On 7 April 1953, the General Assembly voted by secret ballot,
and adopted by 57 votes to 1, with 1 abstention, the recommendation
of the Security Council to appoint Mr. Dag Hammarskjöld, as the second
Secretary-General of the United Nations (423rd
plenary meeting) [Chinese
When he arrived in New York on 9 April, he was met at the airport by
Trygve Lie, who told him he was about to take over:
"the most impossible
job in the world." |
In a prepared statement to the press, Mr. Hammarskjöld introduced
himself and outlined the beliefs that were to guide his conduct in succeeding
years. An understanding of these beliefs is key to understanding both Hammarskjöld
the man, and the evolution of his role as Secretary-General.
".....In my new official capacity the private man should disappear
and the international public servant take his place. The public servant
is there in order to assist, so to say from the inside, those who make
the decisions which frame history. He should - as I see it - listen, analyze
and learn to understand fully the forces at work and the interests at stake,
that he will be able to give the right advice when the situation calls
for it. Don't think that he - in following this line of personal policy
- takes but a passive part in the development. It is a most active one.
But he is active as an instrument, a catalyst, perhaps an inspirer - he
Irrespective of the political responsibilities of the Secretary-General
to which I have just referred, he has an important, indeed an overwhelming
job as chief administrator of the UN Secretariat. To me it seems
a challenging task to try and develop the UN administrative organization
into the most efficient instrument possible. My experience from other administrations
tells me that even in the best one there is always much to improve.
On the other hand, I feel that an administration inspired by sound self-criticism,
never blunted by conceit or false loyalties, and self-improving in that
spirit, has a just claim to the respect and confidence of the governments
and the public.
In articles recently published it has been said that I am interested
in mountaineering. That's true. But I have never climbed any famous
peaks. My experience is limited to Scandinavia where mountaineering
calls more for endurance than for equilibristics, and where mountains are
harmonious rather than dramatic, matter of fact (if you permit such a term
in this context) rather than eloquent. However, that much I know
of this sport that the qualities it requires are just those which I feel
we all need today: perseverance and patience, a firm grip on realities,
careful but imaginative planning, a clear awareness of the dangers but
also of the fact that fate is what we make it and that the safest climber
is he who never questions his ability to overcome all difficulties."
(Statement to the press on arrival at International
Airport, New York, 9 April 1953, UN Press Release, SG/287, April 9, 1953). |
On 10 April, Dag Hammarskjöld took the oath of office
for a term of five years and replaced Trygve Lie (426th
plenary meeting) [Chinese|
During the year, the Secretary-General considered the dichotomy between
his political philosophy of "quiet diplomacy", and his public responsibility
to educate the press and the public about the Organization and its goals
- and, indeed its Secretary-General - by holding press conferences.
The press found that he gave them much invaluable background and many revealing
insights at these conferences and the transcripts are considered by some
to be the most historically valuable of the public papers left behind .
In May 1953, Mr. Hammarskjöld made his first speech to the staff
in which he remarked:
"....whatever action I take will be taken always
with the interest of the United Nations and its staff solely in view, on
the basis of as full and objective information as I can get, in accordance
with the best of my judgment and in complete independence of influences
from outside - or from inside - the Organization". |
Emphasizing his parallel belief that integrity, complete impartiality,
and independence from any authority outside the United Nations in the performance
of their duties are vital requisites for staff members, Mr. Hammarskjöld
said the following to the European Office Staff in Geneva:
"The right of the Secretariat to full independence,
as laid down in the Charter, is an inalienable right. But it can
only be defended on the basis of full recognition by every staff member
of his own unlimited obligation to remain politically independent". |
General Assembly resolution 708 (VII),
[Chinese |
combined with a personal belief in its importance, prompted Mr. Hammarskjöld
to conduct a careful review of the administrative system of the Organization
and the rules applying to staff in its employ. Noting ambiguities and omissions
in the staff regulations, he drafted amendments to the Staff Regulations
and revisions of certain Articles in the Statute of the Administrative
Later in the year, when he presented the General Assembly with his Report
on the Organization of the Secretariat, he outlined a plan for a more
efficient and economical structure and underlined the necessity to give
the Secretary-General certain clearly expressed powers. He also recommended
the establishment of a system of checks and balances on the office to provide
fuller protection for the staff from arbitrary decisions.
