High-Level Meeting: African agriculture in the 21st Century: Meeting Challenges, Making a Sustainable Green Revolution
Windhoek, Namibia, 9-10 February 2009
Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural
Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Strengthening Rural
28-30 January, Bangkok, Thailand
Appointment of New Director
Message from the Chairperson of CSD-17
Beijing High-level Conference on Climate Change: Technology Development and Technology Transfer
(7- 8 November 2008, Beijing, China)
Statement by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs to the Second Committee of the General Assembly on the item "Sustainable Development"
(27 October 2008, New York)
Innovation Briefs series, 6th issue: Using non-renewable resource revenues for sustainable local development
new release
Expert Group Meeting on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Role of Indicators
(15-16 October 2008, New York)
Matrix (updated Sept. 2008)
CSD-17 Major groups' guidelines for participation
(in all UN languages)
Report on the Sixteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
Archive of news updates