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Summary of national action plans and strategies  
for implementation of the Platform for Action

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The present background document has been prepared by DAW as an informal paper for the 42nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (March 1998). It contains summary information on national action plans and strategies for implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, as they have been submited to the UN by 22 December 1997. It provides condensed information on each national action plan or strategy, the authors of the plan, the planning process and support activities to the preparatory process, and whether the plan was officially adopted. Advocacy and outreach activities related to the dissemination of the Platform for Action, national action plans or specific campaigns are included. The document provides an overview of the national critical areas of concern and selected activities as presented in the action plans. It also indicates institutional arrangements, and the allocation of national and international resources.

   Eastern Europe

Member State: Belarus
Title: National Plan of Action for the Improvement of the Status of Women, 1996-2000

Author of plan

Approved by Decree of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Belarus of June 6, 1996, No. 373.

Planning process

Support for planning process

1. Publish a statistical compilation of "The Family, Women and Children in the Republic of Belarus" biennially.
2. Have information bulletins on employment in administrative bodies, poverty, diseases, time use, wages, working conditions and violence.
3. Conduct publicity campaigns on human rights, violence, media stereotyping, breast feeding, substance abuse, reproductive behaviour.

Critical areas of concern
1. Legislation: revise family law, criminal codes and laws on violence; gender analysis of legislation.
2. Statistics: collect data disaggregated by sex in all areas.
3. Health: family planning, establishment of health centres, breast feeding.
4. Education: provide family life education for young people; vocational training.
5. Gender balance: in administrative bodies, diplomacy.
6. Mass media: raise awareness, combat stereotyping, promote publicity campaigns.
7. Human rights: promote comprehensive human rights programme to make women aware of their rights.
8. Economics: Promote women entrepreneurs, training of unemployed women, research on working conditions of women; establish Women's Enterprise Support Centre.

Institutional arrangements
The implementation plan is for the period 1996-2000. There is no central body overseeing the entire scope of work.
The plan is to be implemented by specific ministries, the Academy of Science, the State Press Commission and others.

Different bodies outlined in the planning process are also undertaking work in their own area.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

Republic-wide programmes on the women of Belarus, family planning, marriage and family education are being drafted and submitted for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Reports analyzing the status of women are to be submitted on a regular basis to the President of the Republic and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Member State: Bulgaria
Title: National Action Plan (in implementation of the commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria undertaken at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995)

Author of plan
The Council of Ministers. Sofia, 1996

The National Action Plan was approved at the session of the National Council on Social Demographic issues with the Council of Ministers on 2 July 1996.

Planning process

Support for planning process
Interaction and cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


Critical areas of concern
1. Establishing rights and equality: legislation, establish mechanism within the National Assembly, periodic reports to CEDAW.
2. Labour, social security, social assistance and employment: establish "Ailment and Maternity Fund", tax reliefs for families, collect statistics on labour accidents.
3. Equal access to political, economic and social life: establish mechanisms for implementation; goal of 30% women in decision- making; part time employment.
4. Poverty: provide alternative forms of social services and reintegration, conduct surveys, provide counselling.
5. Vocational training and education: establish quotas for girls, legal education, networks and counselling, training, revise wages.
6. Environment protection and ecological risks to health: ecological training, teaching at primary and secondary levels, conduct public campaigns.
7. Health: reduce morbidity rates of wide spread diseases, infrastructure development, dissemination of health knowledge, provide affordable medical care.
8. Violence: revise legislation, reinstate tradition of shooting practice for female employees in Ministry of Interior.
9. Promoting equality through culture: programmes of cultural exchange to overcome xenophobia, racism and religious bigotry, participate in peace initiatives.
10. Mass media: elaborate strategies for communication to discuss new relationship between men and women.
11. Cooperation with NGOs: on violence against women, environment, sexual and reproductive health, employment.

Institutional arrangements
To be involved in implementation and monitoring:
1. The National Assembly (for adoption of legislation, ratification of international conventions).
2. The Government (for development and implementation of national action plan, programmes, projects).
3. The Judicial Branch.
4. NGOs.
5. Trade Unions.
6. Expert-advisory board on problems of women.
There are many projects implemented by The Bulgarian Association of Women of the Legal Profession; the Women's Democratic Union; The Bulgarian Union of Women; The Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Social Welfare, Justice; and some international women's organizations.

Allocation of national resources
Women in Bulgaria have guaranteed equitable access to all state resources, in particular those in health, culture, education and social security. Women also receive some specific benefits pursuant to the Labour Code and the Decree on Encouraging Births, including special provisions for pregnancy and childbirth, child care and child allowances. There was a significant budget increase in 1996 compared to 1995.

