Regional Conference Ten Years after
session of the ESCWA Committee on Women)
Statement by Ms. Carolyn Hannan
Director, Division for the Advancement of Women and
Officer-in Charge of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and
Advancement of Women
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Madame Chairperson
Madam Executive Secretary,
Secretary of the Commission
Excellencies and Distinguished Delegates
I am greatly honoured to make a presentation at
this important Regional Conference. The focus on peace and development at this
conference is very timely. Inequality
between women and men is increasingly seen as a serious development constraint
and a hinder to achievement of peace and security. There is growing awareness of the need to
ensure the full and equal participation of women as well as men at every level
of decision-making, in local, national, regional and global fora if the global
goals established in the Millennium Declaration are to be achieved. There are
significant development dividends from women’s agency and empowerment and from
more effective partnerships between women and men in different spheres of life,
such as in government, the private sector and in non-governmental
Before responding to the specific questions posed
for this panel, I would like to make some comments on rates of participation of
women in public life. It is important to place the questions raised in the
context of the fact that women continue to be marginalized in all areas of
public life. While there are positive signs of change in women’s participation
in public life in many parts of the world, the pace of change is too slow and
must be accelerated. The opportunities and constraints in relation to
furthering the empowerment of women in public life need to be identified and
concrete strategies developed to utilize the opportunities and address the
The Beijing
Platform for Action defined two strategic objectives in its critical area of
concern on women in power and decision-making:
Take measures to ensure
women’s equal access to and full participation in power structures and
Increase women’s capacity
to participate in decision-making and leadership.
Two articles of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) deal with women’s participation in political and public life. Article 7 obliges States parties to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women and to ensure that they enjoy equality with men in the political and public life of the country. Article 8 obliges States parties to ensure that women have opportunities on equal terms with men to represent their Governments at the international level and to participate in the work of international organizations.
To provide further guidance, the Committee adopted general recommendation
23 (1997) on political and public life. In addition, recently general
recommendation 25 on article 4.1 of the Convention on temporary special
measures (2004) was adopted by the Committee to provide further guidance on the
use of such measures as a necessary strategy to accelerate achievement of
women’s de facto equality.
It is important to use the mandates, particularly the CEDAW articles,
more effectively in promoting increased participation of women.
Participation of
women in public affairs
A focus on women’s involvement in public life
requires attention to all areas of power and decision-making. It covers not
only legislative power, but also executive, judicial and administrative areas
of decision-making. It implies that women should have the opportunity to
participate in the formulation of public policy, hold public office and perform
public functions at all levels – international, national, regional and local.
Data collection and dissemination, including
data disaggregated by sex, is seriously underdeveloped in relation to all these
areas. The lack of systematic sex-disaggregation of data on the executive, the
judiciary and the civil service, as well as on the private sector, academia,
civil society and the media, makes it difficult to identify the extent of the
marginalization of women from decision-making in public life and to develop
adequate strategies to remedy the situation.
In this presentation I will give some
examples of areas where we do not have enough data and information today and
then provide some brief information on political decision-making, economic
decision-making, peace and security and participation in international
There is little statistical data available on
women in important judicial positions at national level, even at the level of
the highest courts. Internationally, a breakthrough was achieved with the
establishment of the International Criminal Court and the appointment of 7
women of 18 judges, as well as the appointment of a woman as Vice President of
the Court. This was a direct result of affirmative action to achieve gender
balance on the court.
While in many countries women’s share of low
and middle-level positions within media organizations continued to rise during
the last decade, everywhere the number of women in senior decision-making positions
remained very small – whether looking at traditional media institutions of
press, radio and television, or the newly emerging sectors of
telecommunications, multi-media and e-media. Reliable and comparable data are
scarce. A study published by the International Federation of Journalists found
that although a third of journalists today are women, less than 3 per cent of
senior media executives and decision-makers are women. The European Union
database on women in decision-making shows that in 2001 only 9 per cent of
senior management jobs in the telecommunication industry in
Comparable data is also needed on the
academic world to confirm the picture
which emerges from data that is available from some countries. This
indicates that while an increasing number of women are graduating from
universities, both at graduate and post-graduate levels and often with better
results than men, women are not gaining secure employment in academia or
receiving funding for research to the same extent as men. In addition, women
are seriously under-represented in higher decision-making positions, including
as Chancellors. Figures from
Little is known about women’s equitable
participation within non-governmental organizations (NGOs). There has been a
significant increase in women’s specific organizations and networks over the
past decade and women have developed a powerful political voice. However, it is
important not to accept that women should only be heard through their separate
civil society organizations. Women should also be equitably represented in all
NGOs and have access to decision-making within these organizations. This is
another area where data is scarce, but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that
in many NGOs in all parts of the world, women are under-represented at decision-making
levels, and gender equality concerns are often neglected.
