List of new non-governmental organizations
accredited to the special session (5-9 June 2000)
The accreditation of non-governmental organizations listed below to the special session
has been approved on a no objection basis by memebers of the preparatory committee of the
special session, in accordance with the procedure laid down in General Assembly decision
Name of Organization |
City |
Country |
Albanian Family Planning Association | Tirana | Albania |
Women's Jurist Association/women Advocacy Center | Tirana | Albania |
Coalition for Grassroots Women Organizations | Dubai | Arab Emirates |
Asociacion Argentina de Cultura | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Asociacion Civil Mujeres en Accion | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Asociacion de Mujeres de Negocios y Profesionales Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Asociacion Diagonal | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Asociacion Mutual , Siglo XXI | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Camara de Mujers Pymes | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
El Colegio de Graduados en Ciencias Econimocas | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Foro de Mujeres del MERCOSUR | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Fundacion Filovitae | Bernal | Argentina |
Fundacion Mujer, Paz y Desarrollo | Cordoba | Argentina |
Fundacion Mujeres en Igualidad | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Instituto Social y Politico de la Mujer | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Integacion Joven | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Manos Creativas | Castelar | Argentina |
Mujeres en Accion | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Servicio a la Accion Popular | Cordaba | Argentina |
Armenian Association of Women with University Education | Yerevan | Armenia |
National Baha'I Office for the Advancement of Women | Camberra | Australia |
The Australian National Committee on Refugee Women | Auburn | Australia |
UNIFEM Australia, Inc. | Victoria | Australia |
Women Against Violence Europe | Vienna | Austria |
Bangladesh National Women Lawyer Association | Dhaka | Bangladesh |
NGO Committee on Beijing plus five | Danka | Bangladesh |
Women for Women | Dhaka | Bangladesh |
European Disability Forum | Brussels | Belgium |
Femmes Prevoyantes Socialistes | Brussels | Belgium |
Solidarite des Mamans Manianga en sigle SOLIMAN | Brussels | Belgium |
Vrouwen Overleg Komitee | Brussels | Belgium |
Vrouw-en-maatschappij | Brussels | Belgium |
Catolicas Por El Derecho a Decidir | La Paz | Bolivia |
Coordinadora de la Mujer | La Paz | Bolivia |
Agende Actions on Gender Citizenship and Development | Brasila | Brazil |
Communication, Education and Information on Gender | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Grupo de Trabacho e Pesquisa em Orientacao Sexual | Sau Paulo | Brazil |
Rede de Desenvoluemento Humano | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Bulgarian Association of Women in Legal Profession | Sofia | Bulgaria |
Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation | Sofia | Bulgaria |
Woman's Alliance for Development | Sofia | Bulgaria |
Youth Resource Development Program | Phnom Penh | Cambodia |
Collectif des ong pour la Securite Alimentaire et le Developpement Rural du Cameroun | Cameroon | |
Action Canada For Population and Development | Ottawa | Canada |
Assembly of First Nations | Ottawa | Canada |
Association Feminine d'education et d'action Sociale | Montreal | Canada |
Association Quebecoise des Organismes de Cooperation Internationale | Montreal | Canada |
Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action | Ottawa | Canada |
Canadian Womens Foundation | Toronto | Canada |
Centre de documentation sur leducation des adultes et la condition feminine | Montreal | Canada |
Federation des Femmes du Quebec | Montreal | Canada |
Federation des Infirmieres et Infirmiers du Quebec | Montreal | Canada |
Reseau des Chercheuses Africaines de la Diaspora | Montreal | Canada |
