Live Webcast

Tuesday, 18 March 2002


  • At a press conference this morning, Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, UNDP, said the Conference wanted developing countries to give a higher priority to social spending -- on education, health and the environment -- and to democratic governance. In return, developed countries would support them with more trade, market access, investment and fresh external development assistance.

  • At a press conference, Jorge Castaņeda Gutman, Foreign Minister of Mexico, said his Government looked forward to seeing demonstrations and protests by Mexicans, as well as foreigners, but hoped that protestors would avoid the violence seen during similar events elsewhere.

  • The Conference elected Mexican President Vicente Fox as Conference President, by acclamation.

  • Preparatory Committee Co-Chairs, Shamshad Ahmad (Pakistan) and Ruth Jacoby (Sweden), presented the Monterrey consensus to the Conference. Mr. Ahmad said the United Nations should play a catalytic role in unleashing globalizationīs potential to finance development.

  • At a press conference, Hartwig de Hean, Assistant Director-General of FAO, said hunger was not only a consequence of poverty, but also one of its major causes.

  • Trevor Manuel, Minister for Finance of South Africa, said greater openness to trade and capital flows, as well as reform of international financial arrangements, were essential.

  • Ivan Simonovic (Croatia), President of the Economic and Social Council, said that sharing benefits of globalization by all was a fundamental prerequisite for peace, security and well-being.

  • Joseph Sanusi (Nigeria), on behalf of the Group of 24, said that debt relief was not enough to overcome the conditions that led to the debt overhang, it must be complemented with extra resources and an improved performance in the recipient countries to induce development.

  • Myoung-Ho Shin, Vice-President, Asian Development Bank, said that sustainable economic growth and good governance must be addressed in the fight against poverty.

  • Emil Salim (Indonesia), Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, said he hoped the development agenda would cover environmental, economic and social development.

  • Clare Short, Co-Chair of the Ministerial Seminar of the Global Environmental Facility, said poverty eradication was seen as the heart of
    sustainability for the future of the planet. ODA must be used in a way that invested in competent modern States.

  • Rubens Ricupero, UNCTAD, said the use of agricultural subsidies by developed nations represented a major distortion in financing of development.

  • Lennart Bage, IFAD, said that development cooperation must focus on where the poor were -- the rural areas.

  • Didier Reynders (Belgium), Chairman of the Group of 10, said that in the coming year the G-10 would examine ways to improve the resolution of international financial crises and to make the international financial system more robust.

  • Arun Shourie, India's Vice Minister for Privatization and Chairman of the Group of 20, said, "Help those who are willing and enable those in want."

  • Klaus Toepfer, UNEP, said development was based on the three pillars of financial capital, good governance and environment capital.

  • Carol Bellamy, UNICEF, said that children were the engine of development, and the physical, emotional and intellectual impairment that poverty inflicted on children could mean a lifetime of suffering and want.

  • Carlos A. Magariņos, UNIDO, said that mobilizing domestic resources and developing an enabling environment at the domestic level were of central importance.

  • Thoraya A. Obaid, UNFPA, said action to end poverty was a matter of morality, and that commitments to fight poverty and inequality must be matched by resources.

  • Seiichi Kondo, OECD, said that there was potentially enough capital, goods, knowledge and technology for the development of the whole world. The challenge was to overcome barriers and impediments to mobilizing those elements for developing countries to overcome persistent poverty. Official development assistance (ODA) in the year 2000 totalled $50 billion. Developing countriesīcumulative benefits from more open trade (from removal of barriers to access and from greater productivity) if realized, were estimated at $500 billion.

  • Vijay S. Makhan, OAU, said a good policy environment had been put in place in most countries in the region, however, African efforts had not been sufficiently complemented by the international community.

  • Byron Blake, CARICOM, said that development gaps were widening exponentially, and control over the means of development was becoming increasingly concentrated in a few countries, corporations and individuals.
19 March 2002
20 March 2002
21 March 2002
22 March 2002

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