A panel discussion on 'Gender perspectives in
sustainable development' presented by UNDESA/Division for the Advancement
of Women (DAW) and the Women's Environment
and Development Organization (WEDO)
was held in New York on 3 April 2002 during the Third Preparatory
Committee of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
The panel was moderated by Ms. Carolyn Hannan,
Director, DAW. Ms. Hannan highlighted difficulties
with getting gender perspectives incorporated into the WSSD process.
She noted that gender perspectives are often neglected, and cited
Agenda 21's compartmentalization of women as a major group as
a contributing factor. Emphasizing that women are part of all
major groups, she stressed the need to address women's priorities
in all areas of Agenda 21.
The panellist were:
- Irene Dankelman,
WEDO, reflected that since UNCED, the profile of women's priorities
has risen significantly on the political agenda, although few
governments have integrated gender perspectives into policies.
She noted that the Women's Caucus is now fighting not only to
get a separate section on gender into the Chairman's paper, but
also to integrate gender perspectives into the entire document.
- Minu Hemmati,
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future, discussed
'type 2' outcomes, noting concerns that such output could be dominated
by corporations or used to deflect responsibility from governments,
but suggested women's involvement therein would add quality and
credibility and provide a useful resource for addressing inequality.
- Jennifer Francis,
Gender and Water Alliance, stressed the need to: increase women's
participation in water resources management; incorporate gender
perspectives in all policies and programmes and in all sectors;
disaggregate all data according to sex and social indicators;
institutionalize gender perspectives in all organizations; and
build women's technical and scientific capacity.
- Amy Hindman, UNEP,
presented a paper written by Ms. Njeri Wamukonya and discussed
how taking advantage of globalization and privatization can facilitate
gender mainstreaming. Citing the privatization of energy in Africa
as an example, she highlighted the benefits of packaging energy
as an input to income generation, and said gender mainstreaming
in this context is enabling men and women to access energy while
also taking advantage of opportunities to alleviate poverty.
A brief
summary was published by the International Institute for Sustainable
development on their web site, in cooperation with UNDP.
For more information:
Carolyn Hannan: hannan@un.org
Irene Dankelman: irenedankelman@hotmail.com
Minu Hemmati: minush@aol.com
Jennifer Francis: francis@irc.org
Amy Hindman: amy.hindman@unep.org