Hidden in Plain Sight: A statistical analysis of violence against children
[ http://www.unicef.org ]
Languages: English
Interpersonal violence – in all its forms – has a grave effect on children: Violence undermines children's future potential; damages their physical, psychological and emotional well-being; and in many cases, ends their lives. The report sheds light on the prevalence of different forms of violence against children, with global figures and data from 190 countries. Where relevant, data are disaggregated by age and sex, to provide insights into risk and protective factors.
UNICEF, 2014
Ending child labour in domestic work and protecting young workers from abusive working conditions
[ http://www.ilo.org ]
Languages: English
An estimated 10.5 million children worldwide – most of them under age – are working as domestic workers in people's homes, in hazardous and sometimes slavery-like conditions, says the ILO. Six and a half million of these child labourers are aged between five and 14 years-old. More than 71 per cent are girls. According to the latest figures in a new ILO report, Ending Child labour in domestic work, they work in the homes of a third party or employer, carrying out tasks such as cleaning, ironing, cooking, gardening, collecting water, looking after other children and caring for the elderly. Within the framework of the two ILO fundamental conventions on child labour and the recently adopted instruments on decent work for domestic workers, this new report sets the scene for a better understanding of child labour in domestic work.
ILO, 2013
Breaking the Silence on Violence against Indigenous Girls, Adolescents and Young Women: A call to action based on an overview of existing evidence from Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America (2013)
[ http://www.unwomen.org ]
Languages: English
This inter-agency study highlights that the forms and nature of violence that women and girls experience are shaped and influenced by the often multiple forms of discrimination they face. They can be based on factors such as age, ethnicity, geographic location, or disability, and intersect with gender inequality and discrimination. In the case of indigenous girls, adolescents and young women, the broader contexts of discrimination against indigenous peoples such as colonial domination, continued discrimination, limited access to social services, dispossession from ancestral lands and militarization issues increase their vulnerability to violence and limit their ability to seek protection and recourse.
Working with Gender Based Violence Survivors (2012)
[ http://www.unrwa.org ]
Languages: Arabic | English
The manual (Arabic and English) is a reference to build UNRWA frontline staff capacity to address gender based violence. It has 8 units that define concepts, approaches, and international standards for addressing gender based violence. It introduces counseling and defines the interventions for health care providers, educators and social workers.
Country focus: Jordan, Lebanon, the oPt, and Syria.
Say NO – UNiTE quiz on violence against women
[ http://saynotoviolence.org/quiz ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish
Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women, UN Women’s social mobilization platform contributing towards the UN Secretary-General's UNiTE campaign, launched an online quiz on violence against women. Test your knowledge and have your score count towards Say NO's global action counter.
Delivering as One on Gender-Based Violence: Meeting Report
[ http://www.unfpa.org/ ]
Languages: English
This report summarizes the proceedings and recommendations of the November 2010 global consultation on violence against women that brought together various stakeholders, including United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and representatives of the 10 pilot countries selected under the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality. UNFPA, 2011
The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women: Annual Report 2010
[ http://www.unwomen.org/ ]
Languages: English
The 2010 Annual Report of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) highlights innovative programmes and promising practices in the field of ending violence against women and girls. Results described in this report focus on the UN Trust Fund’s investments in three priority areas: prevention, expanding access to survivor services, and strengthening implementation of laws, policies and action plans. UN Women, 2011
Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: Taking action and generating evidence
[ http://www.who.int ]
Languages: English
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a new publication titled "Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence". This document aims to provide sufficient information for policy-makers and planners to develop data-driven and evidence-based programmes for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women. The publication is available full-text through the WHO website.
What kind of State? What kind of equality?
[ http://www.eclac.cl ]
Languages: English | French | Portuguese | Spanish
The document "What kind of State? What kind of equality?" analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the Beijing Platform for Action, 10 years after the drafting of the Millennium Development Goals and 3 years after the adoption of the Quito Consensus at the tenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in 2007. It also examines the achievements made and challenges faced by governments in light of the interaction between the State, the market and families as social institutions built on the foundation of policies, laws, and customs and habits which, together, establish the conditions for renewing or perpetuating gender and social hierarchies.
Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence against Women and Girls
[ http://www.endvawnow.org/ ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish
A one-stop online centre that encourages and supports evidence-based programming to more efficiently and effectively design, implement, monitor and evaluate initiatives to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls.