South African Women for Women | Toronto | Canada |
The Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas | Quebec | Canada |
UN Platform for Action Committee (Manitoba) | Winnipeg | Canada |
Cellule de Liaison et d'information des Associations feminines | Moursal | Chad |
Instituto de la Mujer de Concepcion | Concepcion | Chile |
Equal Opportunity Commission | Hong Kong | China |
Eveil de la Femme | Gombe | Congo |
Projet Communautaire Integre pour le Developpement | Kinshasa | Congo |
Reseau Action Femme | Kinshasa | Congo |
Colectiva Feminista Pancha Cagraso | San Jose | Costa Rica |
Turkish Cypriot Association of University Women | Lefkosa | Cyprus |
Tolerance | Prague | Czech Republic |
General Workers Union in Denmark | Kobenhavn | Denmark |
The Danish Council of Organizations of Disabled People | Hvidovre | Denmark |
Colectiva Mujer y Salud | Santo Domingo | Dominican Republic |
Nucleo de Apoyo a la Mujer | Santiago | Dominican Republic |
Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones de la Mujer Ecuatoriana | Quito | Ecuador |
Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas del Ecuador | Quito | Ecuador |
Confederacion de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichua | Quito | Ecuador |
Coordinadora Politica de Mujeres Ecuatorianas | Quito | Ecuador |
Corporacian Mujer a Mujer | Cuenca | Ecuador |
Heinrich Boll Foundation (Horn of Africa) | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia |
Comite international de liaison des Associations Feminines | Neuilly-sur-Seine | France |
Council of European Municipalities and Region | Paris | France |
Pro-Choix | Paris | France |
The Georgian Association of Women in Business | Tbilisi | Georgia |
Kok | Potsdam | Germany |
Africa Legal Aid | Accra | Ghana |
Grupo Femenino Pro Mejoramiento Familiar | City of Guatemala | Guatemala |
Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen | Port-au-Prince | Haiti |
Colectiva Feminista "Mujeres Universitarias" | Honduras | |
Action Institute for Literacy and Human Resource Development | New Delhi | India |
Centre for Advocacy and Research | New Delhi | India |
Centre for Development Studies and Action | New Delhi | India |
Centre for Research and Rehabilitation of Infants and Females | Tamil Nadu | India |
Development of Humane Action foundation | Madurai | India |
Ghumusara Mahila Sangathan | Orissa | India |
Indian Federation of United Nations Associations | Delhi | India |
Institute for Development of Youth, Women and Child | Chhindwara | India |
Phoenix Organisation for Woman and Child | Hyderabad | India |
Priyadarshini Shanti Samiti | Lucknow | India |
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation | New Delhi | India |
Spandana | New Delhi | India |
Sri Avinashilingam Education Trust Institutions | Coimbatore | India |
Stree Atyachar Virodhi Parishad | Nagpur | India |
Swablamban Shiksha Kendra | Bihar | India |
Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues | New Delhi | India |
The British Council | New Delhi | India |
Women association Follower of Ahlol-Bait | Iran | |
Women's Population of Islamic Revolution | Tehran | Iran |
Women in the HomeDublin | Dublin | Ireland |
Women of the North west Limited | County Mayo | Ireland |
Arcidonna | Palermo | Italy |
Associazione No Di "I Nostri Diritti" | Rome | Italy |
Centro Antiviolenza | Parma | Italy |
Nosotras | Firenze | Italy |
Volontariato Internazionale Donna Educazione Sviluppo | Rome | Italy |
The Association of Women's Organizations in Jamaica | Kingston | Jamaica |
Asia Japan Womens Resource Center | Tokyo | Japan |
Fukuoka Womens Center AMIKAS | Fukuoka | Japan |
Fukuoka Womens Association | Fukuoka | Japan |
Japan Accountability Caucus Beijing | Tokyo | Japan |
Japan Society for Gender Studies | Kobe | Japan |
The Fukuoka International Ms. Association | Fukuoka City | Japan |
The Society for the Study of Working Women | Tokyo | Japan |
The World Conference on Women Network in Kansai | Osaka | Japan |
Working Womens International Network | Osaka | Japan |
