistant - Malinga)
Marjanen, Kati (sign language interpreter Liisa Kauppinen)
Nantongo, Prossy Suubi (interpreter Florence Mukasa, Uganda)
Nordquist, Kaj (translation service)
Ruuskanen, Sirpa (sign language interpreter Liisa Kauppinen)
Sagström, Eva (office of the UN Special Rapporteur)
Sigander, Noemi (assistant Susanne Berg)