The website offers leading tools and evidence on what works, drawing on expert recommendations, policy and programme evaluations and assessments, and practitioners’ experiences from around the world.
Measuring violence against women
[ http://unstats.un.org/ ]
Languages: English
2009 Meeting on statistical indicators to measure violence against women organized by DESA’s Statistics Division with the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico (INEGI).
Network of Men Leaders to combat violence against women
[ http://www.un.org/en/women/endviolence/ ]
Languages: English
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon marked the 10th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by launching a Network of Men Leaders, a major new initiative bringing together current and former politicians, activists, religious and community figures to combat the global pandemic.
UNiTE to End Violence against Women, November 2009
Security Council resolution 1888 (2009)
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
Security Council resolution 1888 (2009), adopted on 30 September 2009, mandates peacekeeping missions to protect women,
girls from sexual violence in armed conflict.
Secretary-General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: Arabic | Chinese | English |
French | Russian | Spanish
"UNite to end violence against women": On 25 February 2008, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon kicked off a multi-year global campaign bringing together the United Nations, governments and civil society to try to end violence against women, calling it an issue that 'cannot wait.'
- The UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
[ http://www.un.org/esa/vawdatabase/ ]
Languages: Arabic | Chinese | English |
French | Russian | Spanish
Resolution 61/143 requested the Secretary-General to establish a coordinated database, containing data provided by States, in particular national statistical offices, including, where appropriate, through relevant United Nations entities and other relevant regional intergovernmental organizations, disaggregated by sex, age and other relevant information, on the extent, nature and consequences of all forms of violence against women, and on the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes for, including best practices in, combating such violence. The database was launched on International Women's Day in March 2009.
- Appointment of Rashida Manjoo as new Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
[ www.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
South African lawyer Rashida Manjoo, advocate of the High Court of South Africa and academic in the field of human rights, assumed her mandate as the new UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences.
- Secretary-General's study on violence against women
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian
On 22 December 2003, the General Assembly of the United Nations requested the Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth study on all forms of violence against women. Find interim reports, background information, events and activities related to this study on the UN Women website.
- Violence against Women
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English
The website "Violence against Women" of the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women provides an overview of the issue, as well as statements and presentations.
- 15 years of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences (1994-2009) - A critical review
[ www.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
- Human Rights Council 11th session (June 2009) - Report of the Special Rapporteur on Political Economy on Women's Human Rights (A/HRC/11/6)
[ www.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
- Online Video: End Violence Against Women
[ www.eclac.cl ]
Languages: English | Spanish
The Division for Gender Affairs of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) prepared 7 video-clips to disseminate the Secretary-General's campaign on violence against women. Each clip highlights an aspect of this scourge and a proposal to counteract the incalculable costs that violence against women implies for all humanity.
- Words to action: Newsletter on violence against women
[ http://www.un.org/ ]
Languages: English
In October 2008, the Division for the Advancement of Women started "Words to action", an e-newsletter designed to disseminate information on actions undertaken by United Nations Member States and United Nations entities to address violence against women. Issue 3 was published in April 2009.
- Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural, including
the right to development: Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women,
its causes and consequences, Yakin Ertürk
[ www.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
Indicators on violence against women and State response.
- The role of ECOSOC in addressing violence against women in all its forms and manifestations
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
The role of ECOSOC in addressing violence against women in all its forms and manifestations: A dialogue with the chairpersons of the functional commissions
- Women on the Frontline TV Series
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English | French
This new documentary series shines a light on violence against women and girls.
- UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English
The Trust Fund was created by the UN General Assembly in response to the urgent call for action on these issues that emanated from Beijing. The Fund's primary goal is to identify and support innovative projects aimed specifically at preventing and eliminating violence against women.
- Security Council resolution 1820 (2008) on sexual violence during wars
[ daccess-ods.un.org ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian
Adopted on 19 June 2008
- Good practices in combating and eliminating violence against women (Expert Group Meeting 2005)
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
This report of the expert group meeting gives a global picture of violence against women, highlights best practice and lays out recommendations in the areas of law, prevention and provision of services.
- Online Discussion: Galvanizing action to combat violence against women (October 2005)
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
The United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women hosted a three-week dialogue to galvanize action to combat violence against women as a contribution to the secretary-general's study on violence against women.
