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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality
Theme: Women with Disabilities


Report on the Seminar of Disabled Women*

Vienna, 20-24 August 1990

United Nations Office at Vienna
Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Division for the Advancement of Women


Table of Contents

Women with Disabilities icon INTRODUCTION

  1. Preamble
  2. Definition of disabled women
  3. Implementation

Women with Disabilities icon I. RECOMMENDATIONS

  1. Statistical information
  2. Ethics and human rights
  3. National legislation
  4. Conventions and other international legal instruments
  5. National focal point on women with disabilities
  6. Leadership development
  7. Education
  8. Vocational training and employment
  9. Marriage and parenthood
  10. Violence, sexual abuse and safety
  11. Mass media, communication and information
  12. Counselling
  13. Social security
  14. Health
  15. Rehabilitation
  16. Public buildings and housing
  17. Transportation
  18. Technical needs and assistance
  19. Research
  20. Project funding
  21. Regional and subregional
  22. International focal points


  1. Opening of the Seminar
  2. Election of officers
  3. Attendance
  4. Documentation
  5. Adoption of the report

Women with Disabilities icon Annex

Annex 1: List of participants
Annex 2: List of documents

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