22 March 2002 List of All Press Conferences for March 22  
(available later)
5.30 pm Press conference by Joseph Philippe Antonio, Foreign Minister of Haiti
4.10 pm Press conference by Vicente Fox Quesada, President of Mexico
1.30 pm “NGO Final Declaration about the Monterrey Consensus”, John Foster, Canada, North/South Institute, Laura Frade, Mexico Women’s Eyes on the Multilaterals, Gemma Adaba, Trinidad and Tobago, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Lars Lanfald, Norway, North and South Coalition
12 00 noon Press briefing by Conference Spokeswoman
10.00 am José Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain and Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission
  21 March 2002 List of All Press Conferences for March 21
(available later)
6.30 pm Press briefing by Conference spokeswoman
5.00 pm Press conference by Hugo Chavez Frias, President of Venezuela
3.30 pm "NGO Evaluation of Roundtables Discussions", Jocelyn Dow, Red Thread/Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), Paul Tennasse, World Confederation of Labour, Martha Arias, Intermom Oxfam, Roberto Bissio, Instituto del Tercer Mundo/Social Watch
Press conference by Secretary-General, World Bank President, IMF Managing Director and WTO Director-General
20 March 2002
List of All Press Conferences for March 20  
6:30 pm Press conference on Round Table 2
5:30 pm Mexican Government Press Briefing
5:00 pm "Business Investing in Africa", ICC/UNCTAD Investment Advisory Council, President Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria, Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Maria Levanos Cattaui, President of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Michael Treschow, Managing Chairman of Electrolux, and Alhaji Tukur, African Business Roundtable
4:30 pm NGO Caucus of the Least Developed Countries, Arjun Karki, President, Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), Huguette Bokpe Gnacadja, Benin, Jean Pierre Ouedraogo, Burkina Faso, Elizabeth Eilor, Uganda
4:00 pm "Official Development Assistance Offers of the European Union and the United States",
NGO Caucus of the United States and NGO Caucus of Europe

3:30 pm "Case for Aid- EU and UK aid initiatives and new approaches in Africa", Baroness Amos, G-8 United Kingdom Personal Representative for Africa, Gus O'Donnel, HM Treasury, United Kingdom, Barrie Ireton, Department for International Development, United Kingdom.
3:00 pm "The dollarization of Ecuador and the results; Developing countries facing debt problem", Dr. Carlos Julio Emanuel, President of Ecuador Delegation, Economic and Finacial Minister, and President of Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF: Venezuela- Peru- Colombia- Chile)
2:30 pm "Commitments of the European Union beyond Monterrey" Jose Piqué, Foreign Minister of Spain and President of the EU, and Paul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, European Commission
2:00 pm Press conference by Paul O'Neill, United States Treasury Secretary
1:30 pm Jorge Castaneda, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
12:45 "Launch of the Social Watch report 2002- The Social Impact on Globalisation in the World", Roberto Bissio, Coordinator, Leonoor Briones, Social Watch Asia, Philippines, Areli Sandoval, Social Watch Mexico, John Foster, Social Watch Canada, Adib Nehme, Social Watch Lebanon, Traufic Ben Abdallah, Social Watch Senegal. Sponsored by the Government of the Netherlands and the Philippines.
12:00 noon Daily press briefing by Conference spokeswoman
11:00 am Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director-General, World Health Organization, Dr. Julio Frenk, Minister of Health, Mexico and Dr Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Millennium Development Goals
10:30 am Phyllis Cuttino, Vice-President, Better World Fund. Sponsored by the Government of Sweden
10:00 am Thoraya Obaid, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund
9:00 am "The Millennium Development Goals", Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme and Dr Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Millennium Development Goals
19 March 2002
List of All Press Conferences for March 19
6:30 pm Press Briefing on Ministerial round tables
6:00 pm "Partnerships - a civil society view on today's roundtable", Leonor Briones, Economic Advisor, Social Watch Asia, Marilyn Clement, Executive Secretary, United Methodist Church, Sister Helene O'Sullivan, Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Paul Nehru Tennassee, Director, World Confereration of Labour (WCL), Lena Westerlund, Senior International Economist, Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO-S) International Confederation of Trade Unions (ICFTU). Sponsored by the Government of Sweden
4:30 pm Jimmy Carter, former USA President, Chairman of the Carter Center. Sponsored by the UN Financing for Development Secretariat
4:00 pm Government of Mexico: Reyes Tamez, Secretary of Education, Josefina Vazquez, Secretary of Social Development, Julio Frenk, Secretary of Health
3:30 pm Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
3:00 pm "The Global Forum Final Declaration", members of the International Support Committee and the Mexican Steering Committee. Sponsored by the Mexican Government
2:30 pm "E-Finance for Development", Rouben Indjikian, Head of E-Finance, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
2:00 pm Alan Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs, United States of America
1:30 pm Frank Fernandez, Chief Economist, Securities Industries Association and Richard Gitlin, Partner, Bingham Dana, L.P.
1:00 pm "Home Ownership through Housing finance", Anna Kajumulo Tibajuka, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), with Felipe de Jesus Contú, Mayor of Monterrey
12:00 noon Daily press briefing by the Spokeswoman of the Conference
11:15am "Another World is Possible", Rogate Mshana, World Council of Churches, Angel Luis Rivera Agosto, Latin American Council of Churches, Jocelyn Dow, Women's Environment and Development Organization and Joy Kennedy, Ecumenical Team. Sponsored by the Government of Norway
10:30 am "Announcement of Increase in European Union Official Development Assistance", Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, European Union
9:45 am "Report of the Committee on Development Assistance", Jean-Claude Faure, President of the Development Assistance Committee, and Seiichi Kondo, Deputy General-Secretary of the Organisation for Economic Co-operations and Development
9:00 am "Expectations for the International Conference on Financing for Development", Mark Malloch Brown, United Nations Development Programme Administrator, George Soros, President and Chairman, Soros Fund Management
18 March 2002
List of All Press Conferences for March 18
(available later)
12:00 noon Daily press briefing by the Spokeswoman of the Conference
11:15 am "More Effective Aid: The Critical Role of Rural Development, Food and Agriculture", Mr. Lennart Bage, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development; Mr. Jean-Jacques Graisse, Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme; and Mr. Hartwig de Hean, Assistant Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization
9:00 am "The Challenge of Development in a Globalizing World: Using Monterrey to Help Build a More Inclusive Globalization", Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme, Jorge Castañeda, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
17 March 2002
4:00 pm Pre-Conference briefing, Mr. Nitin Desai, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs; H.E. Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad (Pakistan) and H.E. Ambassador Ruth Jacoby (Sweden), Co-chairs of the Preparatory Committee; Mr. Oscar R. de Rojas, Executive Coordinator of the FfD process
11 March 2002
12:00 noon Press Conference by Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations


Conference News