Sixty-second Session,
8th Meeting (AM)

Amid Rapid Technological Advances, Governments Must Swiftly Counter Emerging Threat of Gender-Based Cyberviolence, Women’s Commission Hears

Amid rapid technological advances, States must swiftly implement targeted efforts to stamp out new forms of gender‑based cyberviolence, from revenge porn to online bullying, the Commission on the Status of Women heard today as it continued its sixty‑second session.

Delivering a national voluntary presentation on women’s participation in information and communications technology as a driver for their empowerment, the representative of Slovakia discussed achievements and the challenges ahead.  Outlining some ongoing programmes, she provided several examples of how best to adapt to emerging threats against girls and women, especially millennials and Generation Z, who had grown up using social media.

The Commission will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday, 16 March, to hold interactive expert panels on several thematic topics.

National Presentation

LUBICA ROZBOROVA (Slovakia) gave a presentation on the theme “Participation in and access of women in the media and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women”.  She said new efforts must reflect the rapid technological advancements of information and communications technology.  Growing up with social media, millennials and Generation Z had been exposed to many gender‑based elements that could be harmful, including hacking, impersonation, harassment and revenge porn.  Cyberviolence against women and girls was a recognized challenge, with recommendations for action coming from the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the Commission on the Status of Women.  As Slovakia had a high level of cybercrimes against women, the Government had prioritized action in several areas.  Initiatives aimed at combating media stereotypes, increasing girls’ participation in information and communications technology fields and launching campaigns to end gender‑based cyberviolence.

The representative of the Netherlands asked in what way Slovakia ensured participation of women in the media.

The representative of Brazil asked what kind of activities existed in Slovakia to eliminate sexism in the media.

OLGA PIETRUCHOVA (Slovakia) said a database of female experts across professions had been created to facilitate journalists in finding women to comment in media stories.

Ms. ROZBOROVA said awareness‑raising efforts were key, describing an “anti‑award” that had been established to identify advertisers using the most sexist images or behaviours.

The representative of Mali, outlining her country’s efforts to develop women’s capacity in information and communications technology fields and the media, said challenges included lack of access to finances.

For information media. Not an official record.