- Elimination of Violence Against Women
[ www.unifem-eseasia.org ]
Languages: English
- WHO database on violence against women
[ www5.who.int ]
Languages: English
Violence Against Women Information Pack provided by WHO Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention. The package focuses on violence in families, rape and sexual assault, violence against women in situations of conflict and displacement, as well as violence against the girl child.
- Website of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
[ www2.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
- Study: Violence against Women in Syria
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English
The first-ever comprehensive field study of violence against women in Syria in May 2006.
- Researching Violence Against Women: a Practical Guide for Researchers and Activists (WHO / PATH, September 2005)
[ www.path.org ]
Languages: English
'Researching Violence Against Women' outlines the methodological and ethical challenges of researching violence against women and describes a range of techniques that can be used.
- WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence Against Women (September 2005)
[ www.who.int ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish
WHO study analysing data from interviews with over 24,000 women in countries representing diverse cultural, geographical and urban/rural settings - Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Japan, Peru, Namibia, Samoa, Serbia and Montenegro, Thailand and the United Republic of Tanzania. The study uncovers the forms and patterns of violence against women across these locations and finds that violence from intimate male partners is a major contributor to women's ill-health.
- Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation: An Interagency Statement
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English
This interagency Statement is a call to all States, international and national organizations, civil society and communities to uphold the rights of girls and women. It calls on those bodies and communities to develop, strengthen, and support specific and concrete actions directed towards ending female genital mutilation.
- Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A statistical exploration (UNICEF, November 2005)
[ www.unicef.org ]
Languages: English
This UNICEF publication analyses available statistics on female genital mutilation/cutting, with the aim of improving understanding of related issues in the wider context of gender equality and social change.
- Online Discussion: Violence against Women
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
From October 2004 to January 2005, WomenWatch hosted a series of online discussions on the Platform's critical areas of concern and other important issues to provide input into the review and appraisal of the Bejing Declaration and Platform for Action. All postings and background notes are available for reading as archived online discussion.
- Changing a Harmful Social Convention: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
[ www.unicef-icdc.org ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic
UNICEF's Innocenti Digest examines the prevalence of FGM/C and its social dynamics. It provides an explanation as to why the practice persists and of the elements necessary for its abandonment. (UNICEF, 2005)
- 16 Days Against Gender Violence
[ www.unfpa.org ]
Languages: English
UNFPA: Sixteen Days of Activism: Sixteen Days of Hope. Worldwide campaign from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. It provides NGOs, international organizations, governments, individuals and the media an opportunity to mobilize for women's rights and against impunity for perpetrators.
- Report of the United Nations Development Fund for Women on the elimination of violence against women
[ daccess-ods.un.org ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian
Information on activities undertaken in 2003, including by the Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, E/CN.6/2004/8
- UNFPA: Ending Widespread Violence Against Women
[ www.unfpa.org ]
Languages: English
Overview of UNFPA activities to end violence against women
- Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
[ www.unhchr.ch ]
Languages: English
General Assembly resolution 48/104 of 20 December 1993
- Violence against Women - Issues in focus
[ www.unhchr.ch ]
Languages: English
Violence against women both violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms. The OHCHR services and provides support to the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences.
- Violence Against Girls and Women - A Public Health Priority
[ www.unfpa.org ]
Languages: English
UNFPA implements various interventions to help ending Gender Based Violence, including advocacy, data collection on prevalence, indicators of change, male involvement and prevention, training for the police, and support to legislative and policy changes. Addressing Gender Based Violence at health facilities is new to UNFPA programs, and rarely found even outside UNFPA.
- UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre: Domestic Violence against Women and Girls
[ www.unicef-icdc.org ]
Languages: English | French | Spanish
Issue no.6 of Innocenti Digest
- UNICEF: Training of Trainers on Gender-Based Violence Focusing on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
[ www.reliefweb.int ]
Languages: English
This document outlines a module for a training workshop on gender-based violence, which focuses on sexual abuse and exploitation.
- "Making a Difference: Strategic Communications to End Violence against Women" published in Russian
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English | Russian
- Women and Violence
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in all socio-economic and educational classes. It cuts across cultural and religious barriers, impeding the right of women to participate fully in society.