Jordanian Women's Union | Hussain Amman | Jordan |
Coalition on Violence Against Women | Nairobi | Kenya |
Kangemi Women Empowerment Centre | Nairobi | Kenya |
The League of Kenya Women Voters | Nairobi | Kenya |
The African Centre for Empowerment Gender and Advocacy | Nairobi | Kenya |
Women Educational Researchers of Kenya | Nairobi | Kenya |
Womens Resource Centre | Nairobi | Kenya |
Center for Women and Public Policy | Korea | |
Won Buddhism Women's Association | Korea | |
Association of Social Workers | Adailiya | Kuwait |
The Kuwaiti Graduates Society | Kuwait | |
Womens court: The Permanent Arab Court to Resist Violence against Women | Beirut | Lebanon |
Eltern Kind Forum | Sohaan | Liechtenstein |
Womens Issues Information Centre | Vilnius | Lithuania |
International Womens Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia |
Women's Candidacy Initiative | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia |
S.O.S Femmes | Rose-Hill | Mauritius |
Alternativas de Capacitacion y Desarrollo Comunitario | Chihuahua | Mexico |
Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir/Mexico | Coyoacan | Mexico |
ELIGE Red de Jovenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos | Cuahtemoc | Mexico |
Grupo de Informacion en Reproduccion Elegida | Coyoacan | Mexico |
Unasse | Mexico | |
Women's Organization of Moldova "Civic Initative" | Chisinau | Moldova |
The National CEDAW Watch Network Center | Ulaanbaatar | Mongolia |
Woman for Social Progress | Ulaanbaatar | Mongolia |
Association Democratique des Femmes du Maroc | Rabat | Morocco |
Elhuda Association for Feminine Action | Casablanca | Morocco |
The Rainbow Project | Windhock | Namibia |
Beyond Beijing Committee | Lalitput | Nepal |
Feminist Dalit Organization | Lalitpur | Nepal |
Forum for Women, Law and Development | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Maitidevi Women Saving and Credit co-operative | Kathmandu | Nepal |
National Federation of the Disabled | Kathmandu | Nepal |
National Network Against Girls Trafficking | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Nepal Disabled Women Association | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Nepal Institute of Mass Communication | Kathmandu | Nepal |
SAATHI | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Sancharika Samuha/Nepal | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Skill Development and Research Center | Dharan | Nepal |
Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Women Development Self-Employment Training Centre | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Women for Women Forum | Kathmandu | Nepal |
Womens Forum | Kathmandu | Nepal |
World Federalist National Association of Nepal | Kathmandu | Nepal |
World Population Foundation | Hilversum | Netherlands |
Woman Heart of the Pacific | Auckland | New Zealand |
Amica | Bilwi | Nicaragua |
Fundacion Wangki Luhpia | Managua | Nicaragua |
Universidad de las regiones Autonomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaraguense | Managua | Nicaragua |
African Women Empowerment Guild | Benin City | Nigeria |
BAOBAB for Womens Human Rights | Lagos | Nigeria |
Grassroots Women Foundation | Enugu | Nigeria |
Nigeria Association of Women Journalists | Enugu | Nigeria |
Women Law and Development Centre | Lagos State | Nigeria |
Women Society and Progress | Lagos | Nigeria |
Womens Aid Collective | Enugu | Nigeria |
Womens Rights and Development Centre | Enugu | Nigeria |
Women's Consortium of Nigeria | Lagos | Nigeria |
Association of Health and Social Care Personnel | Oslo | Norway |
Likestillingsenteret | Oslo | Norway |
Network North Against Prostitution and Violence | Tana | Norway |
Norsk Kommuneforbund | Oslo | Norway |
The Secretariat of the Shelter Movement | Oslo | Norway |
Aasthan Latif Welfare Society | Karachi | Pakistan |
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan | Baluchistan | Pakistan |
Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indigenas de Panama | Panama | Panama |
Chirapaq-Centro de Culturas Indias | Peru | |