International resources/support
Funding from and participation in European Union programmes, UNDP, the World Bank, NGOs, the Council of Europe and UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE).

Support for the PHARE Programme "Participation of women in social and political life" from the European Union.

UNDP will finance projects related to the implementation of the Platform for Action. UNDP has also started work on the project "Gender in Development".

The Government highlights the need for institutional mechanisms.

The submission of bills and revising legislation is a common theme in most of the critical areas.

Disabled women are given special emphasis in many critical areas.

Member State: Croatia
Title: National Policy of the Republic of Croatia for the Promotion of Equality.
December 1997

Author of plan
Commission for Equality Sofia, 1996


Planning process

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Human rights of women;
2. Institutional mechanisms for the improvement of the position of women;
3. Women in power and at decision-making positions;
4. Women and health;
5. Education and specialization of women;
6. Violence against women;
7. Women and Economy
8. Women and armed conflict

Institutional arrangements
With its decision of 9 May 1996, the Government established the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Equality, composed of representatives of respective ministries, for systematic monitoring and promotion of equality policy. In the national policy it is suggested to provide funds for the operation of the Commission for Equality.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The national policy presents the assessment of the situation in the field of equality in the Republic of Croatia on the basis of which critical areas for action are established. It provides detailed information including recent statistical data.

Member State: Czech Republic
Title: Letter from the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations (No. 3125/97)

Author of plan
The Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations. September 1997.


Planning process
The implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action takes place in the context of entry of the Czech Republic into the European Union.

A National Action Plan will be drafted according to the model of the Sub-Regional Conference of Senior Governmental Experts in Bucharest (1996).

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
The letter refers to the following priorities for the Czech Republic:
1. Legislation: ensure equal treatment in terms of pay, working conditions, social security and the fulfillment of family responsibilities; principles of equal opportunities will be embodied in newly prepared legislative acts such as the laws on employment and renumeration.
2. Economics: eliminate sexual segregation in the labour market; promote entrepreneurial activities for women.
3. Decision-making: promote gender balance in the decision-making and in representative bodies and towards the organization of working and family life of men and women.
4. Violence: struggle against violence against women, trafficking and "sexual tourism".

Institutional arrangements
The Government of the Czech Republic will submit a detailed report on the elaboration and implementation of the final recommendation of the Fourth World Conference on Women along with proposals for the creation of adequate platform for women's issues and relevant mechanisms for their management and coordination.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The Czech Republic is collaborating with the European Union and the OECD to promote women's equality.

The Czech Republic is considering participation in the medium-term Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for men and women in the European Union.

The letter acknowledges that the Czech Republic lacked appropriate organizational and professional background in dealing with women's issues. Competencies at government level are divided among several ministries. A number of women's organizations are developing activities at non-governmental level.

Additional documents submitted:

  • Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 8th April 1998, No. 236 on the Priorities and Procedure of the Government in Promoting the Equality of Men and Women

Member State: Lithuania
Title: Action Plan of Advancement of Women of Lithuania

Author of plan
The Government of Lithuania

Approved by Resolution No.1299 of 8 November 1996 of the Government of Lithuania.

Planning process
The Lithuanian Preparatory Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women continued its activities.

Support for planning process
Ministries and women NGOs submitted proposals for the action plan.

The Preparatory Committee disseminated information about the Beijing Platform for Action, organized press conferences and seminars, translated the platform, CEDAW and the Declaration on Elimination of Violence against Women into Lithuanian.

Critical areas of concern
1. Human Rights: achieve equal rights for women and men in the society and family, analyse and amend laws in accordance with gender equality, set up educational programmes on human rights.
2. Economic-social status: ensure participation of women in commissions and task forces, establish network of pre-school education and after school programmes, establish mechanisms more favourable to women for distribution of property in the family, legalise pre-nuptial agreements, provide training and re-qualification programmes, promote small scale businesses and flexible work arrangements, target poor and rural women.
3. Environment: encourage women to participate in decision-making, raise awareness and interest in environmental protection, educate women on environment, promote environmental conservation.
4. Health, family planning: establish healthy life styles, encourage breast feeding, reduce infant and maternal mortality rates.
5. Education: achieve greater influence of women in academic life, abolish discrimination at the top level of education system.
6. Politics and public administration: increase number of women in politics and administration, achieve gender balance in electoral lists.
7. Harassment and violence: prevent harassment and violence, draft laws on acts of violence, establish crisis centres, prevent child and forced prostitution, analyse society's attitude to legalisation or prohibition of prostitution and implement relevant measures.
8. Media: promote non-stereotyping, seek greater influence of women journalists, prohibit promotion of violence, pornography, advertising of prostitution.
9. Statistics: establish data banks on men and women.

