1 March 1998 NGO Consultation on the Continuing Implementation of the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
_______________________________Area of Interest (please circle one):
* Violence Against Women * * Human Rights of Women * * Women and Armed Conflict * * The Girl-Child *
Registration deadline:
20th February 1998. Advance registration is necessary for ALL.
Registration fee of $25 includes Consultation, lunch, materials and CSW evening reception (6th March).
Enclosed is a check for $_______ made payable to NGO/CSW, NY for _____ people at $25 per person.
If registration fee includes payment for others please print name(s) on the reverse of this form. {Overseas Participants can pay the Registration Fee at the door.}
Send completed form to:
Kathie Uhler, Registrar NGO Consultation P.O. Box 3571, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163 USA Fax: 212-692-0724