Security Council: Press Conference

Despite ongoing discussions about items on the Security Council’s draft programme of work for February — which have delayed its formal adoption — the 15‑member organ will proceed to convene several high-level debates in the first days of the month, Anatolio Ndong Mba (Equatorial Guinea), its President for February said at a Headquarters press conference today.

José Singer (Dominican Republic) said at a Headquarters press conference today that his country’s January presidency of the Security Council will be guided by the United Nations principles of peace, social justice and the rule of law, as it assumes its two-year non-permanent membership.

Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the exploitation of natural resources during conflict and women’s empowerment will be among the topics of special focus in the Security Council this month alongside a range of other ongoing issues, that organ’s President for October said at a Headquarters press briefing this afternoon.

An open briefing on Myanmar and a thematic debate on mediation as a tool for the maintenance of international peace and security will be among the highlights of the Security Council’s work in the month ahead, Karen Pierce (United Kingdom), the organ’s President for August, said at a Headquarters press briefing today.