NGO Consultation

Continuing the Implementation of the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women


Prior to the 41st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women


9 March 1997
9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Labouisse Hall UNICEF House
44th Street (between First and Second Avenues), New York


Sponsored by the NGO Committees on the Status of Women (Geneva, New York and Vienna) in cooperation with the NGO Committee on UNICEF/Working Group on the Girl Child. (These Committees represent more than 200 international, regional and national organizations.)


9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Registration, coffee and tea

10:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

Part I: Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

Angela King, Assistant Secretary General, Special Advisor on Gender Issues; Director, Division for the Advancement of Women

Sharon Brennen-Haylock, Chair, UN Commission on the Status of Women

Part II: Invited Experts will speak about the critical areas of concern before the 41st Session:

Part III: CSW and NGOs

Kristen Timothy, Deputy Director, Division for the Advancement of Women

12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.

Lunch will be provided and is included in registration fee

1:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

NGO Action

Open Discussion: Strategizing on the Role of NGOs

Breakout Sessions on: *Environment * Economy * *Education and Training * Power and Decision-Making * Optional Protocol to CEDAW*

Registration Form

9 March 1997 NGO Consultation on the Continuing Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action









Area of Interest (please circle one):

*Environment * Economy * Education and Training * Power and Decision-Making *

*Optional Protocol to CEDAW*

Please register by 7 March 1997. Registration fee of $25 includes Consultation, lunch, materials and 13 March CSW evening reception.

Enclosed is a check for $_______ made payable to ‘NGO/CSW, NY’ for _____ people at $25 per person.

If registration fee includes payment for guest(s), please print name(s) on the reverse of this form.

Overseas Participants: Advance Registration is necessary. The fee can be paid at the door.

Send form to:

Gerry Puelle, Registrar
NGO Consultation
777United Nations Plaza, 10th Flr
New York, NY 10017 USA
Fax: 212-808-5480