United Nations
Division for the Advancement of WomenNGO Participation during the CSW 44th Session/PrepCom
In accordance with a decision of the Economic and Social Council of 15 December 1998, the Division for the Advancement of Women has identified eligible NGOs, i.e. those which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women and have started applying for consultative status with ECOSOC. Invitation letters were sent on 21 October 1999 with a deadline of 15 January 2000 for the submission of names of representatives. So far, 900 individual participants representing 200 organizations have pre-registered to attend the PrepCom.Invitation letters were also sent by the NGO Section/DESA to NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC. NGOs in consultative status which did not participate in the Beijing Conference are invited to pre-register with the NGO Section/DESA before 15 February 2000.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which NGOs may participate?
What is the process for pre-registration?
Can NGOs organize a workshop or other side events at the United Nations during the session?
Can NGOs make oral statements during the session?
Can NGOs observe "informals" during the session?
Will there be space for NGOs to display and/or exhibit their information materials?
Programmes of NGO Activities during the CSW44/PrepCom Session
On-Site NGO Registration
1. NGOs which are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council
2. NGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are also in the process of applying for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council
What is the process for pre-registration?
1. If your organization is in the following two groups:
NGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are also in the process of applying for consultative status with the Economic and Social CouncilNGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council
Your organization was requested to write to:Koh Miyaoi
NGO Liaison Officer
Division for the Advancement of Women
Room DC2-1204
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax: (212) 963-3463
2. If your organization is in the following group:
-NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council but did not participate in the Fourth World Conference on Women
Your organization was requested to write to:
Michele Fedoroff
NGO Section
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Room DC1-1480
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax: (212) 963-9248
Once an organization is pre-registered, confirmation letters were sent to individual representatives. These letters must be presented at the registration desk to complete your registration.
Can NGOs organize a workshop or other side events at the United Nations during the session?
There is very limited space available for NGOs to organize side events in the meeting rooms at the United Nations as many many other conferences and meetings are being held during the same period. Room B has been allocated for NGOs in which they can leave messages to each other, and collect official documents. It is also expected that NGOs will have access to computers and a photocopier in this room. This room will also be used for holding side events organized by NGOs, IGOs and UN agencies. Conference room 1 has been reserved during lunch time which may be shared by NGO thematic and regional caucuses to hold their meetings. In addition, a library auditorium large enough to hold 180 people may be used whenever available. The deadline for submission of requests for meeting space was 31 December 1999, and the process of allocating the space has been completed. A list of confirmed side events is available (click here). However, requests will still be considered if additional space can be made available. All requests for room space must be made in writing and sent to Koh Miyaoi.
Additional meeting rooms are available in the Church Centre at 44th Street and First Avenue, just across from the United Nations Secretariat building. For booking, please contact the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) by email congongo@aol.com, by telephone (212) 986-8557 or by fax (212) 986-0821.
Can NGOs make oral statements during the session?
On the morning of Tuesday, 29 February 2000, one hour has been blocked for
representatives of NGOs to address the plenary session of the Commission on the Status of
Women. NGOs are requested to coordinate amongst themselves to select speakers. Each NGO
statement is expected to be no longer than 5 minutes. The focus of the plenarys
general discussion will be on: Follow-up to the Fourth World Confernece on Women; and
Comprehensive review and appraisal of the implementation of the Platform for Action.
Requests to address the Commission should be submitted to Amina Adam, Chief, Coordination
and Outreach Unit/DAW in writing before 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 29 February.
Taking into consideration the limited amount of time allocated to NGO speakers, preference
will be given to those speakers who are representing a regional/thematic cacucus or a
number of organizations to speak on a thematic issue. NGO speakers will be requested to be
seated in a designated area in the conference room at 11.30 a.m. In addition, it is
expected that NGO representatives will have an opportunity to make interventions in
response to the two panel presentations (*link to the panel presentations page*)
(Wednesday 1 March & Monday 6 March), as time allows. Requests to make an intervention
during the panel presentations should be submitted to Amina Adam before 3.00
p.m. of the previous day. Amina Adam can be reached by fax (212) 963-3463
or by email: adama@un.org.
Can NGOs observe "informals" during the session?
It has been the practice of the Commission on the Status of Women since the Beijing Confernece to permit representatives of non-governmental organizations to be present during informal consultations unless governments decide otherwise.
Will there be space for NGOs to display and/or exhibit their information materials?
Room B, which is assigned for NGOs to hold workshops and other side events may also be used to distribute their information materials. NGOs may leave their information materials for distribution on a table placed outside the conference room in which the Commission/PrepCom is meeting. NGO materials may not be placed inside the conference room. It is possible that any NGO material may be withdrawn from the distribution table if it is considered to be inappropriate by the United Nations Security and Safety Service. For example, materials which contain offensive accusations against a government are considered inappropriate.
All notices must be placed inside Room B. This is the only place where NGOs may exhibit or display their publication and/or materials and to put up their posters within the United Nations premises.
Programmes of NGO Activities during the CSW44/PrepCom Session
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women is organizing a NGO Orientation and Training session on Sunday 27 February at the UNICEF House on 44th Street between First and Second Avenues, which will be repeated on Sunday 5 March at the same address. For registration and further information, contact Joan Fyfe by fax (212) 692-0724 or by email <NGO_CSW_NY@hotmail.com>
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women is also organizing a NGO Consultation on Saturday 4 March 2000 at the United Nations headquarters. For registration and further information, contact Joan Fyfe by fax (212) 692-0724 or by email <NGO_CSW_NY@hotmail.com>
The Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) is compiling a calendar of events during the CSW44/PrepCom session. Any confirmed activities that are taking place in conjunction with the CSW44/PrepCom, whether they are taking place inside or outside the United Nations Secretariat building, will be included in this calendar. DAW appreciates receiving information on such activities as soon as possible. Contact Koh Miyaoi.
Registration of pre-registered NGO representatives and issuance of special grounds passes will take place in the General Assembly Lobby during the hours listed below except for Sunday 27 February. The registration desk is closed between 1.00-2.00 p.m. NGO representatives may enter the General Assembly Lobby from the entrance on First Avenue and 46th Street. On Sunday 27 February, the registration will take place in the Pass and ID Office (Northwest corner of 45th Street and First Avenue). Large bags, suitcases, trolleys or carry-ons are not permitted to enter the United Nations premises and should be left at your hotels/accommodations.
Sunday 27 February 0900 1800
Monday 28 February 0800 1800
Tuesday 1 - Friday 3 March 0830 1800
Sunday 5 March 0900 1800
Monday 6 March 0800 1800
Tuesday 7 Friday 10 March 0830 1800
Monday 13 Wednesday 15 March 0830 1800
Friday 17 March 0830 1800
*Any change to the above time table will be notified
Please comply with the requests and instructions of the United Nations officials and Security staff relating to access and to use of United Nations facilities and premises.