Meetings Coverage


With concentric circles of escalation and risky military adventurism in the Red Sea, Yemen could descend into a new cycle of war, the Organization’s senior official for that country warned the Security Council today, as he urged all actors to exercise maximum restraint and work towards de-escalation and the peace process.


The United Nations Secretariat should seek to absorb the envisaged costs of preparations for the entry into force of the agreement on the sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the high seas and for the first meeting of signatories, the Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today.


Stressing the impact of elements including conflict, pay inequity and informal labour on the gender poverty gap, ministers and officials from around the world called for greater efforts to reverse trends indicating that 8 per cent of the world’s women will still be living on less than $2 per day by 2030, as the Commission on the Status of Women continued its sixty-eighth session.


Amidst an upsurge in armed conflict around the world — with the highest number of conflict-related deaths in 30 years — the Security Council heard today of the urgent need to promote inclusive prevention strategies that address the root causes of conflict during its first-ever open debate on empowering all actors, particularly women, to engage in that task.


From redistributing care work to tax reform, financially inclusive policies are needed at the domestic and international levels to erase women’s poverty and ensure gender equality, the Commission on the Status of Women heard today from ministers and officials around the world as it continued its sixty-eighth session.