

Mrs. Dalia Grybauskaite
Minister of Finance of The Republic of Lithuania

at the
International Conference on Financing for Development 

Monterrey, Mexico
21st March 2002

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour for me to speak today at this Conference, which will have a significant contribution to addressing the challenges of financing for development in the world.

Perhaps it is symbolic, but this year Lithuania has started implementing its own development policy and is gradually transforming from a recipient to a donor country. As a strong democracy with fast growing economy Lithuania might serve as a good example in this process.

After regaining its independence in 1990, Lithuania has started to implement its political, democratic, social and economic reforms. Foreign assistance to the country has played one of the essential roles. Nonetheless mobilisation of local resources, commitment for good governance and ownership, guarantees of the ability to absorb the assistance for the implementation of reforms represent significant achievements of Lithuania. Of course, human rights, rule of law, democratic principles have served as the basis for sustainable growth of the country. The liberalisation of economy, promotion of free trade, creation of favourable conditions for foreign investments as well as strict anti-corruption measures have established Lithuania as a reliable country in the world.

With the prospect of membership in the European Union (EU), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Lithuania must now prepare for taking on additional international obligations.

This year Lithuania's development co-operation policy has been identified as an integral part of Lithuania's foreign policy, which aims to promote global security, human rights and democracy, sustainable growth and poverty reduction in the world. As such, it stands alongside and complements other policy instruments, such as support to international peacekeeping, regional co-operation and good neighbouring relations.
In the process of reforms, Lithuania has learned a lot about the modalities of development co-operation and has forged new partnerships. 

Involvement in incoming aid programmes (EU Phare, UNDP, World Bank and bilateral/NGO) has led to the acquisition of relevant aid management skills by a range of officials and private sector consultants. The pool of unique skills and experience is a resource, which can be made use of in the implementation of outgoing trilateral and multilateral programmes in the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Lithuania strongly supports the process of globalisation, Millennium Development Goals and is firmly committed to the aims of the Monterrey Conference. I do hope that the results of Monterrey will contribute to better living in the world.

Thank you.

Statements at the Conference
Conference News