His Excellency Mr. Festus G. Mogae
President of the Republic of Botswana
at the
International Conference
on Financing for Development
Monterrey, Mexico
March 2002
Mr. President,
If I were to convey a single message to this Conference, it would be
that whereas individual countries bear the primary responsibility for their
own advancement, development nonetheless, is a global challenge requiring
global solutions and the active participation and inclusion of all stakeholders.
Indeed mobilisation of domestic and international resources, including
foreign direct investment and other private flows; policies conducive to
equitable growth of international trade; increased Official Development
Assistance (ODA); resolution of external debt; and conducive, coherent
and consistent international monetary and trading systems as well as the
fight against HIV/AIDS are pivotal to poverty eradication across the globe.
This Conference should therefore mark the beginning of a common global
approach to development financing.
Let me also emphasise that for developing countries to overcome poverty,
significant volumes of ODA are required to spur economic and social progress
in the short to medium term. Whilst increased efficiency of aid should
be a major concern, it should however not be used as a pretext for not
allocating additional ODA resources. ODA can contribute to building the
human and institutional capacities. Furthermore, the value of aid can be
considerably enhanced by untying it, harmonising donor policies and procedures
as well as making it more responsive to developing countries needs.
Using aid as an instrument of promotion of economic activity in
donor countries themselves distorts development priorities of the recipient
countries. Aid policies should also be flexible and forward looking and
ensure equitable access by developing countries at various stages of development.
Penalising countries that have made some advances by not giving them sufficient
resources with which to overcome remaining challenges is counter productive.
That additional ODA is necessary does not in anyway detract from the major
responsibility of developing countries in their own development in terms
of optimising domestic resource mobilisation and ensuring good governance-as
well as appropriate social and economic policies that recognise the crucial
roles of the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders.
It is estimated that 20% of the world population enjoy 80% of its wealth
and that over 1.2 billion people around the world live in poverty. This
requires immediate redress and development strategies focussed on poverty
We in the developing world, especially in Africa, look to the Monterrey
Consensus to give greater impetus to global, regional and national strategies
and actions for resource mobilization, particularly resources for investment
in poverty reduction and improvement in health, education and physical
Mr. President,
In particular, the poor economic and social conditions in Africa should
be a major concern of this Conference. There exist wide disparities in
human development, as indicators between Africa and the rest of the world
illustrate. And even worse, these disparities are widening, depriving a
vast number of people the basic necessities of life and human dignity.
The sluggish economic growth, imprudent socio-economic policies
and management, political instability and an unfavourable global economic
environment continue to aggravate the prevalence and depth of poverty,
disease, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, unemployment and inadequate
shelter. This in turn leads to loss of hope and an insecure future for
multitudes of people. All these factors pose the greatest threat to world
peace, stability and security.
We, therefore, implore the international community to support the New Partnership
for Africa's Development (NEPAD). NEPAD is anchored on the fundamental
principles of African ownership, leadership and accountability as well
as good governance and maintenance of peace and security.
NEPAD envisages a strong partnership with the international community built
on mutual goodwill, respect and solidarity. The support of developed country
partners in increased access to their markets as well as technological
know how, higher volumes of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and technical
assistance, in line with NEPAD's established priorities, are imperative
to the success of NEPAD This is necessary in order to, inter alia, bridge
gaps in infrastructure, foster regional integration, combat HIV/AIDS, enhance
availability of information and communications technologies (ICT), and
ensure Afirica's meaningful integration into the global economy.
Mr. President,
HIV/AIDS is a human tragedy and core development issue of our time and
there can be no development in Africa without concerted efforts to ensure
adequate financial resources to combat the pandemic. HIV/AIDS is a major
crisis requiring emergency response from the international community. Unless
additional ODA and technical assistance resources are allocated 'to fight
the scourge, sustainable development will be seriously compromised.
Mr. President,
Botswana is severely affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The war against
HIV/AIDS is being waged with determination and resolve so that the socio-economic
progress we have achieved is not reversed.
Whilst HIV/AIDS is a daunting challenge, it is not an insurmountable challenge.
With the requisite international support, political will and resources,
we will be well-positioned to turn the tide against the pandemic and realize
our-full development potential.