Institutional arrangements
The letter of 26 August 1996 states that implementation falls within the purview of the Advisor to the Government on Women and Family Issues. The Women's Issues Information Centre serves as an intermediary body between the Government and women non-governmental organizations..

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

Additional information received: The Advisor to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on Women and Family Issues states in his letter of 26 August 1996, that the second draft of the Lithuanian Programme for the Advancement of Women had been prepared in spring 1996 and given to the Prime Minister's office. The letter also mentions that the post of Counsellor on Women's Issues was expanded to an office with a higher status.

Member State: Poland
Title: The National programme of activities for women

Author of plan
Republic of Poland, Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Government Plenipotentiary for Family and Women.


Planning process
The Action Programme, prepared by the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Family and Women embraces the experiences and proposals by renowned specialists in the fields covered.

Support for planning process
Numerous ministries and a representation of NGOs as important social partners were involved in the preparatory process.


Critical areas of concern
1. Women's rights: withdraw reservations to Convention, guarantee non-discrimination. improve legal awareness.
2. Authorities and decision-making: achieve gender equality in administration, government, jurisdiction, parties, economic units.
3. Education: ensure equal access, professional training for girls, reform of curricula and text books, use of media.
4. Economy: eliminate occupational segregation, improve work conditions, alternative forms of employment, reconciling family and profession, feminization of poverty, focus on rural areas, access to business and markets.
5. Health: address all stages of the life cycle, awareness on reproductive health, prevention, health insurance, improved access to specialists.
6. Environment: establish national mechanisms, promote women in decision-making.
7. Violence: new legislation and enactment, "zero tolerance for violence", campaign on trafficking, rehabilitation of perpetrators.
8. Mass media: promote non-stereotyping, improve women's access, gender training for media professionals.

Institutional arrangements
The report acknowledges the need for organisational structures and a legal framework. Implementation is to be overseen by the Government's Plenipotentiary for Family and Women. Research results will form interim reports from different institutions on the basis of which the Government's Plenipotentiary Office is to prepare periodic statements in 1999 and a summary report to the Council of Ministers in 2001.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The report includes a division on mechanisms of co-operation between state administration and NGOs and makes special note of NGO involvement in the process.

The need to have data disaggregated by sex and awareness of legal rights runs throughout the critical areas.

Additional report submitted:
Information on the Implementation in Poland of the Directives included in the final Document of the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women, the Beijing Declaration - Platform for Action 2000, by the Office of the Council of Ministers

Member State: Romania
Title: National Plan for Action for the Implementation of the Main Objectives Provided for by the Final Documents of the Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women

Author of plan
Authors of the National Action Plan are the Director General and the Counsellor to the Minister in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.


Planning process
In October 1995, Government Decision No. 448 set up a structure within the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Government under the coordination of a female Secretary of State to promote and enforce women's rights.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Decision-making: implement principles of equality in governmental and non-governmental structures, promote women in management bodies of governmental institutions and local public services; increase number of women in electoral lists.
2. Economics: provide equal access, integrate women in production/labour cycle; reconcile family and professional life; identify discriminatory legal provisions; provide stimulations for women entrepreneurs, target rural areas; create fiscal incentives, provide access to loans; mobility and re-entry.
3. Health: reduce infant and maternal mortality, improve medical units, delivery of medicines; provide free medicines for certain diseases and the poor, offer family planning, increase budgetary subsidies and find alternative financial resources for medical services.
4. Violence: study causes, review legislation, develop legal and protection assistance centres, take adequate measures against trafficking of girls and women.
5. Environment: stimulate participation in planning, provide training in specific activities of environmental protection, raise consumer awareness, set up database.
6. Media: combat stereotypes, allocate funds for programmes, highlight women's achievements.
7. Education: introduce reform, revise curricula, develop non-discriminatory education, increase educational and vocational counselling.

Institutional arrangements
A Secretariat has been established within the Ministry of Labour on Women, Family and Child. The Interministerial Working Group for Supporting Civil Society acts as a consulting body to the Council for Coordination, Strategy and Economic Reform. The Interministerial Working Group is made up of representatives from ministries and departments to cooperate with NGOs.
The Government believes that in order to implement the provisions of the plan, the co-operation between the social partners is essential.

Allocation of national resources
The Foundation for Civil Society Development is responsible for funds and launching government and non-governmental programmes.

