LIVE and on-demand WEBCAST
By the Webcasting and Web Development Unit
Information Technology Section, Department of Public Information

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10 May 2002
[3:00pm - 8:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
6th Plenary Meeting - Closing session
PLAY [09:53:43]
PLAY [By Country]
10 May 2002
[4:00pm - 4:35pm ET]
Closing Press Conference by Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, UNICEF PLAY [00:33:047]
10 May 2002
[3:00pm - 6:00pm ET]
Panel: Moving Beyond Promises to Actions: Building a Global Movement for Children PLAY [02:15:07]
10 May 2002
[1:15pm - 2:45pm ET]
Panel: Orphans and Other Children Affected by HIV/AIDS: The Way Forward
Organised by UNICEF, USAID and the International Federation of the Red Cross
PLAY [01:30:32]
10 May 2002
[1:15pm - 1:50pm ET]
Press Conference by Palestinian Children on the situation of Palestinian Children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory PLAY [00:35:28]
10 May 2002
[11:45am - 1:15pm ET]
Panel: Women and Children: From International Law to National Realities
Organised by UNICEF and the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women
PLAY [01:32:11]
10 May 2002
[10:00am - 11:30am ET]
Panel: Countering Child Trafficking
Paricipating: The heads of the ILO, UNOHCHR, UNICEF and the International Office for Migration.
PLAY [01:24:10]
10 May 2002
[9:00am - 2:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
5th Plenary Meeting - Morning session
PLAY [05:07:44]
PLAY [By Country]
9 May 2002
[3:00pm - 7:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
4th Plenary Meeting - Afternoon session
PLAY [05:22:44]
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9 May 2002
[3:00pm - 3:30pm ET]
First Spouses Forum: Women's Leadership for Children PLAY [00:29:48]
9 May 2002
[1:15pm - 2:55pm ET]
Luncheon hosted by the UN Secretary-General PLAY [00:35:22]
9 May 2002
[12:45pm - 1:15pm ET]
Press Briefing by UNICEF PLAY [00:09:30]
9 May 2002
[11:00am - 11:30am ET]
Press Briefing on Public-Private Partnership Dialogue PLAY [00:19:59]
9 May 2002
[9:00am - 1:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
3rd Plenary Meeting - Morning session
PLAY [05:00:18]
PLAY [By Country]
9 May 2002
[8:00am - 10:00am ET]
Public-Private Partnership Dialogue
This will be an unscripted exchange between a small number of corporate leaders, Heads of State/Government, UN leadership and the chief executives of several Global Movement for Children supporting organizations.
PLAY [01:45:10]
8 May 2002
[3:00pm - 7:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
2nd Plenary Meeting - Afternoon session
PLAY [05:08:19]
PLAY [By Country]
8 May 2002
[12:45am - 1:15pm ET]
Press Conference by Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
PLAY [00:30:59]
8 May 2002
[9:00am - 1:00pm ET]
General Assembly: 27th Special Session on Children
1st Plenary Meeting - Morning session
PLAY [04:45:13]
[By Country]
7 May 2002
[3:00pm - 4:00pm ET]
Panel: Reclaiming our Children: The UN Responds to the Situation of the Child Soldier: Participants will include the the UN Secretary-General, government and NGO delegates to the GA Special Session on Children, youth delegates and media. UN Special Session on Children
PLAY [01:22:12]
7 May 2002
[1:45pm - 2:45pm ET]
Security Council: Open Public Meeting on "Children and armed conflict"
PLAY [00:49:44]