28e session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies pour commémorer le 60e anniversaire de la libération des camps de concentration nazis (24 janvier 2005)DéclarationsExposition en ligneDocumentsNouvellesLiens Accueil ONU 28e session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies pour commémorer le 60e anniversaire de la libération des camps de concentration nazis (24 janvier 2005)

Expositions en ligne

« Afterwards, it’s just a part of you »

(Inauguration le 18 janvier 2005)

UN Secretary-General welcoming Mr. Kurt Goldstein, Auschwitz survivor Mr. Kurt Goldstein, Auschwitz survivor Mr. Roman Kent, Auschwitz survivor UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Mrs. Nane Annan, and Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor
Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor; Mr. Kurt Goldstein and Mr. Roman Kent, Auschwitz survivors Comments made by young people from all over the world after visiting death camps with survivors Pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors Comments (in French and German) made by young people from all over the world after visiting death camps with survivors
Pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor, and pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor and a visitor, and pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor and visitors, and pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors
Visitor watching pictures of young people from all over the world visiting the death camps with survivors Comments by Esther-Guylaine Abdelaziz, France, 15, and Misumzi Chiliwe, South Africa, 31, after visiting Auschwitz Mr. Raymond Sommereyns, Director of the Outreach Division, Department of Public Information, looking at a picture of the death camp at Birkenau Comments by Claude Remacle, Belgium, 20, Mekonnen Mehari, Eritrea/Germany, 21, and Daniel Blocq, The Netherlands, 21, after visiting Auschwitz
Visitor in front of a picture of the blocks of the death camp at Auschwitz Visitor looking at pictures of the death camp at Auschwitz Picture of death camps survivors (16 August 1945) Comments by Halise Özbey, Germany, 21, and Mathieu 'DFOR' Deodat,  France, 18, after visiting Auschwitz

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« Auschwitz – the Depth of the Abyss »
(Inauguration le 24 janvier 2005)

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the exhibition opening UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Mrs. Nane Annan, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor Death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau Drawing of the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau
Exhibit at UN Headquarters; arrival of Jews at Auschwitz in front of the railroad cars Exhibit at UN Headquarters; pictures of women and children on the selection platform Arrival at Auschwitz of a train from the Carpathians, transporting 10,000 Jews (26 May 1944) SS physician examining the health of Jews standing before him; front: Geza Lajtbs just arrived from Hungary
Picture of a group of older people considered non-utilizable, in front the train that just brought them to Auschwitz Picture of a woman and her children, considered non-utilizable, walking through the death camp at Auschwitz to the gas chambers Jewish women considered utilizable, i.e. who have been selected for slave-labor Jewish men considered utilizable, i.e. who have been selected for slave-labor
Pictures of Hungarian Jews taken in Block 26 of the main camp at Auschwitz The Story of the Shoe, by Jewish artist Zinovii Tolkatchev (1945); the shoe was taken from the enormous pile of children shoes the artist encountered in Auschwitz Children behind barbed wires at Auschwitz Roll call in front of the kitchen building (26 May 1944)
The Last Farewell, The Liberators Arrived, The Savior, and Gott Mit Uns ('God with Us'), drawings by Jewish artist Zinovii Tolkatchev (1945) The End of the War, by Jewish artist Zinovii Tolkatchev (1945) Exhibit at UN Headquarters, showing in front: people who served in the Russian and German armies, and in the back: Mr. Ahouatcha Mahinou, from Benin, who served in the French Army from 1939 to 1945 Galina Brok Beltsova (Russia) and her comrades from the 125th Guards Bumber Regiment, in front of the plane they flew during the Second World War (1997); Heinz Reshoft (Germany), who served in the German Army from 1939-1945 (1999)

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