Despite political recognition of the fundamental right of women and men
to participate in political and public life, the gap between de jure and de
facto equality in the area of power and decision-making remains wide. Women are
underrepresented at most levels of government, especially in ministerial and
other executive bodies, and have made slow progress in attaining political
power in legislative bodies. Efforts fell well short of the target endorsed by
the Economic and Social Council of 30 per cent women in positions at
decision-making levels by 1995. As of
October 2003, there were only 12 women heads of State and Government – exactly
the same number as in 1995 (IPU data). It is only in a few countries of the
world, notably the Nordic countries, where there is significant representation
of women at ministerial level. In some countries there are no women ministers
with portfolios other than women’s affairs. Improved statistics are needed on
women’s access to decision-making in all ministries – as Ministers,
Deputy-Ministers, Principal Secretaries and in other senior positions - and
concrete plans should be in place for increasing the representation of women,
not only in the ministries normally associated with women, such as health,
education, family and child welfare, but also in ministries working on finance,
planning, environment and infrastructure.
Broader participation of women at local levels of decision-making may be
an important first step toward women's meaningful participation at the national
level. The International Association of Local Authorities has set the criteria
of no more than 60 per cent representation of either sex in local assemblies.
Ensuring that both women and men will be able to influence decisions and
resource allocations requires going beyond simply increasing the number of
women in different positions, to providing real opportunities for influencing
the agendas, institutions and processes of decision-making. Values, norms,
rules, procedures and practices can effectively restrict women’s potential to
make real choices, and make efforts to give explicit attention to relevant
gender perspectives very difficult.
Today, the proportion of seats held by women
in legislative bodies stands at 15.4 per cent, the highest world average
reached to date. This figure continues a trend of gradual but sustained growth
for women, from 13.1% in 2000 and 14.3% in 2002. Despite the progress, it is clear that more
needs to be done. Only 14 countries have
at least 30 per cent representation of women in parliament - the benchmark set
in the Beijing Platform for Action (paragraph 182). In addition to the
relatively low numbers of women in national parliaments worldwide, the number
of women presiding over parliamentary chambers continues to decline. By the end of 2003, only 21 women (or 8.4 per
cent) held such positions.
In most of the 14 countries where the 30%
target has been reached (namely,
collection and dissemination is much less systematic in relation to economic
decision-making. It is only possible to discern some trends. Women’s participation in high-level economic decision-making remains low
even in the developed countries. According to ILO, women’s share of management
positions remains generally low, despite educational advances for women in many
parts of the world. Research indicates that currently women constitute only 33
per cent of managerial and administrative posts in the developed world; 15 per
cent in
Very little
comparable data exists on the representation of women in the private sector.
Statistics available from the Nordic countries, for example, illustrate that
although women’s participation in parliament and the public sector is high,
women are seriously under-represented in the private sector, for example as
CEOs or on corporate boards. In this context,
In his
address to the Security Council in October 2002, Secretary-General Kofi Annan
stated: "if women suffer the impact of conflict disproportionately, they
are also the key to the solution of conflict". Sustainable peace and
lasting security cannot be achieved without women's empowerment and full involvement.
There has been a radical change in discussions on women and peace and security,
with a shift from viewing women as primarily or solely as victims to
understanding the diverse roles women play in conflict and post-conflict
situations. Many women organize locally and regionally for conflict resolution
and peacemaking as well as disarmament activities. At grassroots level women'
groups and networks have provided examples of the types of innovative and
flexible strategies required for effective conflict prevention and resolution.
Although women in many conflict prone areas have been actively involved in
informal peace processes, they are unfortunately still usually left out when
formal peace negotiations begin and cannot make their voices heard. Women’s participation
is not systematic or assured and there is a need for affirmative action in this
to women’s representation in peace and security activities has increased
significantly since the adoption of Security Council resolution 1325 in 2000.