Taller Permanente de Mujeres Indigenas Andinas y Amazonicas del Petu | Lima | Peru |
Angeles City women Coordinating Council | Panpanga | Philippines |
Buhay Foundation for Women and the Girl Child | Quezon City | Philippines |
Ing Makababaying Aksyon Foundation, Inc. | Angeles City | Philippines |
International South Group Network | Quezon City | Philippines |
Kababaihan Laban sa Karahasan Foundation | Quezon City | Philippines |
Linangan ng Kababaihan | Quezon City | Philippines |
Sentro ng Manggagawang Pilipina | Quezon City | Philippines |
Tebtebba Foundation Inc (Indigenous Peoples International Centre for Policy Research and Education) | Baguio | Philippines |
Womens Health Care Foundation | Quezon City | Philippines |
Womens Rights Movement of the Philippines | Manila | Philippines |
Women's Institute for Sustainable Economic Action | Quezon City | Philippines |
Karat Coalition | Warsaw | Poland |
Womens Association for Gender Equal Status Beijing 1995 | Warszawa | Poland |
Organizacoes Nao Governamentais Direitus das Mucheres | Lisbon | Portugal |
Angolian Women Network | Luanda | Republic of Angola |
Feminist League | Almaty | Republic of Kazakhstan |
Youth Information Service of Kazakstan | Republic of Kazakstan | |
Consortium of Women's Non-governmental Associations | Moscow | Russia |
Convercion and Women | Moscow | Russia |
Femina | Tatarstan | Russia |
Moscow Association of Chernobyl Liquidates Family Members "Chernobyl Widows" | Moscow | Russia |
Aliancia Zien Slovenska | Bratislava | Slovakia |
Prospecta | Kosice | Slovakia |
African Information Society Working Group | Parklands | South Africa |
Bridgebuilders | Bellville | South Africa |
Operation Hunger | Johannesburg | South Africa |
The Gender Advocacy Programme | Cape Town | South Africa |
Amas de Hogar "La Amistad" | Barbate Cadiz | Spain |
Amigos de la Fundacion Hispana de Osteoporosis y Enfermedades Metabolicas Oseas | Madrid | Spain |
Arnasatu | Bilbao | Spain |
Arte y Cultura Para La Mujer | Barcelona | Spain |
Asociacion para la Cooperacion con el Sur Las Segovias | Madrid | Spain |
Asociacion "Clara Campoamor" | Bilbao | Spain |
Asociacion de Mujeres "La Ladera" | Cadiz | Spain |
Asociacion de Mujeres de la A. Cervan | Granada | Spain |
Asociacion de Mujeres Progresistas "Victoria Kent" | Algeciras | Spain |
Asociacion de Mujeres y Familias del Ambito Rural | Madrid | Spain |
Asociacion Mujeres Progresistas "Mariana Pineda" | Cordoba | Spain |
Associacio Dones no Estandards | Barcelona | Spain |
Associacio Catalana de Llevadores | Barcelona | Spain |
Associacio Catalana de Puntaires | Barcelona | Spain |
Collectiv de Dones Sant Narus | Girona | Spain |
Comision para la Investigacion de Malos Tratos a Mujeres | Madrid | Spain |
Confederacion Sindical de Comisiones Obreras | Madrid | Spain |
Conseil Comarcal de Dones del Pla d'Urgeli | Barbens | Spain |
Consejo de las Mujeres de Barcelona | Barcelona | Spain |
Convergencia Democratica de Catalunya | Barcelona | Spain |
Dones per Europa | Barcelona | Spain |
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya | Barcelona | Spain |
Federacio de Dones del Baix Camp | Reux | Spain |
Forum de Politica Feminista | Madrid | Spain |
Fundacion CIM-MED | Valencia | Spain |
Fundacion Formacion y Empleo "Miguel Escalera | Madrid | Spain |
Fundacion Mujeres | Madrid | Spain |
Grup Dones Torredembarra | Torredembarra | Spain |
Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer | Granada | Spain |
Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer | Oviedo | Spain |
Joventut Nationalista de Catalunya | Barcelona | Spain |
Mujeres Jovenes | Madrid | Spain |
Mujeres Vecinales del Estado Espanol | Madrid | Spain |
Red Europea de Mujeres Periodistas | Barcelona | Spain |
Spanish Committee for UNICEF | Madrid | Spain |
Unio de Dones de Unio Democratica de Catalunya | Barcelona | Spain |
Union General de Trabajadores | Madrid | Spain |
Union de Asociaciones Familiares | Madrid | Spain |
Sri Lanka Womens NGO Forum | Colombo | Sri Lanka |