Botswana has long recognized that sustainable development has to be a nationally
owned and led process that requires sound democratic institutions, prudent
economic management. Adherence to these principles, coupled with exploitation
of mineral resources and donor support, has propelled Botswana from the
category of the poorest countries at independence in 1966 to the middle
income status of today.
Botswana continues to take constructive steps to solidify peace, democracy
and good governance upon which ' our pursuit of development is grounded.
We are also committed to fostering partnerships with the broad spectrum
of stakeholders, including both foreign and domestic, in order to achieve
"Prosperity for All" as enshrined in our national vision, Vision 2016.
Continued donor support is still necessary in order to consolidate the
development achieved and to ensure sustainable development.
Mr. President,
Now is the time for a new architecture for development cooperation. Firstly,
the scope of development cooperation should be broadened to include not
only development assistance=but trade, private sector development, private
investment, access to technology as well as and equitable and inclusive
global governance. Development assistance should also be synergistic with
private sector development and contribute to national capacity-building.
Common interests and complimentary needs of the rich and poor countries,
as well as global goals forged through the United Nations, must provide
the basis for new partnerships and compacts.
It is unfortunate Mr. President, that at this confluence of immense needs
and great opportunity in the world, we find that official development assistance
(ODA) is declining. The ODA target of 0.7% of developed countries GNP should
be met, or even surpassed, in the immediate future if the Millennium Development
Goals are to be achieved. The present level of 0.24% is a serious under
achievement that needs correction.
It is critical also, that in the new development financing agenda,
small and middle income economies which continue to demonstrate true commitment
to global governance, the rule of law, economic reform, but are unable
to access private sources of capital due to lack of interest by investors
or perceived lack of strategic value, be supported as they grapple with
uplifting the standard of living of their people and emerging challenges
of globalization.
Dialogue and positive engagement with stakeholders, especially those in
the private sector who make decisions which profoundly affect development
around the world, is a matter of great importance to us.
My Government values interaction with the private sector. We have
in fact, instituted consultative mechanisms to ensure continuous engagement
with the private sector and civil society in an effort to enhance their
contribution to national development.
Mr. President,
It is clear that trade is the primary means through which developing countries
could be integrated into the global economy. For trade to have an enduring
impact, developed countries need to take concrete steps to address the
concerns of developing countries over the implementation of the Uruguay
Round undertakings, particularly the Agreement of Textiles and Clothing,
the Agreement of Agriculture, the provisions concerning special and differential
treatment, and the provisions on technical assistance.
The WTO has to be transformed to incorporate the development dimension
of trade and to ensure coherence in global trade, financial monetary and
development policies.
Mr. President,
We are encouraged by the dialogue and cooperation between the U.N., World
Bank, IMF and other important stakeholders that has characterized the financing
for development process. This cooperation should be further consolidated
to ensure coherent and mutually reinforcing multilateral development policies.
Similarly, development policy concerns that do not precisely fall within
the purview of existing international organizations should be addressed
as a vital step in bridging the "global governance deficit”.
Mr. President,
The United Nations must also ensure that there is adequate follow up to
resolutions of previous world conferences. Concrete proposals such as the
feasibility of an international tax system, the International Development
Association (IDA) providing a greater proportion of its resources to the
poorest countries in the form of grants, rather than loans, should be analyzed
objectively and firm proposals put forward without procrastination. The
U.N. must promote good global citizenry so that countries are not just
pre-occupied with their parochial interests.
The world will be safer and more secure with shared values, broad
based development and when all its inhabitants can see promise of a bright
future instead of perpetual despair. The United Nations strong advocacy
for human centred development should therefore be intensified. In this
regard, my Government wishes to reiterate its unfledging support for the
U. N. System.
It is my ardent hope that this Conference will herald a paradigm shift
in international development cooperation underpinned by strong political
commitment, by both developed and developing countries and coordinated
support of multilateral development institutions.
However, this would be incomplete without the establishment of clear
mechanisms to monitor the implementation of resolutions of this conference
and achievement of Millennium Development Goals to ensure that the Monterrey
Consensus leads to sustainable development financing and poverty eradication
in the world and, more importantly, that all stakeholders play their full
part in the global partnership.
I thank you.
Statements at the Conference
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