The resolution specifically calls for an increase in the involvement of women,
particularly in senior level positions. Since 2000, there has been an increased focus on
achieving gender balance in peace-building, demobilization, disarmament, and
reintegration processes, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian activities and
reconstruction and rehabilitation programmes. Efforts are made to ensure
women's representation on panels, in expert groups and in fellowship
programmes. A number of United Nations entities have supported women's informal
peace activities and provided training for women's organizations on conflict
prevention and resolution, including on formal peace negotiations. Peacekeeping
missions have worked to promote gender balance in local police forces and
worked directly with women's groups and networks to ensure incorporation of
gender dimensions into elections, the constitution, legislation and recruitment
policies for the civil service.
Available data highlights some progress made but also illustrates that
much more needs to be done. While 29 per cent of international civilian staff
working in peacekeeping or peace building field-based mission are women; only
3.7 percent of Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSGs), or heads
of missions, are women. Only 4.04 percent of civilian police, contributed by 65
countries, are women (data from March 2004).
It is encouraging to note that a number of
post-conflict countries – Rwanda, Mozambique, South Africa, Namibia,
Timor-Leste, Uganda and Eritrea - appear in the top 30 countries with regard to
women’s participation in legislative bodies, averaging between 25 and 30 per
cent of women legislators. Many of these countries recognized the importance of
including women in their reconstruction processes, and of their participation
in new democratic institutions. Constitutional drafting processes led to the
introduction of special measures, such as reserved seats or political quotas,
with positive effect.
International organizations
There is little comparable data available on women’s participation in
international organizations. Statistics are available in individual
organizations but are not compiled and used effectively at international level.
In the United Nations, for example, as of March 2004, 37 per cent of all staff
and 24 per cent of managers in the Secretariat were women. At the level of
Resident Coordinators and Resident Representatives in the field, only 25 per
cent are women in
An illustrative example of the lack of equitable representation in
international contexts can be taken from the diplomatic service. Statistics
from some Ministries of Foreign Affairs show serious under-representation of
women at higher levels. This has implications for the appointment of women as
representatives of countries in international contexts. Of 191 Permanent
Representatives to the United Nations in
As pointed out earlier, there are few women as Special Representatives of
the Secretary General in the area of peace and security; and few women among
peacekeepers and police in peace-keeping missions. This is a reflection of low
levels of women in these areas in countries, as well as the failure of
countries to nominate women as candidates.
Among the most
common and persistent barriers to increased representation of women across all
regions are norms and stereotypes on the roles and expected behaviours of
women, which are perpetuated by institutions and society at large and relegate
women to subordinate roles in public life. Whether embedded in daily routines
or codified in secular or religious law, these barriers limit women’s
opportunities in political decision-making and in public life more broadly.
Educational institutions and media can play a negative role in maintaining or
exacerbating such existing gender stereotypes. A study in 2000 covering 70
countries showed that women accounted for just 18 per cent of people in the
news and these references to women were mainly concerned with their traditional
Other obstacles include women’s
disproportionate share of household and family responsibilities, and lack of
balance between family and work; disproportionate effects of poverty on women;
continued lower levels of education and
training of women in many countries; violence against women; and the
traditional working patterns of many political parties, government structures
and other bodies which discourage women through discriminatory attitudes and
practices, lack of consideration of family and child-care responsibilities and
time constraints, and the high cost of seeking and holding public office.
overcome these obstacles, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women, in monitoring implementation of the Convention over the last
four years, has recommended that States parties take specific steps to support
an increase in the number of women in decision-making positions. Most importantly, the Committee consistently
called for the adoption of temporary special measures in accordance with
article 4, paragraph 1 of the Convention, including establishment of concrete
goals and monitoring mechanisms.
The Committee has emphasized the need to strengthen measures and laws aimed at increasing participation of women in countries where the representation of women in public spheres is low or declining, or where the measures have not been effectively applied. Recommended legislative measures range from constitutional amendments that guarantee the balanced participation of women and men in political life, laws to promote balanced representation of men and women in electoral candidate lists, and election laws aimed increasing the representation of women in elected and appointed bodies. At the same time, the Committee has stressed that the effectiveness of legislative measures will be enhanced when these are accompanied by practical measures, such as special training programmes geared at women, and awareness raising campaigns.
A concerted international effort – building on regional research and data collection - is required to more systematically collect, disseminate and use data on women’s participation in all areas of decision-making in public life. I would suggest that this should be linked to the consideration of the theme of women’s participation in decision-making by the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in March 2006.
Similarly, much improved databases on women leaders are needed to provide
a resource to those seeking women for leadership positions in national,
multilateral, intergovernmental and international organizations, including in
the area of peace and security. Such databases are important at national level
as well as at the global level.