International resources/support
The plan includes a section on international cooperation and technical assistance, where it describes co-operation with the UN machinery for women, including CEDAW. It recommends that UNIFEM and INSTRAW should focus on gender specific situations in Central and Eastern European and CIS countries. Reference is made to the Conference of Senior Governmental Experts in Bucharest, October 1996.
The European Union is financing a large programme for developing the associated sector through the PHARE programme. UNDP has supported the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

The plan mentions that the activities on women have evolved after the revolution of December 1989 and are still evolving and need strengthening.
The plan includes a section on the role of non-governmental organizations in implementing the national plan and describes the conditions for achieving partnership with NGOs. It makes special mention of methods and mechanisms that need to be established to ensure partnership between
60 NGOs and the government in policy-making, implementation and evaluation.

Member State: Russian Federation
Title: Concept for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Russian Federation

Author of plan
The Government of the Russian Federation.

The Concept was discussed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation at the National Conference on Women and Development: Rights, Reality, Prospects, Moscow, 13-14 December 1994.

Planning process
The report acknowledges the need for a comprehensive plan and mechanisms to coordinate, implement and monitor.

Support for planning process


Critical areas of concern
1. Human rights: ensure full implementation of CEDAW, assess discrimination against women, promote awareness, conduct surveys on existing legislation, analyze existing mechanisms for monitoring compliance with CEDAW.
2. Decision-making: organize publicity campaign, establish new moral standards with regard to women's involvement in social movements and decision-making, compile statistical data.
3. Labour market: ensure equal rights and opportunities in the labour market, review and revise existing regulatory instruments for hiring, dismissal, benefits, retraining opportunities, develop small and family business; target handicapped and disadvantaged women; strengthen vocational training; extend and maintain network of preschool and out-of-school institutions.
4. Health: establish health indicators, ensure quality care, necessary minimum of food consumption; prevent health hazards due to lack of social, legal protection and/or work.
5. Violence: collect statistics, review legislation, target refugees and forcibly displaced women, promote international measures.

Institutional arrangements
Commissions and committees on women and children have been established in the Office of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and in the local Governments. Non-governmental organizations also take part in the process.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support

The National Action Plan was adopted before the Fourth World Conference on Women.

Member State: Slovakia
Title: The National Action Plan for Women in the Slovak Republic

Author of plan
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic and the Coordinating Committee for Women Issues, Bratislava, September 1997.


Planning process
The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the Coordinating Committee for Women Issues and the Confederation of Trade Unions are the principal planners.

Support for planning process
The Parliamentary Women's Commission has been established to deal with issues related to health care and social matters.


Critical areas of concern
1. Equal opportunities for women in the family, at work and in society: provide and monitor human and civil rights of women, collect data disaggregated by sex, increase legal literacy, resolve housing problems after divorce, supplement legislation so that women can use own surname.
2. Women's life decisions concerning the family, job and society: enlarge possibilities for choice between maternal and professional roles, promote family allowances, promote state support for families with more children.
3. Economic disadvantages causing poverty: support jobs with shorter working time, create tax preferences for employing women with children under 15.
4. Equal opportunities in education and in mass media: Teach family values to boys and girls, promote anti-drug education, monitor objectivity, truth and information scale of mass media, promote restriction of violence, carry out campaigns.
5. Health: encourage women to take medical oncologic and cardiologic controls, apply system of indirect provision to support the birth rate, prevent drug abuse, pay attention to girls nutrition and health programmes.
6. Eliminate violence against women: support shelters for victims, promote changes in legislation, provide training, eliminate prostitution and traffic in women and children.
7. Development and employment of women with small professional chances (women living in small villages, Roman women, women not prepared for their maternal role, disabled women): support regional investments, create new jobs, provide family education for disabled girls and women.
8. Development of women at national and international levels: support projects, programmes and research, identify women's problems.

Institutional arrangements
The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the Coordinating Committee for Women Issues and the Confederation of Trade Unions are also responsible for monitoring.

The Women's Committee is to monitor and initiate negotiations in the social and labour law area.

Allocation of national resources

International resources/support
The plan supports the exchange of experiences in solving individual problems with the European Union and other associated countries.

The plan contains a larger analytic part, which refers in detail to the present situation of women in their share in management of society, in economic activities and with respect to labour relations, employment and unemployment, educational attainment, media, family and society, social security, income levels, housing, health care and risks, violence. The plan also describes the activities of the women's movement in Slovakia. It underlines the need to have data disaggregated by sex in all of the critical areas.

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