PANEL I Emerging issues, trends and new approaches to issues
affecting women or equality between men and women (1 March 2000, 10:00 a.m. 1:00
PANEL II Outlook on gender equality, development and peace beyond
the year 2000 (6 March 2000, 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 3:00 6:00 p.m.)
Maitre Mame Bassine Niang, est avocat à la Cour de Dakar, Sénégal. Elle a presté le serment dadvocat comme première femme du barreau de Sénégal en Mai 1975. Madame Niang est membre fondateur de lassociation des juristes sénégalaises et vice-présidente de la Fondation Internationale des Femmes Juristes (FIDA). Elle était nommé par le Ministère de la Famille, de lAction Sociale et de Solidarité Nationale, Dakar, Senegal pour faire une intervention sur "Womens human rights and access to resources".
Ms. Charlotte Abaka has been serving as a Member to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) since 1991. She chaired the CEDAW working group on General Recommendation on Article 12 "Women and Health",which was adopted at the twentieth session of the Committee in 1999. Ms. Abaka is a dental Surgeon in private practice in Kumasi, Ghana. The title of her presentation is "Challenges to the implementation of the Convention".
Ms. Gillian M. Marcelle is the Chairperson of the African Information Society Gender Working Group, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her varied career in telecommunications and ICT policy includes working as a consultant in national governments, non-governmental organizations, in the private sector and multilateral organizations. A national of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms. Marcelle has held positions in academy and with British Telecom and the United Kingdoms telecommunications regulator Oftel. She is currently vice-chair of the Gender Task Force of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The title of her presentation is "Gender, justice and information and communication technologies".
Ms. Madhu Bala Nath is the UNAIDS/UNIFEM Gender and HIV/AIDS Adviser, responsible
for programme implementation and advocacy within the UN system and with partners from
civil society so as to enable incorporation of gender concerns in HIV and development
issues. She is former UNIFEM regional Programme Adviser in India and Indo-China and has
worked on woman and HIV and AIDS for many years, including on training and advocacy
strategies and support to non-governmental organizations. Ms. Madhu Bala Nath,
UNAIDS/UNIFEM Gender and HIV/AIDS Adviser will talk about "Women living with
PANEL II Outlook on gender equality, development and peace beyond the year 2000
(6 March 2000, 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 3:00 6:00 p.m.)
Ms. Yoriko Meguro is a Professor at the Department of Sociology, Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. She is the author of many publications and articles on contemporary family issues, the role of women in family and society and on womens empowerment and development. Ms. Meguro is president of the Womens Affair Council of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. She has participated in many international activities and lectured abroad. The title of her presentation is "Population, fertility and development from a gender perspective".
Ms. Rosalba Todaro is an economist and researcher at the Center for Women Studies in Santiago de Chile, where she previously worked as Director. During her long career, she has directed various research institutions, worked as a professor, and developed projects for national and international institutions. She is an adviser at SERNAM (Servicio Nacional de la Mujer), the Governments institution for gender public policies in Chile. Her publications have reached a broad audience while covering a wide range of subjects related to gender, globalization and the conditions women face both at work and in the household. The title of her presentation is "Gender aspects of globalization and poverty".
Ms. Carolyn McAskie, a national of Canada, was appointed Deputy to the
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency
Relief Coordinator in October 1999 and serves as Emergency Relief Coordinator, a.i. at the
United Nations. Prior to this appointment, Ms. McAskie was Vice-President of Multilateral
Programmes Branch of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), holding the
rank of Assistant Deputy-Minister. Ms. McAskie has 32 years of experience in the public
service of Canada, 31 of them with CIDA, in a variety of progressively senior positions;
including assignments abroad, as field officer in Kenya, as a diplomatic officer of the
Commonwealth Secretariat in London and as Canadian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka. Most
recently, she served as a member of the Burundi Peace Process under Julius Nyerere, the
former President of Tanzania. The title of her presentation is " Gender, humanitarian
assistance and conflict resolution".
Ms. Krisztina Morvai is an Assistant Professor of Law at Eötvös Loránd University, School of Law and Political Science, Department of Criminal Law in Budapest, Hungary. Previously she has served as staff attorney at the European Commission of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Her current research focuses on the construction and deconstruction of gender roles in the decision of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, US and Hungarian Courts. The title of her presentation is "Gender and human rights in the context of democratic transition".