
In north‑east Syria, despite very difficult challenges, the United Nations and humanitarian partners continue to deliver aid and provide basic services to 1.8 million people in need where access allows.  This includes emergency food rations for 83,000 newly displaced people, hygiene kits and drinking water.

The United Nations Network on Migration reiterated today its call to end the detention of children for immigration purposes in every region of the world.  They said detaining children in such a context – whether they are travelling alone or with their families – has been recognized as a violation of children’s rights.

The United Nations recorded fewer human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the first half of 2019, a High Commissioner for Human Rights report found, describing the 3,039 violations as an improvement.  However, the number of violations committed until June remains higher than two years ago.

At least 14 people were killed and many more injured yesterday, including children, when a bus hit an improvised explosive device near Douentza in the Mopti region, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali reported.  The Mission supported the medical evacuations of 16 victims.

The Yemen office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights confirmed that 52 detainees were among those killed when air strikes hit a former community college compound on the northern outskirts of Dhamar City, United Nations teams in the country reported on Sunday.  As many as 170 detainees were being held there.

In Burkina Faso, where armed attacks continue to affect parts of the north and east, some 30,000 people have been displaced every month since the start of 2019.  July alone saw a nearly 35 per cent surge in the number of health centres closed due to insecurity, depriving 625,000 people of access to basic care.

Briefing the Security Council, the High Commissioner for Refugees stressed today that there is an unprecedented stigmatization of refugees and migrants in the media and in politics, and that this should concern us all as it is creating a toxic environment that makes it increasingly difficult to tackle this issue.

The flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai has caused at least 122 deaths and affected more than a million people in both Mozambique and Malawi, according to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).  Close to 83,000 people are displaced in Malawi and more than 17,000 in Mozambique, OCHA says.