Concerning the question of the Secretariat's departments at Headquarters,
his stated goals were to determine if ongoing activities continued to have
relevance, whether tasks should be reshuffled, and if all activities were
supporting" common objectives. Based on a survey conducted by senior
officials, and noting that the "magnitude" of the Department of
Conference and General Services led to "administrative difficulties",
he proposed that General Services be removed from it and designated
a separate Office. He also proposed to coordinate the Departments
of Economic and Social Affairs into one but to leave intact the Departments
of Political and Security Council Affairs, the Department of Trusteeship
and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories, and the Department
of Public Information. Yet, despite its need for close coordination with
the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Hammarskjöld decided
to leave the Technical Assistance Administration as an independent unit,
under his direct supervision, because of its widespread operations in Member
and non-Member countries, and its working relations with other technical
assistance programmes, whether inside or outside the family of the United
Nations. Additionally, he proposed that three other departments and bureaus
(Legal, Personnel and Finance) be newly-designated as Offices with the
latter being renamed completely as Office of the Comptroller; that the
Library be transferred from his Office to the Department of Conference
Services; and that the Field Service be transferred to the Office of General
He also proposed changes at the uppermost levels. The original structure
had two top echelons: Assistant Secretaries-General and Principal
Directors. The roles of the Assistant Secretaries-General were to
head their departments and, at the same time, serve the Secretary-General
in a "representative capacity" with individual Member countries
and groups of countries. Once permanent missions for the member countries
were established at Headquarters, the Secretary-General's opportunities
to interact with the various governments increased and the representative
capacity of the Assistant Secretaries-General was no longer required. Noting
that any remaining political responsibilities at this level would be exercised
solely on the personal responsibility of the Secretary-General, he replaced
the two categories with one: Under Secretaries-General. He
reserved the right however of appointing, in exceptional circumstances
Deputy Under-Secretaries within a Department and or Under-Secretaries without
portfolio serving as advisers to him on special questions.
In a speech before the Foreign Policy Association, 21 October 1953, New Diplomatic Techniques in a New World
Mr. Hammarskjöld spoke in an uncannily prescient way of the effect
of technological innovations on communication and the media:
"Technological development has altered the basis
for diplomatic action... Just as the diplomat of today must rule out war as an instrument of policy, so he must recognize that in the new state of interdependence between nations, war anywhere becomes the concern of all. The intricate web of relationships which now exist
have as part of their basis the new means of communication which have overnight
made our world so much smaller than it was in previous generations."
"We are very conscious of the fact that it is now but a question
of hours for military forces to reach distant parts of the globe and that
the old considerations of strategy based on geographic separation may no
longer count for much."
"News also reaches us from all corners of the globe almost as quickly
as if we were eyewitnesses. We are parties to an action practically at
the very moment it is undertaken. The nerve signals from a wound are felt
at once through the body of mankind." |
On 25 October 1953, Dag Hammarskjöld made the first of what were
to become annual remarks during the intermission of the United Nations
Day Concert. The Secretary-General took a great interest in these
concerts and was actively involved in their planning. He often noted
that the basic harmony of the universe could be expressed best through
the universal language of music.
In a public address in London on 17 December, Mr. Hammarskjöld
summed up the work of the 8th General Assembly by saying that:
"it neither fulfilled the hopes that many nourished
in the beginning, nor marked any retrogression. It was a session
characterized by caution - a caution that prevented far-reaching steps
in any direction but also diluted the effects of harsh debate on several
bitterly contested issues". |
The Cold War continued to be an overriding political issue and was
"deeply sensed as the background during
the debates on the question of new members, the representation of China,
the question of preparations for a revision of the Charter, and the problem
of disarmament". |
He went on to say that the restraint shown in these and other cases
"an indication that all parties had in their minds
and wanted to safeguard the potentialities of the United Nations as an
invaluable, indeed unique instrument, if and when there is a chance for
a truly international, constructive approach to the underlying conflict. |
In the same speech, he made special note of President Eisenhower's
for Peace Proposal" (A/PV.470 p. 450-452)
[Chinese |
delivered 7 days earlier to the General Assembly . He remarked that
"reflected the basic purposes of the United Nations
in international life" because, while it did not "pretend the impossible
- to resolve at one stroke, and in the face of all unresolved East-West
conflicts, the problem of the control and elimination of atomic weapons,
it was a proposal to begin on a modest scale, under the auspices of the
United Nations, the universal sharing of fissionable materials for peacetime
uses - a proposal for a new beginning toward the ultimate resolution of
the central problem of our time - to find the way by which the miraculous
inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to his death, but consecrated
to his life". |
In his final address of the year, broadcast over United Nations Radio
on 31 December 1953, Mr. Hammarskjöld said:
"....Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each
one of us. To build for man a world without fear, we must be without fear.
To build a world of justice, we must be just. And how can we fight for
liberty if we are not free in our own minds? How can we ask others
to sacrifice if we are not ready to do so?... Only in true surrender to
the interest of all can we reach that strength and independence, that unity
of purpose, that equity of judgment which are necessary if we are to measure
up to our duty to the future, as men of a generation to whom the chance
was given to build in time a world of peace."
(UN Press Release SG/360, December 22, 1953) |
"To know that the goal is so significant that everything
else must be set aside gives a great sense of liberation and makes one
indifferent to anything that may happen to oneself."
Private letter, 1953