I would now like to respond to the
specific questions raised for this panel:
These questions are
important as they require us to move beyond numbers and focus on the potential
and actual impact of increasing the representation of women in public life.
The question has
often been raised: What, if anything, is unique about women’s management and
leadership. Some argue that women leaders become “just like men” to survive in
the existing systems. Others contend that many women leaders studiously avoid
taking up gender equality issues to avoid being categorized or labeled as
feminists and losing support of men. It is not an easy question to answer as
the question of itself presumes that all women are alike. Women are not a
homogenous group any more than men are. There are good women leaders and weak
women leaders, just as there are good and weak male leaders. A lot depends on
the individuals. Some recent World Bank research seemed to indicate that women
are inherently less corrupt than men. However these findings were contested by
other researchers who claimed that there are so few women in positions of power
that it was impossible to reach these findings. There may be some general
similarities among women, but as long as women are so seriously
underrepresented, and there is little research on the impact of their participation,
it is difficult to draw firm conclusions.
The issue of the
difference an increase in women in decision-making should make to development
agendas – and especially to the promotion of gender equality – is, however, an
important one. There is opportunity for women to make a real difference – to
not only enter the political and public spaces previously dominated by men, but
to also change the agendas and ways of working. Good leaders are required to be
competent in all three areas of knowledge/expertise, management and leadership.
Moving beyond numbers, it is necessary to identify what changes could be
expected of women representatives, particularly in terms of management and
leadership, and how these might be promoted and measured. On this issue, we are
far from having all the answers.
It is important to keep in mind that
the representation of women in different bodies and processes does not
necessarily ensure their effective participation. Special efforts are sometimes
needed to ensure that women can make an impact, including in terms of changing
the norms and rules and procedures which inhibit their effective contributions
and hinder attention to important gender equality issues. The changes required
to ensure that women can be effective in leadership positions in public life
can be very practical ones, such as ensuring that there is a crèche, or that
hours of work (for example in parliaments) take into account the need to
balance family life and work. A considerable amount of attitudinal change is
required as well on the expected roles of women, among both women and men.
The questions related to the effectiveness of women in leadership positions can refer both to women’s ability to carry out the responsibilities assigned, as well as to the commitment and capacity to work with gender equality. An obstacle women face in relation to the former, is the fact that far too often it is still presumed that women are appointed to executive positions because they are women rather than because of their capacity. A great deal of advocacy and awareness raising is needed to overcome this stereotype. And leadership training specifically for women – to build on the specific qualities and potentials women have as women, and overcome some of the constraints such as lack of self-confidence and assertiveness – could make a major contribution in this respect.
In relation to women’s effectiveness
in promoting gender equality, it is important to keep in mind that the presence
of women as executives in any area of societal development is not in itself a
guarantee that gender equality issues will be placed on the agenda. All actors
- male and female - must have the awareness and capacity to bring attention to
the concerns of both women and men. Both women and men can need training in
gender mainstreaming. This has been seen in the context of national parliaments
where even women members of parliament have needed and requested briefings on
the gender perspectives of different issues, such as environment and
Networking and exchange of
experience is a critical instrument for increasing and maintaining women in
leadership positions in public life. There are already mechanisms for such
networking, for example in national parliaments where women meet across party
boundaries, and internationally through the Council of World Women Leaders and
the International Assembly of Women Ministers. The interactive events in the
annual sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women also provide an
opportunity for exchange among women leaders. Networking could, however, be
much more effectively used at national level and in regional contexts.
It is critically
important that women who have achieved leadership positions actively support
other women in their career development and explicitly promote gender equality
and empowerment of women. This must
happen in all areas and at all levels – in legislative bodies, in executive
bodies and in the judiciary. Senior women must in particular be aware of their
responsibilities as role models and find ways and means to mentor and support
young women.
Men should become active partners in
achieving the goals of gender equality, including the increased involvement of
women in public life. Progress can be
greatly enhanced if there is greater willingness among men to question male
stereotypes and to change existing structures and processes, including
redefining the roles of men and women's roles in the family and in public life.
Women leaders need therefore to develop strategic alliances with men who are
willing to actively support women’s participation and gender equality.
More systematic research is urgently
needed at national and regional levels on women’s participation in public life
- on levels of participation, issues of “critical mass”, the obstacles faced
and what is needed to ensure that women’s representation bring optimal inputs
for equality, development and peace.
I look forward to
your discussion of this important topic.
Thank you.