United Nations
Division for the Advancement of WomenStructure of the second outcome document of the Special Session on Beijing + 5
(2 December 1999)
Section A. Introduction
Reference to PfA, Agreed Conclusions of CSW, the Political Declaration, and to changing environment in which PfA is being implemented
Section B. Achievements and obstacles in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action
To follow the 12 critical areas of concern of the Platform for Action, summary of trends in achievements and obstacles would draw from the SGs report
Section C. New challenges affecting the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.
Some suggestions were:
* the effect on women of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, especially in Africa;
* ageing and its effect on women;
* feminization of poverty, and the new emphasis given to it in recent years;
* globalization and its effects on women;
* role of women in peace building; -building and -making; and in re-establishing peace;
* trafficking in women;
* political participation of women;
* government/NGO partnerships;
* role of men in gender equality;
* women and health - women-specific health concerns, health research and gender;
* advantages of information technology on women;
* population movements.
Section D. Actions and initiatives to overcome obstacles and to achieve the full and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action
Some suggestions were:
* womens full enjoyment of human rights;
* womens participation at all levels;
* use of dual strategy, both gender mainstreaming and women-specific/targeted action;
* financial crisis and its impact on women.
* role of men;
* exchange of information on best practices and lessons learned;
* turn rights into practice;
* build capacity for womens empowerment and gender equality;
* ensuring accountability for gender equality;
* participation and partnerships;
* ensuring gender equality in a changing world;
* lack of resources;
* impact of globalization;
* inequitable world economic order;
* absence of durable peace;
* socio-cultural obstacles while respecting and taking due account of cultural diversity;
* mobilization of resources;
* capacity building;
* cooperation and partnership;
* bridge gap in the level of implementation of the PfA in developing and developed countries;
* promote a culture of peace:
* strengthen South-South cooperation.