The Socialdemocratic Women in Sweden | Stockholm | Sweden |
Le Conseil Suisse des Activites de Jeunesse | Bern | Switzerland |
Federation of Business and Professional Women Associations of Thailand | Bangkok | Thailand |
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women | Bangkok | Thailand |
Thai Women Watch | Bangkok | Thailand |
Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women | Skopje | The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
Union of Women's Organizations of Macedonia | Skopie | The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
ANAKULTUR | Istanbul | Turkey |
Kader | Istanbul | Turkey |
Soroptimist Union of Turkey Istanbul Club | Istanbul | Turkey |
The Flying Broom /Ukan Supurge | Ankara | Turkey |
The Marmara Group Strategic and Social Researches Foundation | Istanbul | Turkey |
Turkish Women Union | Istanbul | Turkey |
Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways | Istanbul | Turkey |
Council of Economic Empowerment of women | Kampala | Uganda |
Disabled Women Network and Resource Organisation in Uganda | Kampala | Uganda |
Forum for Women in Democracy | Kampala | Uganda |
Law and Advocacy for Women in Uganda | Kampala | Uganda |
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | Kampala | Uganda |
Empowering Widows in Development | London | UK |
Human Rights Centre | Colchester | UK |
Institute of Education University of London | London | UK |
Local Government International Bureau | London | UK |
National Board of Catholic Women | Coventry | UK |
The African Families Foundation | London | UK |
International Renaissance Foundation | Kviv | Ukraine |
Woman Health and Family Planning | Kiev | Ukraine |
Mujer y Salud en Uruguay | Montevideo | Uruguay |
African Women's Alliance | New York | USA |
Alternative-Women in Development | New York | USA |
American Jewish Congress | New York | USA |
Center for Ethical Leadership | Seattle | USA |
Communications Consortium Media Center | Washington, DC | USA |
Family Action Council International | Charloville | USA |
Global Helping to Advance Women and Children | Phoenix | USA |
Heinrich Boll Foundation | Washington, DC | USA |
International Food Policy Research Institute | Washington, DC | USA |
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights | San Francisco | USA |
International Self-reliance Agency for Women | Minneapolis | USA |
Jamaican Self-help Organization | Peterborough | USA |
John Hopkins University-Center for Communications Programs | Batimore | USA |
Lawyers without Borders | Connecticut | USA |
Los Ninos | California | USA |
Microcredit Summit Campaign | Washington DC | USA |
National League of Cities | Washington, DC | USA |
National Network for Immigrant and Refuge Rights | Oakland | USA |
National Womens Conference | Washington, DC | USA |
Northwest Womens Institute | Washington, DC | USA |
Public Leadership Education Network | Washington, DC | USA |
Refugee Womens Network, Inc | Decatur | USA |
Religion Counts | Washington, DC | USA |
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey | New Jersey | USA |
Soroptimist International of the Americas | Philadelphia | USA |
Sun Fountain Productions, Inc. | San Francisco | USA |
The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. | New York | USA |
U.S. Women Connect | Washington, DC | USA |
Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College | Wellesley, MA | USA |
Womens Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program | Washington, DC | USA |
Women's Health in Women's Hands | Toronto | USA |
Women's Institute for Leadership Development | California | USA |
Women's International Coalition for Economic Justice | New York | USA |
World Learning | Washington, DC | USA |
Worldspace Foundation | Washington D.C | USA |
Youth Advocate Programe International | Washington, DC | USA |
Crisis Center "Sabr" | Samarkand | Uzbekistan |
Women's Committee of Uzbekistan | Tachkent | Uzbekistan |
Association of Business Women | Belgrade | Yugoslavia |
Southern Africa Research and Documentation Centre | Harare | Zimbabwe |