Second Asia/Africa Parliamentarian Forum on Human Security and Gender

“The Role of the Legislature”

Bangkok, Thailand 6 - 8 December 2002








1:00 - 2:00 pm               Registration of participants


2:00 - 2:45 pm               Inaugural session

                                    Welcoming remarks:

·         Mr. Uthai Pimchaichon, President of the National Assembly, Parliament of Thailand

·         Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez, Chief of UNDP SURF, Bangkok

·         Ms.Christine Brautigam, Acting Chief, Gender Analysis Section, on behalf of Ms. Carolyn Hannan, Director of the Division for the Advancement of Women, UN/DESA

·         Ms. Thelma Kay, Chief, Gender and Development Section

Emerging Social Issues Division, ESCAP


2:45- 3:30 pm                Key note presentations:

Dr Najma Heptulla, Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha (Upper House) of Indian Parliament

“From de jure to de facto gender equality: the role of the legislature"


Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Member of Parliament, Thailand, and Member of the Commission on Human Security

“Human security and gender: main challenges to human security in Asia - a gender perspective”




3:30 - 3:45 pm               Coffee break


3:45 - 5:45 pm               Introduction: objectives, procedure, expectations and follow-up of the Forum (UNDP/UN DESA)


Plenary session 1: Reports on actions taken by participants in follow up to the first Forum and lessons learned

Selected country presentations focusing on lessons learned and challenges, followed by sub-regional presentations 


Prior to the meeting, participants in the first Forum are invited to respond to a questionnaire to collect information on activities implemented since the first Forum. This information will be compiled by UN/DESA and UNDP in matrix form per country for distribution. Questions to be addressed include:

·         What steps have you taken to implement the Communiqué from the first Forum?

·         Is there a commission in your Parliament that deals with gender equality? If so, who are its members and what is its mandate? If not, how did you liaise with other parliamentary bodies on gender mainstreaming?

·         How did you build alliances with male colleagues and others?

·         Have you done any capacity development/training?

·         What needs for capacity building have you identified?



7:30 pm                         Dinner hosted by the Parliament of Thailand


DAY 2                        


9:00 - 9:15 am               Summary of Day 1


9:15 - 11:00 am              Plenary session 2:  Using the Millennium Declaration and Millennium Development Goals for promoting gender equality: priorities and processes


·         Introductory remarks - UNDP

·         Example 1: Gender dimensions of the Tanzania MDGR

Presentation by a MP from Tanzania

·         Example 2: Gender dimensions of the Nepal MDGR

Presentation by a MP from Nepal


Issues: How have Parliaments been seized of the MD? What is their role in follow up?  What opportunities exist for integrating gender concerns in the process of implementation, for instance, advocacy, budget allocations, new legislation, social policies, etc.? What approaches have been put in place for reporting on the MDGs, and what stakeholders are involved?


Q & A and discussion


11:00 - 11:05 am            Establishment of working groups


11:05 - 11:20 am            Coffee break


11:20 am - 1:15 pm        Working group session I  (three groups)


                                    Discussion and preparation of draft recommendations

·         The role of, and opportunities for Parliamentarians for setting priorities as well as integrating gender perspectives in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

·         Processes for increasing attention to gender perspectives in achieving the MDG.


1:15 - 2:30 pm               Lunch


2:30 - 2: 45 pm              Reports back from working group session I


2:45 - 4:30 pm               Plenary session 3: CEDAW and its Optional Protocol: realizing women’s human rights and human security

·         CEDAW: selected substantive provisions, reporting, and follow up

·         CEDAW Optional Protocol

·         Using CEDAW and the Optional Protocol as tools for promoting gender equality: opportunities for, and role of Parliamentarians


4:30 -  4:45 pm              Coffee break


4:45 -  6:00 pm              Working group session II


                                    Discussion and preparation of draft recommendations     

·         Strategies for Parliamentarians to strengthen the implementation of CEDAW and its Optional Protocol.


DAY 3                        


9:00 - 9:15 am               Summary of Day 2


9:15 -  11:00 am             Strategy session: Strategic partnerships with Parliamentarians for gender equality


Building strategic partnerships, links and networks at local/national, regional and interregional level


11:00 - 11:15 am            Coffee break


11:15 am - 1:00 pm        Regional development priorities and their gender dimensions

·         Africa:  New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)

·         Asia: Partnership for gender equality


1:00 - 2: 15 pm              Lunch


2:15 - 3:15 pm               Drafting group session - Consolidation of recommendations and finalization of communiqué


3:15 - 3:30                     Coffee break


3:30 - 5:00 pm               Plenary session 4

·         Presentation and finalization of recommendations, and of communiqué

·         Adoption of recommendations of the Bangkok meeting

·         Consolidation of recommendations of the first and second Forums to serve as inputs to the TICAD III process

·         Follow up to the Bangkok meeting


5:00 pm                         Adoption of communiqué


Closing session