Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: United Nations
Published to Promote the Goals of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform
for Action
April 1998
Part 2 Sexual violence during armed conflict: a hidden atrocity?
2.1 The nature of sexual violence during armed conflict
2.2 Sexual violence and the Second World War
2.3 Post-Second World War crimes trials
2.4 The Geneva Conventions and additional protocols
2.5 Problems with provisions of the law of armed conflict thatprohibit sexual violence
2.6 UN responses to sexual violence
Part 3: The 1990s:International Concern over Sexual Violence during Armed Conflict
3.1 The Persian Gulf War and the creation of the United NationsCompensation Commission
3.2 The conflict in the former Yugoslavia
3.3 The ad hoc war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
3.4 Accessing the progress
3.5 The Vienna Conference on Human Rights, 1993
3.6 The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
3.7 The Special Rapporteur on violence against women
3.8 The Special Rapporteur on the situation of systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict
3.9 The Fourth World Conference on Women
3.10 Sexual violence in Rwanda
3.11 The ad hoc war crimes tribunal for Rwanda
3.12 Factors affecting the response to sexual violence during armed conflict
This issue of Women2000 was compiled by the Women's Rights Unit, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, with Michelle Jarvis, Consultant.
Cover illustration:"Head of a crying woman witha hankerchief (III)", by Pablo Picasso. © 1998 Estate of PabloPicasso/Artists' Rights Society (ARS, New York.)
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